Mysterious Son-in-law

C13 Jiang Hai Was Shaken

C13 Jiang Hai Was Shaken

"What! Tao Dongcheng is dead..."    


This was a shocking piece of news that broke out in the upper circle of Jiang Hai early in the morning.    


When the Tao family found Tao Dongcheng's body, they had tried their best to seal off the news, but it was still discovered by some people who wanted to investigate.    


"Do you know? Tao Dongcheng's death was very strange. It was said that two leaves had pierced through his chest and throat."    


"What? Two leaves killed Tao Dongcheng?"    


"How is this possible?"    


When these people found out about Tao Dongcheng's death, they were all shocked.    


Especially the older generation warriors of some families in Jianghai. They knew what this meant the most.    


To be able to kill Tao Dongcheng with two leaves, this hidden force warrior, how terrifying was his strength?    


From the looks of it, the man who killed Tao Dongcheng was most likely...    




How could they not know when a Grandmaster had appeared in Jianghai?    


Thus, the older generation sent out orders for their subordinates to search for more accurate information.    


If a Grandmaster really came to Jianghai, Then, the Jianghai that had been peaceful for so long might change!    


Unlike the other families, Zhou Zhenghao and Lau Hongyi, who had learned the news early in the morning, did not panic.    


However, they still couldn't remain calm.    


When Lin Yun told them that he needed to solve some small problems last night, they finally understood what that meant.    


At the same time, they weren't sure if Lin Yun had killed Tao Dongcheng or not. They had to verify with him before they could make the next step.    


Thus, the two of them didn't have time to eat breakfast and hurried over to the Su family.    


- - - - - - - - - -... (cut-off line)    


Jianghai's Su family Villa.    


Early in the morning, Lin Yun started his morning exercise again. If one looked closely, one would see that Lin Yun was standing in a very strange position.    


This was a body tempering technique that his master taught him. If he persisted in the past for a long time, he would be able to strengthen and modify the structure of a person's body, making his body stronger.    


At 6: 30 in the morning, Su Qing woke up early as well. She was currently wearing casual pajamas. There were two faint dark circles around her unadorned face.    


It could be said that Su Qing did not have a good rest last night.    


It turned out that when she was sleeping last night, she was worried and worried that Lin Yun would suddenly break into her room. She had been waiting for most of the night. Since she didn't see him return, she couldn't help but fall asleep.    


In the early morning, although Lin Yun's movements were very light when he entered her room, Su Qing was still woken up.    


She did not dare to open her eyes and could only nervously wait for what Lin Yun would do next.    


However, Lin Yun was still the same as last night. He sat cross-legged not far from her bed until dawn.    


After morning practice, Lin Yun watched Su Qing slowly walk over and greeted her with a smile, "Good morning, my wife."    


Su Qing did not want to talk to him. At the same time, she was very curious.    


"This guy hasn't slept for two days in a row. Why is he so energetic?"    


Seeing the doubt on Su Qing's face, Lin Yun moved closer to Su Qing and answered with a smile.    


Perhaps it's because I've been practicing martial arts since I was young. I was also resting when I was meditating and cultivating. It's the same as you guys sleeping to replenish your strength."    


He did not want to tell Su Qing about his practice of the Star God Technique. On the one hand, this kind of thing was too shocking.    


On the other hand, it was the cultivation technique he cultivated. The less others knew, the better. Otherwise, it would bring him danger.    


Because he had just finished his morning exercise, Lin Yun's body was emitting a large amount of heat. It was filled with a strong masculine aura.    


Su Qing could not help but feel her face turn red and her heart beat when she sensed Lin Yun's aura from close distance. Hence, she quickly left his side.    


It was not because of the sweat stench on Lin Yun's body. On the contrary, ever since Lin Yun cultivated the Star God Technique, his body was filled with an inexplicable aura and smelled very good.    




Lin Yun would be in a good mood if he flirted with his wife Su Qing early in the morning.    


After a simple wash up, Lin Yun went to the living room and prepared to have breakfast with Su Qing's parents.    


Although the breakfast on the table looked light, it was very sumptuous.    


Glutinous chicken, shrimp dumplings, oatmeal, fruit salad and so on.    


Compared to the time when Lin Yun was on the hill, he only had a plate of pickled vegetables and porridge for breakfast. He could only sigh in his heart. The life of the rich was so enjoyable.    


Su Biqin had already prepared a bowl of oatmeal for Lin Yun. She was greeting him with a smile with Su's father, Su Zeyang.    


Lin Yun did not stand on ceremony. After greeting his father-in-law and mother-in-law, he sat down and enjoyed his breakfast.    


While eating, Lin Yun felt that something was wrong. He felt the same uncomfortable gaze as last night.    


Lin Yun raised his head. At this moment, the two old men were staring at him with fiery eyes, full of joy.    


It turned out that Su Qing had already told them about the contract she signed with Liu family and Zhou family when she returned yesterday.    


They were shocked when they heard that their daughter had established a partnership with the two families of Jianghai based on Lin Yun's identity.    


When they heard that Zhou Zhenghao of Zhou family was very respectful to their son-in-law, their hearts became even more restless.    


One should know that many people wished that they could establish a relationship with the Zhou family, but their son-in-law, Lin Yun, was respected by Zhou Zhenghao.    


How could they remain calm after hearing this?    




Lin Yun sighed and told his father-in-law and mother-in-law about how he treated Zhou Zhenghao's daughter yesterday.    


However, he omitted the fact that Su Qing almost got into a car accident because Lin Yun did not want the two elders to worry.    


After listening to Lin Yun's explanation, the two old men finally understood what had happened. However, they were still very happy. After all -    


Their eyesight was right. The disciple of the old Divine Immortal was really capable.    


After a while, Su Qing finished changing her clothes and putting on makeup and came downstairs as well.    


Feeling that her daughter Su Qing did not look energetic, The two old men looked at each other and knew what had happened.    


Su Qing ignored her parents' gazes and was too lazy to explain.    


Ever since Lin Yun came to Su family, her parents wanted her to interact more with Lin Yun. It would be best if she could give them a grandson next year.    


Therefore, after Lin Yun felt the fiery gaze of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, he welcomed Su Qing with a big roll of her eyes.    


Lin Yun helplessly rubbed his nose and could only continue to eat his breakfast in silence.    


Suddenly, he was told by Su Qing that he did not need to go to the company for an interview. She had reserved a position for Lin Yun in the company.    


When he was asked if he wanted to go to the Public Relations Department, the Planning Department, the Sales Department, or the Research Department, Lin Yun chose the Public Relations Department based on his feeling.    


But in the next second, Lin Yun suspected that he had made the wrong choice. Otherwise, Su Qing would not have shown him such a surprised expression.    


"Is the Public Relations Department really that scary?"    


Lin Yun thought silently in his heart.    


Su Qing had a lot of things to do today. She needed to settle the two contracts as soon as possible. She ate a few mouthfuls of breakfast in a hurry and prepared to leave for work.    


She did not go to the company because of the car accident yesterday. She estimated that there was a stack of documents piled up on her desk.    


Lin Yun quickly took a shower and changed into formal clothes before following Su Qing to her garage.    


Because of the car accident, Su Qing's favorite Porsche had been sent to the 4S store to repair.    


So today, Su Qing chose a white BMW 5 series as her most recent transportation.    


Before she could light the fire, a bodyguard quickly ran over to inform Lin Yun and Su Qing that Zhou Zhenghao and Lau Hongyi had arrived.    


Lin Yun had no choice but to get out of the car to see what these two old foxes were doing here early in the morning.    


In the living room of the villa, Zhou Zhenghao and Lau Hongyi were already waiting respectfully for Lin Yun to arrive.    


They told Su Qing's parents that they needed a quiet environment and no one was allowed to disturb them.    


When Lin Yun and Su Qing arrived, the two people who were originally sitting on the sofa quickly got up and greeted Lin Yun.    


Lin Yun nodded his head lightly and replied to them. He then asked the two of them what was the matter.    


Zhou Zhenghao and Lau Hongyi looked at each other, then looked at Su Qing who was beside Lin Yun. Neither of them spoke first.    


Seeing this, Su Qing said, "You two have something to talk about. I'll wait for you in the car." Then she walked out of the living room.    


After seeing no one else, Zhou Zhenghao and Lau Hongyi looked at Lin Yun and asked carefully, "Is there anyone else?    


"Mr. Lin, I don't know if you know that the Tao family's Tao Dongcheng is dead."    


After knowing the purpose of their trip, Lin Yun thought to himself,    


"So these two old men came early in the morning to confirm whether they were the ones who killed Tao Dongcheng."    


Lin Yun did not answer their questions directly. Instead, he asked coldly.    


"What? Do you think Tao Dongcheng doesn't deserve to die?"    


Zhou Zhenghao and Lau Hongyi were startled when they heard Lin Yun's answer. They quickly replied, "Damn it. Damn it. I offended you, Mr. Lin. That Tao Dongcheng deserves to die!"    


After they finished speaking, their hearts were like a storm, unable to calm down.    


Although they had seen with their own eyes that Lin Yun had the ability to take things from a distance and use his qi to control needles, they had already guessed that Lin Yun might be a master at that time.    


Now that Lin Yun had personally admitted that he had killed Tao Dongcheng, they were sure in their hearts -    


Lin Yun was a true Grandmaster!    


After getting the answer they wanted, the two of them left in a hurry.    


On the way back, the two of them made up their minds - no matter what price they had to pay, they had to be on good terms with Lin Yun. At the same time, they warned the people around them not to offend him.    


There was a saying between the warriors of Jianghai -    


Grandmasters were not to be humiliated!    


After Zhou Zhenghao and Lau Hongyi left, Lin Yun went straight to Su Qing's garage, opened the door of the white BMW, and sat in it.    


Su Qing did not ask what Lin Yun, Zhou Zhenghao, and Lau Hongyi were here for. Lin Yun was happy and did not need to answer.    


Just like that, the white horse drove smoothly on the route to Su Qing's company. Finally, it arrived safely.    


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