Mysterious Son-in-law

C18 Robbers

C18 Robbers

Gu Anran felt that she definitely did not look at the calendar when she went out this morning. Otherwise, why would she meet that bastard again and again?    


At first, she was embarrassed because she twisted her ankle in the parking lot. Now, she encountered the bank robbery incident that only happened in movies.    


If time could be reversed, Gu Anran would not hesitate to take a day off and stay at home for a day!    


The chaos on the first floor continued and became more and more intense. Be it the bank staff or the customers who came to handle the business, they all scrambled to escape to the second floor.    


Not only were the defenseless civilians running up, but there were also six armed robbers.    


The six robbers had a tacit understanding of the division of labor. Three of them were in charge of suppressing the riot crowd. One of them was proficient in destroying the bank's alarm system, and the other was carefully patrolling.    


It was not just the six people on the second floor. There were also four people on the first floor who quickly controlled the scene. It could be seen -    


This was a long-planned bank robbery!    


"Big Brother, I found a large amount of cash on the second floor. It looks like it's about five million yuan, and there's also a very beautiful woman!"    


Hearing the words "five million yuan in cash and beautiful woman," the robbers all went crazy.    


They were originally a group of outlaws. Before they planned to rob Longxia Bank, they had already made all the preparations.    


A short while later, a very thin man wearing an evil ghost mask walked up from the first floor. His entire body emitted a cold aura.    


The six robbers on the second floor all looked at him at the same time, waiting for his next instruction.    


It was hard to tell that this short man was actually the boss of this group of robbers.    


What was different from the other nine was that he didn't have a weapon in his hand!    


"Everyone, listen up. We only want to rob you and won't take your lives. The precondition is if you don't do anything."    


The ghost-masked man didn't use a loudspeaker to shout, but his voice was like thunder, sweeping through the entire hall. Almost everyone heard it clearly.    


Suddenly, his left hand moved, and a hidden weapon flew out. A fat man in the crowd fell to the ground.    


It seemed that the fat man wanted to take out his phone to call the police. Unfortunately, he died before his phone could be unlocked.    


"Don't let me repeat what I just said a second time!"    


The death of the fat man and the cold words of the ghost-masked man caused the chaotic scene to quickly quieten down.    


After a while, a special robber came to collect their phones, and the other took their valuables.    


Almost everyone was very cooperative. After all, for now -    


Life is the most important!    


The ghost masked man walked towards Gu Anran step by step.    


"Tap... Tap... Tap..."    


The collision between the leather shoes and the tiles on the floor made every sound like a death sentence, constantly impacting Gu Anran's heart.    


Gu Anran cast a hopeful look at Lin Yun, hoping that he could save her, because Gu Anran found that she could not move and her legs did not listen to her orders.    


The ghost-masked man was getting closer and closer to Gu Anran. When she saw that Lin Yun was indifferent, her heart slowly sank.    


Gu Anran could not help but laugh at herself, "That's right. Why would others take a huge risk to save a woman they are not familiar with?"    


Lin Yun did not care about Gu Anran's despair. He carefully observed the surrounding situation. The situation was not very optimistic.    


He could save Gu Anran now, but Lin Yun could not guarantee what would happen after he saved Gu Anran.    


There were about 30 hostages in the bank. Lin Yun did not have the confidence to take care of all the bandits at once. If he angered them, the lives of the hostages would be seriously threatened.    


"Hoo... Women are really troublesome creatures."    


Lin Yun operated the Star God Technique and mobilized the true qi in his body. The ghost masked man in front of him made him feel a little pressure.    


"You can't touch this woman!"    


The man in the ghost mask stopped and looked at Lin Yun coldly through the cold mask. After a while, he slowly said, "Sir, you are in danger!"    


"You and her can leave this place, but I hope you don't do anything unnecessary."    


Lin Yun did not say anything. He took a step forward and held Gu Anran's small hand. He sent a little bit of Zhen Qi to her body, which eased her up a little.    


"Boss, are we really going to let them go?"    


A man with a gun and a mask looked at Lin Yun. He looked at Gu Anran in particular. His eyes were full of desire.    


The man with the ghost mask did not say anything. Lin Yun pulled Gu Anran downstairs. When they were about to reach the stairs, Lin Yun sensed danger. He immediately picked Gu Anran up and jumped to another place.    


He turned around and saw a nail shaped hidden weapon on the wall at the corner of the stairs.    


"Sorry, I changed my mind. You can leave now. My men have taken a fancy to this woman. She - stay!"    


Suddenly, she felt her hand being gripped tightly. Gu Anran's body was actually trembling slightly. She was just an ordinary woman after all. She was easily nervous when facing a life or death crisis.    


Lin Yun patted Gu Anran's shoulder and gave her a "leave everything to me" look, indicating for her to relax.    


Suddenly, the quiet and tense atmosphere in the bank was broken by a hurried voice.    


"The robbers inside, listen up. You are surrounded. Don't hurt the hostages! I am the police chief of Jianghai, Lee Kaifu. We can discuss any conditions!"    


Outside the Lobster Bank, a police chief dressed in police uniform looked dignified. He shouted into the bank with a loudspeaker.    


Although Lee Kaifu looked dignified at the moment, he was very nervous inside.    


If such a big thing happened within his jurisdiction, his career would come to an end if he didn't handle it well.    


Perhaps it wasn't just that. There were dozens of hostages in the bank. If it wasn't handled properly, the consequences would be severe.    


Finally, the police arrived. Thinking about it, it made sense. After all, Longxia Bank was the biggest bank in Jianghai. Its safety would definitely be valued.    


The roads outside Longxia Bank were already under traffic control. Countless police cars had surrounded the place.    


The armed police, special police, and all kinds of police were armed and ready. As long as the sheriff gave the order, they would rush in without hesitation.    


Countless other news media also rushed over after hearing the news. This was a major event that shook Jianghai and even the entire country. How could it not attract the attention of the reporters?    


"Boss, the police are here. What should we do?"    


Another hijacker looked at the ghost masked man and waited for his next order.    


"Press three hostages to the door and tell the police outside that if they dare to force their way in, I'll kill those three hostages first!"    


"The rest of you, quickly pack up the cash and valuables and prepare to evacuate!"    


As the order was issued, the other robbers started to move quickly.    


"Don't... I beg you, let go of my wife. She's a pregnant woman now, please let go of her, okay?"    


Suddenly, a man in the crowd excitedly pulled the robber and begged, but what responded to him was a gunshot -    


"Bang -"    


The bullet hit his chest, and the man who had been shot fell straight down.    


Seeing her husband killed by the robbers, the pregnant woman became anxious. She hit the masked robber behind her without caring about anything.    


Her actions angered the robbers behind her. Just as the robbers were about to pull out their guns, they heard Gu Anran shout, "Stop, I will be your hostage. Let her go!"    


Lin Yun and the robbers were both slightly stunned. Then, the robber excitedly signaled Gu Anran to go over. Lin Yun's eyes were slightly approving of this woman.    


After hearing the gunshot, the police chief outside repeated what he had shouted just now. However, he did not receive any response from the robber. The scene was extremely tense.    


He could not delay any longer. Lin Yun knew that if he waited any longer, the situation would become more and more serious. He had to do something.    


Taking advantage of the chaos, Lin Yun crazily operated the Star God Technique and mobilized all the True Qi in his body.    


A few coins suddenly appeared in his hand. Lin Yun wrapped them with True Qi and threw them accurately at the robbers downstairs.    


At the same time, he turned into an afterimage and killed the three masked men not far away. He threw the coins and killed the three men upstairs in less than two seconds.    


The two robbers reacted and furiously fired at Lin Yun with their guns.    


The intense gunshots came from the bank again. Lee Kaifu's mood was low to the bottom. He knew that his life was over.    


Just as he was about to give the order to attack, the window of the bank suddenly broke. Three masked men flew out from it. They were one of the robbers who robbed the bank this time.    


At his order, the special police had already rushed forward and surrounded them. However, they only found three dead bodies.    


The inside of the bank returned to peace. No one outside knew what had happened.    




"You're very good. You've killed so many of my brothers. I want you to die!!"    


The ghost-masked man who had just walked into the second floor of the bank heard the voice and walked out. In less than a minute, he realized that all of his brothers had been killed by Lin Yun.    


"Heh, you've already thought of the consequences before you did this, haven't you?"    


The man with the ghost mask took off his mask, revealing an extremely ugly face. His eyes were red as he charged towards Lin Yun.    


"Let's end this..."    


After circulating the Star Divine Art, Lin Yun became incomparably strong. He stood on one tiptoes and flew away like a cannonball.    




Both of their palms collided with each other, producing a loud explosion sound.    


Lin Yun took a step back, while the ugly man flew towards the broken kite and hit the floor heavily.    


He spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at Lin Yun with disbelief in his eyes. He said intermittently,    


You... you are... I admit defeat. But... my Ghost Shadow Sect won't let you go... "    


Before he could finish his sentence, He tilted his neck and died. However, his eyes were wide open, and he stared coldly at Lin Yun like an evil ghost from hell.    


When Lin Yun heard the words' Ghost Shadow Sect ', he was stunned for a moment. Then, a crazy killing intent flashed across his body.    


"Heh, Ghost Shadow Sect huh? I'll start counting my debts from you guys..."    


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