Mysterious Son-in-law

C28 The Proud Young Master

C28 The Proud Young Master

"I heard most of what you said in the room. Sorry, I didn't mean to!"    


"Now, you seem to have encountered some trouble. If you believe me, I can help you solve it!"    


Lin Yun did not mean to solve the problem for Gu Anran. If necessary, he could solve the problem directly, even though it might bring him some trouble later.    


But to Lin Yun, that bit of trouble was not his concern. After all, a lot of debts did not apply to him.    


Gu Anran felt a little surprised and confused when she saw Lin Yun return.    


She raised her head and looked at the man who had spent the night with her. Her eyes were full of complicated emotions, but then she thought of the big family that she was dating and lowered her head powerlessly again.    


"You can go. I'll pretend that nothing happened last night. Although you did that to save me, I won't thank you."    


Gu Anran's answer made Lin Yun feel a little awkward. She did not need his help, and he could not force Gu Anran to solve her current problem.    


However, after what happened last night with Gu Anran, Lin Yun could not just stand by and watch.    


"If you think the other party is more powerful and I can't help you, then I'm wrong to tell you this."    


"Fate is in your hands. Sometimes, if you don't work hard to change it, how do you know that your future life will be different?"    


Perhaps Lin Yun's rare gentle words calmed Gu Anran, or perhaps she was moved by Lin Yun's confident gaze. For a moment, Gu Anran felt a warm light in her dark life door.    


Gu Anran raised her head again and looked at Lin Yun carefully. Although the man in front of her looked ordinary, the more she looked at him, the more she felt that Lin Yun was filled with a mysterious power.    


This mysterious power could make her feel inexplicably at ease, as if she had found a safe haven.    


"In a while, you will pretend to be my man and make him think that I am married to you. I hope this will let that man let me go."    


Speaking of pretending to be his husband, Lin Yun was silent for a while, but after thinking for a while, he readily agreed to Gu Anran's request.    


Seeing Lin Yun agree to her request, Gu Anran suddenly felt that a rock in her heart had fallen to the ground, and her entire body could relax.    


In the next second, she took out her phone and dialed a number, telling him that she had agreed to her request.    


On the other end of the phone, Gu Anran's decision was heard. After confirming with Gu Anran again, she happily told Gu Anran the time and place of their meeting.    


After the call ended, Gu Anran felt an invasive gaze staring at her. When she reacted, she shouted "Ya" and quickly shrank back into the blanket on the bed.    


Lin Yun touched his nose helplessly and smiled awkwardly. He did not expect Gu Anran to accidentally expose her body so that he could appreciate her graceful figure again.    


Then, he used the hotel's landline to call the front desk service and told himself that he needed a waitress to come up and help him.    


It didn't take long. There was a knock on the door of Lin Yun's private room.    


When he opened the door and walked out of the room, he saw a waiter in a standard hotel suit waiting anxiously with his head lowered for his instructions.    


Lin Yun signaled her not to be nervous. He then took out a bank card and handed it to her. After telling her the password, he asked the waitress to buy him a set of female banquet clothes of better quality according to her figure.    


Gu Anran heard the conversation between Lin Yun and the waitress and thought to herself, "This bastard is quite considerate sometimes.    




At eight o'clock in the evening, a couple holding hands walked into a five-star restaurant called "Blue Bay.    


The hotel was located in a vacation center by the private seaside of Jianghai. The interior of the hotel was mainly decorated with sea blue, which was very unique. The rich European architectural style made many upper-class people like to come here for dinner or to discuss business.    


Once they entered the restaurant, Gu Anran took the initiative to hold Lin Yun's arm and acted like a little bird depending on a person.    


However, the attentive Lin Yun found that the little hand holding his arm was trembling slightly. It could be seen that Gu Anran's heart was not as relaxed as her appearance.    


Lin Yun directly wrapped his arm around Gu Anran's slender waist and comforted her, "Don't be nervous. Everything is with me. Relax and show a little smile on your face. Otherwise, your acting skills will be too bad."    


Seeing Lin Yun's excessive actions, Although Gu Anran was very unhappy in her heart, she could not show it on her face at this moment. She said lightly, "Let's do it this way. After we meet, it will depend on your performance. Do not let out any clues."    


Passing through the long corridor of the hotel, Along the way, Lin Yun saw many well-dressed guests. All of them had proud expressions on their faces.    


They noticed that Lin Yun, who was dressed normally, was holding a tall, curly-haired beauty with one hand. All of them looked at Lin Yun with disdain and jealousy, as if they were saying something else. What a flower in cow dung. What kind of luck did this gigolo get to be favored by a beauty?    


Lin Yun ignored the small actions of those men. With a happy expression on his face, he directly pulled Gu Anran to the private room that they had agreed to meet tonight.    


Beside the creamy white carved wooden door, a boorish man dressed in professional bodyguard attire was standing there. He noticed Lin Yun who was holding Gu Anran's slender waist. A hint of killing intent was revealed in his eyes but it disappeared in an instant.    


"You are Gu Anran? You actually made my family's young master wait for so long!"    


Feeling the arrogant attitude of the other party and the sharp aura radiating from his body, Gu Anran's body could not help but freeze for a moment. At this moment, even breathing felt a little difficult.    


Lin Yun was unmoved by the actions of the man at the door. Lin Yun had clearly seen the killing intent that flashed in the man's eyes earlier.    


Lin Yun sent a surge of true essence into Gu Anran's body and neutralized the Qi that enveloped her. Only then did she relax.    


Seeing Lin Yun easily neutralize the pressure that he placed on Gu Anran, the rough man's face instantly darkened.    




Seeing that the other party was very arrogant, Gu Anran would not give him any good looks.    


After saying that, she planned to push open the door of the private room and enter.    




The bodyguard who was guarding the door suddenly shouted, then added: "Young Master only invited you. You can enter. He, no!"    


He pointed at Lin Yun. His expression was very unfriendly. His meaning was very clear.    


Seeing that the other party had provoked him again and again, Lin Yun was about to force his way in when he suddenly heard a cold and commanding voice coming from inside.    


"Awei, don't be rude. Let them in!"    


The man at the door immediately opened the door of the private room when he heard Young Master's order. He then stood to the side respectfully.    


Seeing that he was completely obedient to the man inside, Lin Yun revealed a playful smile on his face. "Interesting!"    


Lin Yun continued to hold Gu Anran's slender waist. The two of them slowly walked into the spacious room. The faint fragrance of wine permeated the air.    


"Miss Gu, you made me look for you so hard!"    


A gloomy voice was heard. A man in a white shirt was sitting on a leather sofa in the middle of the room. His face was fair and handsome. His lazy face revealed a rebellious expression. The viciousness between his brows could be seen clearly.    


He was dragging a glass of red wine that was as red as blood with one hand. He was gently shaking it, and his other hand was reaching into the shirt of a pretty woman beside him. He was wantonly rubbing it.    


The woman had a pained expression on her face. She tightly closed her eyes and tightly bit her lips, not daring to make a single sound of dissatisfaction.    


Gu Anran never dreamed that she would encounter such a scene, especially when the man sitting on the sofa looked at her. When Gu Anran felt that she was being stared at by a fierce wolf, her body could not move at all.    


Gu Anran was afraid in her heart. After all, she was just a woman!    


Judging from the situation in front of her, she could tell that this man in front of her was not someone she could afford to offend!    


The young man in the white shirt slowly took out his right hand from the woman's shirt beside him. He drained the glass of red wine in one gulp and said indifferently, "Get lost, it doesn't feel like it at all!"    


The woman beside him heard, "Get lost!" After hearing these two words, it was as if she had heard a heavenly voice. She did not have time to put on her clothes and ran out in a panic.    


From her hasty escape, it could be seen that she did not want to stay in this place for a second longer!    


"Let's get to know each other, Miss Gu. I am from the Peng family in Jingling. You can call me Peng Wuji!"    


"Jingling... Peng family..."    


Lin Yun's heart sank when he heard these two words. The killing intent in his body was spreading crazily. It seemed like it was going to burst out in the next second.    


Sensing Lin Yun's cold killing intent, Peng Wuji looked at Lin Yun with a playful look and asked casually.    


"You are? ...    


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