Mysterious Son-in-law

C31 Strange Dreams

C31 Strange Dreams

Outside the window, it was already dawn, and the sun was rising. The Jianghai City, which had been silent for the entire night, welcomed another day full of colors.    


In the room, Su Qing was still lying on the bed. Usually at this time, she had already woken up early to deal with some matters in the company, but today, she was still sleeping for the first time ever.    


On the bed, Su Qing's brows were sometimes lightly furrowed and sometimes tightly knit, as if she was dreaming of something bad.    


Indeed, Su Qing had a very strange dream.    


The scene in the dream was very unfamiliar to her. In the dream, she saw a tall mountain that went straight into the clouds, clouds that fluttered in the clouds, a huge and majestic palace, and immortals who rode the wind and flew on swords...    


In the sky, she saw a wide black sword. On its sword stood two men and a woman whose faces could not be seen clearly. The woman was still carrying a newborn baby in her arms.    


Behind them, Behind them, a large group of exotic beasts followed. They were all standing on some men and women in extraordinary clothes.    


"Ling'er, take our daughter and leave first. I'll stop the crowd behind us!"    


"No, let's go together. I'm the one who caused the trouble. Let's shoulder it together!"    


The man and woman on the sword were talking anxiously. The baby in the woman's arms seemed to have realized something and started crying loudly.    


"You can't leave. Hand over the thing on your bodies!"    


The people who were pursuing them were in a hubbub. They were chasing something important.    


"It's too late..."    


The woman on the sword formed a seal with one hand. In an instant, her body shone brightly and a black hole like circle of light appeared behind her.    


She pushed the man beside her into the circle of light, and then threw the baby in her arms over as well.    


"Husband, please take our child and live well!"    


"Not good, they want to escape, we can't let them escape!"    


After saying that, the crowd behind them took out their own magic tools and shot out rays of colorful light towards the woman in front of them.    


The woman's body was becoming more and more dazzling. Her powerful Qi was distorting the surrounding space.    


Crack! Finally, the space could not withstand the pressure and instantly collapsed into countless pieces.    


"No!! ..."    


A desperate cry came from behind the woman. Then, he and the baby disappeared in the blink of an eye. Disappeared...    




Su Qing woke up from her shock. When she opened her eyes, she found that it was already bright outside.    


"I... Why am I lying on the bed?"    


She did not get up immediately. Instead, she was recalling the scene in her dream. This was the first time she had experienced such a strange dream!    


The scene in the dream was vivid in her mind. The words of the mysterious man and woman echoed clearly in Su Qing's mind.    


But no matter how hard she tried, she could not remember anything about this. At the same time, she could not see the true appearance of the man and woman.    


Su Qing gently shook her head and prepared to get off the bed.    


The pain in her body last night had already disappeared. Not only that, her entire body felt incomparably comfortable.    


It was as if her entire body was soaking in a hot spring last night. Every cell in her body was nourished. When Su Qing woke up in the morning, she found that she was brimming with energy.    


However, very quickly, she found something wrong - why was she naked on the bed?!    


Su Qing quickly checked her body but fortunately, she did not find anything unusual.    


This made her heave a sigh of relief, "Phew..."    


But in the next second, she started to get nervous again. Su Qing clearly remembered that he drank a little wine last night because he was in a very bad mood.    


But what surprised her was that the moonlight last night was very bright, so the pain that Lin Yun had suppressed in her body suddenly burst out, and it was especially intense!    


When the pain came, she endured the pain and called Lin Yun, but she did not expect the two of them would continue to have a bad time.    


After hanging up the phone, Su Qing could not bear the pain and fainted. When she woke up again, it was the morning of the next day.    


After Su Qing calmed down, she frowned and thought hard.    


Her illness could not be cured for no reason. In the past, when she had a seizure, the pain in her body would take at least a week to slowly dissipate. It was absolutely impossible for him to recover so quickly and so thoroughly.    


He had fainted on the floor of the study room. Who had moved him to the bed in the bedroom?    


"Could it be Lin Yun?"    


"But didn't I have a conflict with him yesterday? " Why did he come back? "    


When he thought about how his back and his previous self had been seen by an unfamiliar man, Su Qing's face instantly turned pale.    


She did not think that it was her housekeeper who sent her to the bedroom.    


Because her parents took away two bodyguards and the housekeeper who was in charge of cooking to make the trip convenient a few days ago when they were out on a vacation.    


Just as Su Qing was lost in her thoughts, the door to her room was gently opened.    


She saw a man carrying a bowl of millet porridge in with a smile on his face.    


"Good morning, my wife. How did you sleep last night...?"    


Before he could finish his sentence, he looked at Su Qing and was so shocked that he could not say anything.    


"My wife... you... Why aren't you wearing clothes?"    




Su Qing suddenly realized she was naked. She quickly got into the blanket and blushed.    


"Phew... it's okay..."    


Seeing that Lin Yun had returned, Then he must have sent her back to the bedroom last night and helped her get rid of the pain in her body, Su Qing could not help but feel relieved.    


But when she thought about Lin Yun looking at her upper body, she felt relieved. Moreover, when he treated her last night, perhaps he would do some bad things, Su Qing's small face turned extremely red.    


If Lin Yun knew what Su Qing was thinking right now, he would definitely cry out in grief. "The conscience of heaven and earth, apart from treating, I did nothing to you!"    


"What's wrong with you, wife? Why is your face so red?"    


Lin Yun looked at Su Qing, who was hiding in bed and refusing to come out. Su Qing's face was red. He thought she had something to do with her body, so he walked up to her and asked, "What's wrong with you? Why are you blushing?    


"I'm fine, thank you... you, Lin Yun, are fine. That day... yes... No! "    


Listening to Su Qing's almost inaudible whispers, Lin Yun could not believe what he heard.    


"My wife actually said to me - I'm sorry, it's really strange!"    


"My wife, I didn't hear what you just said clearly. Hehe..."    


Seeing Su Qing acting like a little girl, Lin Yun's interest increased greatly. He could not help but step forward and tease her.    


"Nothing! Get out of here first!"    


Seeing Su Qing return to her usual cold and aloof demeanor, Lin Yun felt bored and left the room with a sense of loss.    


Five minutes later, he entered Su Qing's bedroom again. He saw that she had already put on her clothes and was staring at the steaming bowl of millet porridge on the table in a daze.    


Su Qing looked at Lin Yun who had entered the room. She looked up at him with a complicated expression and asked, "This bowl of porridge, was it cooked by you?"    


"Oh, you're talking about this. Last night, I took your pulse and found that your body was relatively weak, so I made you a bowl of white porridge. I added Yi Mi, wolfberry, red dates..."    


"Why are you so good to me..."    


Su Qing did not wait for Lin Yun to finish speaking and directly opened her mouth to interrupt the rain.    


Hearing Su Qing ask him like this, Lin Yun suddenly felt stunned. He was very curious why Su Qing would say such a thing today.    


"Could it be that her brain was damaged last night?..."    


Lin Yun secretly thought in his heart. He reached out and touched Su Qing's forehead.    


"It's not hot. How could it be..."    




Su Qing directly removed the palm that was pressing on her forehead and thought unhappily in her heart, It's rare for me to not be strong for a while, but this bastard thought that I burnt my brain!    




Lin Yun withdrew his palm awkwardly. Su Qing's transformation made him not know what to do for a while.    


Seeing the porridge in front of the table, he hurriedly scooped up a spoonful and handed it over. "Wife, let me feed you breakfast. Open your mouth..."    


Of course Su Qing would not give Lin Yun this chance. She quickly snatched the porridge from Lin Yun and ate it in small mouthfuls.    


Seeing that Su Qing was quietly eating the porridge that he made, Lin Yun suddenly felt that her manner of eating was a little cute.    


"You drank wine last night. Eating a bowl of porridge in the morning is better for your stomach. Don't drink so much wine in the future! " Otherwise, I'll teach you a lesson! "    


Su Qing felt her eyes tear up when she heard Lin Yun's domineering and caring words.    


She nodded lightly. She could be considered to have responded to Lin Yun's request.    


After eating Lin Yun's millet porridge, Su Qing felt her lower abdomen was warm. She raised her head and looked at Lin Yun who was concerned about her. "I realized that you are not as annoying as you used to be!"    


Hearing Su Qing's words, a bitter smile appeared on Lin Yun's face. He thought gloomily in his heart, I have done so much to make you not hate me. In the past, was I that detestable to you?    


"Then when can I make you fall in love with me and let you accept my contract as your husband?"    


If Lin Yun asked Su Qing this normally, she would definitely dislike him. But today Su Qing thought seriously for a while and told Lin Yun, "Sorry, I did it to you now. I can only not dislike you. " But to make me fall in love with you, that would probably be a little difficult! "    


Lin Yun was not surprised to hear such an answer. If what he did could move the most beautiful president of Jianghai. Then Su Qing wouldn't be Su Qing.    


The scene was awkward. Both of them were too embarrassed to say anything.    




Lin Yun sighed helplessly. He sighed in his heart. Su Qing was still that Su Qing after all. A few casual words could kill the sky.    


Feeling bored, Lin Yun decided to go out for a walk. When he opened the bedroom door, he saw a woman who made him feel extremely awkward. When both sides saw each other, they could not help but ask.    


"Why is it you?"    


"Why are you here...?"    


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