Urban Carefree Sovereign

C346 I can't do it without me

C346 I can't do it without me

The small rosewood tea cup emitted a quiet fragrance, just like the taste of a top-grade Da Hong Pao.    


Chen Suifeng casually picked up a teacup carved with sandalwood patterns, and with one hand, he pinched the mouth of the teacup with his thumb and the bottom of the teacup with his middle finger. First, he took a sip, then a big mouthful, and finally a small sip.    


Sweet, mellow, with a hint of bitterness. Tasting tea was like life. Only with a certain level of experience could one taste the true essence of the tea.    


"Old man, aren't you going to take care of official matters today? You actually have the mood to drink tea here? " Chen Yufan joked, but he could tell that Chen Suifeng did have something to tell him, so in the next moment, his eyes calmed down.    


"Three things!" Chen Suifeng remained silent for a long while before he raised his finger and spoke.    


Chen Yufan nodded, and said: "Please speak!"    


"First, the matter of the Jia Xing has come to an end. It took a lot of effort for the two old men in the capital to have some complete understanding of the situation. Don't provoke such a thing again, or else, I won't be able to explain myself in the capital." Chen Suifeng said lightly, but suddenly added: "You actually dare to send people to such a place like Zhongnanhai, good, good!"    


Chen Yufan laughed awkwardly, and did not reply.    


"The second matter, Long Sect's ancestor has come over!" Chen Suifeng said with furrowed brows, but when his gaze swept across Chen Yufan, he could not help but reveal a smile, because he saw that the guy before him was also frowning, which was extremely similar to his own movements.    


"What is he doing here?" Chen Yufan didn't feel much towards Long Family people, he only felt a little indifferent.    


"The five-yearly Dragon And Tiger Rankings will be held at the summit of Mt. Tai next month. He hopes that you can attend." Chen Suifeng laughed.    


Chen Yufan silently smacked his lips: "I'm just a university professor, where can I go to do whatever it takes? I'm not going!"    


"Oh, I forgot to tell you. You are no longer a university professor. This was also the third thing. The old man had said to send you to Huaxia People's University to study for a PhD. The notice had already been sent out. At the same time, I'll make you become an assistant professor at the Renmin University, and make you not lose face for his seniority! "    


"What?" Chen Yufan didn't react for a while, and said: "Why do you suddenly have to head north to the capital? That place is filled with an unpleasant aura! "    


"This is the old gramps' wish, as well as the wishes of the upper echelons. If it were the capital, at least you wouldn't have caused too much trouble." I have already agreed to this condition. This time, the one who will be your mentor is your father's most outstanding disciple and also the President of the People's University. You have a lot of power in the field of traditional Chinese medicine! " When Chen Suifeng said this, it was already impossible to turn back.    


Chen Yufan could only silently nod his head, and said. "Alright, what do I need to pay attention to when I go to the capital?"    


Finally, Chen Suifeng put down the teacup in his hand, and after staring blankly for a long time, he said: "Long Family ~ ~ ~"    


"Long Family?" Chen Yufan was a little puzzled. "Isn't that old bastard an only child?"    


"It's not the old bastard, but it's not too far off. It's the bloodline of the ancestor from Long Sect, which is also the cousin of Long Aotian. That old man Long Family was now an elder in the army, a top ranked general. When he was young, he had a good relationship with Long Aotian. If you have time, go and pay a visit to that old man. With regards to Long Family, he and Chen Yufan were the same, and didn't want to talk about it too much. Thus, the father and son pair fell into silence once again.    


Going to the capital from the north was a situation that Chen Yufan did not want to see. After all, he was familiar with this place, and he had muddled around for a long time. However, since the Chen family's two elders had spoken, he still had to at least obey them. Logically speaking, he should also go pay a visit to the capital to pay a visit to these two elders.    


As for Long Family, Chen Yufan did not have many thoughts. Long Sect's ancestor was not bad, but Chen Yufan did not want to cross paths with Long Aotian at all.    


But this time, Chen Suifeng mentioned going to the On The Sword Of Mount Tai, and his words also mentioned old man Li Wentian a little. Seems like all those old monsters from China will go to the Dragon And Tiger Rankings, this is a pretty good opportunity. He also wanted to pay a visit to the uncle who had taken care of him for a long time.    


Originally, when Chen Yufan returned home, he did not have much to do, and now that he did not need to go to Jin Ling University, erasing the name of the Vice Principal, it was rather boring.    


Inside the Linglong Pavilion, a change of authority was currently taking place. With Chen Yufan's departure, all of the authority in the Heavenly Dao Alliance seemed to belong to Xiao Nantian and the eight great heavenly kings. These nine people had also temporarily formed the highest authority center of the Heavenly Dao Alliance. This pattern, continued through the Heavenly Dao Alliance later on. Even Xiao Nantian was unable to change it.    


Above Heavenly Dao Alliance, the spiritual leader Chen Yufan had set up the nine heavenly divisions, and was in charge of everything within the Heavenly Dao Alliance. Each of the eight heavenly kings of Heavenly Dao Alliance, Mu Qinghua, Wolf King, Yuwen Shaoqing, Fu An, Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird, and Black Tortoise had their own strengths. None of them could be ignored.    


The Wolf King had the newly formed War Wolf Hall, which had five thousand men and extremely strong fighting strength. Yuwen Shaoqing was in charge of all the information sources in the Heavenly Dao Alliance. Fu An was in charge of all the economic sources of Heavenly Dao Alliance, he was the main butler of Heavenly Dao Alliance, and as for Mu Qinghua, he was in charge of all the connections in Heavenly Dao Alliance.    


There was no need to even mention the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Black Tortoise. The Azure Dragon's War Soul Hall, White Tiger's White Tiger Hall, Vermilion Bird's Vermilion Bird Hall, and Black Tortoise Hall were all important forces of Heavenly Dao Alliance.    


Besides the eight great heavenly kings, there were also Xiao Nantian's Nantian's God Of Slaughter. The mechanism of the Heavenly Dao Alliance was almost perfect. But it is a wise man's thing not to divide his power like this. Other than Chen Yufan, this kind of separation of powers was a rare sight in this world. Back then, when Zhuge Liang died, the entire country was divided.    


But now, Chen Yufan seemed to be making the same mistake. But Chen Yufan was not afraid of his authority. Heavenly Dao Alliance was nothing but a small thing in his eyes. He could create it single-handedly, and similarly, destroy it single-handedly. In Chen Yufan's eyes, this was not a big deal.    


That was, under the Heavenly Dao Alliance, almost all of the eight great generals were gathered under Xiao Nantian's banner. At the same time, he had forcefully transferred the little crown prince by half a level to allow him to support Xiao Nantian in taking control of the eight great generals.    


With this kind of structure, there was indeed nothing for Chen Yufan to do. If things continued, Chen Yufan's prestige in the Heavenly Dao Alliance would definitely be affected, but Chen Yufan did not care.    


Inside the Linglong Pavilion, Chen Yufan looked at Mu Qinghua, looked at the little prince, Xi Yan and laughed: "What do you think about this arrangement? "Anyways, I have always kept my hands on you. Now that you want to go north to the capital, I will leave this matter entirely to you!"    


Ever since ancient times, the battle for power had always been intense. Back then, when Liu Bei was about to die, he had pretended to be meditating. Now, after hearing Chen Yufan's words, both Mu Qinghua and Yuwen Shaoqing's expressions became strange. They could not determine the Fifth Master's pulse, and did not dare to speak carelessly.    


, who was standing behind Chen Yufan, respectfully nodded his head: "I will listen to Young Master Chen's arrangements!"    


Xiao Nantian was a direct descendant that Chen Yufan personally brought out, and had also acted as a lubricant at some times. Thus, this matter could not be said to be the best case scenario. Mu Qinghua originally wanted to say a few more words, but seeing the situation, he bitterly laughed and nodded.    


Yuwen Shaoqing lowered his head again, and started to play with the new handheld computer in his hands.    


He didn't know what was behind him, but a map was placed on top of the pavilion. This map wasn't a military map but a simple one. The red and blue labels on the map showed some areas of influence. At this moment, Jiangnan Road had already turned into a vast expanse of white.    


The fragrant Lafite red wine in the cup continued to assault Chen Yufan's nose, and very quickly, Chen Yufan's palm had already pressed onto a corner of the map. He said: "After Jiangnan Road, there are almost no longer any large powers in the surrounding area that can contend against us!"    


Lightly putting down a mouthful of red wine, the smile on Chen Yufan's face became deeper and deeper. He also became lonely and said: "Tsinghua, the next stage is to continuously digest the power of the Jiangnan Road. At the same time, in a nibbling posture, it spreads towards the river region and Huizhou, gradually expanding the scope of power!"    


"Lord Fifth, don't worry. I'll plan my next move carefully!"    


"Yes!" Chen Yufan patted Mu Qinghua's shoulder and said: "With you overseeing things, I am relieved!" After sweeping his gaze across, the smile on Chen Yufan's face froze, and he said in a heavy voice: "Nan Tian, don't rashly go out and find Tsinghua and Shaoqing to discuss anything with them. If there's really no other way, call me again!"    


"Yes, Young Master Chen, I got it!" Xiao Nantian respectfully nodded.    


In the end, Chen Yufan's gaze fell upon Yuwen Shaoqing's body. Yuwen Shaoqing seemed as if he did not have any reaction, but his heart was violently surging. He wanted to say something, but stopped midsentence. Finally, Chen Yufan whispered: "Shaoqing, do you have time to accompany me for a drink?!"    


Yuwen Shaoqing was stunned for a moment. Sure enough, he quickly carried his computer and followed behind Chen Yufan. The two of them walked further and further away until they disappeared from everyone's sight. After Chen Yufan left, the little prince, Xi Yan, shook his head with a bitter smile and said: "Fifth Elder is indeed Fifth Master! High ~! "Howl ?"    


With the little prince's advice, Mu Qinghua seemed to have realized something, nodded, and muttered to himself: "Dividing authority, isn't that also a form of centralization of power!"    


It was already late at night on the bright, lively Jin Ling City. Yuwen Shaoqing's handsome, somewhat devilishly charming face revealed a somewhat puzzled expression. Chen Yufan only called him over for a drink. There were quite a lot of vodka bottles in front of the two, but they did not say anything useful.    


Finally, Yuwen Shaoqing could no longer hold it in, he looked at the lively dance floor, and then at the twisting and turning seductive figure, and snapped his fingers. Immediately, the atmosphere in the bar became tense, quietened down, and the music also became gentle. It had to be known that this was the scene of Heavenly Dao Alliance. Yuwen Shaoqing's identity here was like a royal decree, the boss of the bar, even the little sisters on the counter, no one dared to offend Yuwen Shaoqing.    


Yuwen Shaoqing ignored the curses coming from the dance floor and said with a smile, "It can't be that Lord Fifth only wants to drink today, right?!"    


Chen Yufan looked at Yuwen Shaoqing, and laughed: "If I don't ask, can't you just say it yourself?"    


The conversation between the two seemed like it was being whispered, but Yuwen Shaoqing was stunned for a moment before falling silent. He picked up the vodka beside his hand and gulped it down, even putting away the computer that loved it as if it was his life. After a long period of silence, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "I've met with trouble!"    


"I know!" Chen Yufan laughed indifferently, sticking to the yellow olive fruit beside him, and took a gulp of the strong wine.    


"You know?" Yuwen Shaoqing laughed mockingly, and said: "I didn't say anything, how would you know?"    


"There is no need to speak so much between friends. For a true friend, it is not awkward to not say anything at all. I know what you are thinking, and I also know that you are making a difficult request out of it! "    


"Sigh!" Yuwen Shaoqing let out a long sigh, and said: "You know that my surname is Yuwen, you also know that I am a martial artist, and you also know that I have a cooperative relationship with the Crown Prince's Gang of the past. In the past, I had always relied on Chen Tianlei to stabilize my position in the clan. I was only a sixth stage practitioner, and even after the establishment of Heavenly Dao Alliance, under your compulsory training, I was only an eighth stage practitioner. But now, a Nine Grade warrior has appeared among the young experts of the clan! "    


"Once you enter the Nine Grade, you will be in an inhuman realm!" Chen Yufan sighed silently.    


He understood Yuwen Shaoqing's meaning. The eighth stage, Nine Grade, in the eyes of ordinary people, was merely a thin line of distance. However, in the martial arts families, especially the Yuwen Aristocrat Clan which possessed the bloodline of the Great Western Kingdom, there was an insurmountable gap. Yuwen Shaoqing continued to drink, and said fiercely: "The Great Western Continent was founded by a martial artist, and even the old man was a Nine Grade warrior. Martial power has always been revered within the clan. "    


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