Mysterious Son-in-law

C49 A Sudden Slap to the Face

C49 A Sudden Slap to the Face

It was already late at night. The dim moonlight shone on every corner of Jianghai.    


The lights of Jianghai were floating in the night. In the end, there was more hope and peace than in the daytime.    


The office on the highest floor of Qingyun Group was still brightly lit. A girl dressed in work clothes was sitting in front of a computer, carefully reading the documents sent by the department.    


Her silky black hair was completely put down, naturally draped over her shoulders. Her exquisite little face, which was slightly covered in makeup, was still filled with intellectual beauty.    


Su Qing, who was seriously working, currently looked exceptionally beautiful and had a unique sense of beauty.    




Su Qing gently exhaled, indicating that today's work could finally come to an end. She lazily stretched and then raised her right hand. She looked at Jiang Shidan's watch on her wrist. It was almost midnight.    


After cleaning up the office materials on the table, Su Qing turned off the lights in the office and prepared to go downstairs. Just as she was about to open the door, she saw a black shadow flash by outside.    


"Who is outside?"    


Su Qing opened the door and looked outside. She found that the long corridor was empty.    


"Am I seeing things?"    


Suddenly, Su Qing heard a strange sound coming from the room next door.    


"Wuu... Wuu..."    


"Who is it? Where is it?! Come out quickly! I see you!"    


This kind of sound suddenly came from the corridor in the middle of the night. It was very scary and it made Su Qing feel goosebumps all over her body.    


The lights that were originally on in the corridor suddenly went out. The entire floor became pitch black. Suddenly, Su Qing was in an environment where she could not see her own hands. She almost screamed in fear.    


"Wuu... Wuu..."    


Strange sounds came intermittently. This time Su Qing heard it more clearly as if someone was crying softly.    


So Su Qing became even more afraid, but she still chose to gather her courage. She took out her phone and turned on the flashlight function, then slowly walked towards the room where the sound came from.    


Su Qing walked to the door of the room that made the sound. This time, she saw a flash of light in the room, and then there was the sound of something falling to the ground.    


Su Qing mustered her courage and turned the door handle to open the door. Under the dim light of the phone, she did not find anything unusual.    


Seeing that she did not find anything, Su Qing planned to close the door and leave. Suddenly, she felt a little cold on her back.    


At the end of the corridor, there was a blurry figure rapidly approaching her. As he walked, he smiled darkly. His footsteps echoed throughout the entire corridor.    


Due to the distance, Su Qing could only see a blurry figure rapidly approaching her. However, she did not know what was walking towards her.    


Su Qing's heart almost reached her throat. She could feel her heart beating violently.    


"Who are you? What are you doing?"    


The phone's light could not see the shadow hidden in the darkness clearly. However, Su Qing saw a pair of red eyes staring at her naked. That shadow was getting closer and closer to her!    


The shadow did not care about Su Qing's question. This time, he sped up and rushed over. Su Qing subconsciously squatted on the ground and involuntarily screamed, "Ah..."    


Suddenly, the lights in the corridor suddenly lit up. Then, an urgent voice sounded.    


"Old... granny, ah no, Director Su, what are you squatting on the ground for?"    


Hearing this familiar voice, Su Qing inexplicably felt relieved and then a surge of anger rose in her heart. "Were you in the corridor just now?"    


"Er... " Yeah, I was just about to go through the corridor to find you. "    


Hearing Su Qing's angry question, Lin Yun felt confused for a moment but still chose to answer Su Qing's question.    


In the next second, Su Qing quickly walked to Lin Yun, raised her right hand, and slapped Lin Yun hard. She said angrily, "Lin Yun, is it fun to play tricks? Are you bored?"    


Lin Yun was stunned by Su Qing's sudden slap. He did not know what had happened and why Su Qing was so angry.    


He really wanted to flare up, because no one had slapped him since he was young, including his respected master and his beloved junior sister.    


However, when Lin Yun saw Su Qing's pale and haggard face, he forcefully suppressed the unhappiness in his heart. His expression was indifferent as he asked, "What happened to Director Su today? Why is she so angry?"    


Listening to Lin Yun's strange tone, "Lin Yun, I didn't expect you to have this kind of bad taste. Why? Isn't it fun to act scary?"    


"Ha, I don't know what you're talking about. I don't have that kind of bad taste to act scary."    


Hearing Lin Yun quibble again, Su Qing did not want to continue to argue with him. So she went around him and angrily walked towards the elevator.    


After carrying the elevator to the parking lot, Su Qing found the white BMW she drove in the morning, opened the door and sat inside.    


Just as she was about to light the car and drive away, Lin Yun opened the door to the front passenger seat, and he sat on it.    




Su Qing was speechless. She just realized now that the man sitting in the front passenger seat was so thick-skinned. Thus, the good impression she had for Lin Yun, which she had built up with great difficulty, was now completely gone.    


Just as she was about to scold Lin Yun for leaving her car, he handed her a few A4 paper and said calmly, "I saw some scattered white paper on the floor in the corridor. It seems to be about the business contract between Qingyun Group and Zhou family."    


"There was a broken phone on the floor. Do you know who it belongs to?"    


After saying that, Lin Yun handed the broken phone and a few pieces of A4 paper to Su Qing.    


"This is...!"    


"Old... granny, ah, that's not right. Director Su, what did you discover?"    


Su Qing did not say anything. She raised her head and looked at Lin Yun with a complicated expression. She said with some regret, "Just now, it was not you who... deliberately... Are you trying to scare me?"    


"Director Su, why did I scare you in the middle of the night?"    


"I went home in the middle of the night and found you were not back yet. I couldn't get through to you, so I was worried that you would come to the company to find you."    


Su Qing took out her phone and looked again. Sure enough, there were several missed calls from Lin Yun on the screen.    


She looked at the half of Lin Yun's face that she had just called. There was a red mark on it, so Su Qing's heart was full of regret and self-blame. "I'm sorry, Lin Yun, I..."    


After saying that, large tears flowed down Su Qing's eyes. She reached out her hand to touch Lin Yun's face that she had just hit. At the same time, she really wanted to ask him, "Does it hurt?"    


However, she did not dare to touch Lin Yun's face. She could not say what she cared about when she reached her mouth.    


Initially, Lin Yun was still a little dissatisfied. However, when he saw Su Qing crying in front of him for the first time, his heart sank. The unhappiness simply vanished.    


However, Lin Yun looked at Su Qing and said with a pitiful expression, "There is still a little pain. If you can kiss my wife there and treat me to a meal, the pain on my face will no longer be there."    


Lin Yun did not expect Su Qing to agree to his request at all. He did not expect to hear a very deep answer.    




If not for Lin Yun's good hearing, he would have thought that he had misheard.    


Just as Lin Yun was stunned, Su Qing started the car and drove him out of the parking lot.    


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