Strongest War Chant

C47 Fighting Demon Spirit

C47 Fighting Demon Spirit

"Wu Shuang, I want to see how you'll escape this time?" Sun Tao, who had rolled to the side and almost disappeared, was hiding behind a big rock. His eyes were shining as he looked at Chi Tianjiao, who was rushing towards Wu Shuang.    


His plan was very simple, it was to use Wu Shuang's feelings for Wang Miaoyan to trick him into coming here. As for Wang Miaoyan, who knew where she was.    


However, such a plan was actually successful. If it was him, he definitely wouldn't put himself in danger because of a girl. He could only blame this lowly idiot for it.    




With heavy steps, Chi Tianjiao rushed towards the commercial building. The sturdy concrete wall and tempered glass were shattered like tofu under its horn. The entire commercial building trembled because of its sudden appearance.    


Wu Shuang quickly ran to the fire escape path of the commercial building while avoiding the concrete blocks that were smashed down. He arrived in front of the twisted fire escape door and threw a punch. The golden dragon claw instantly blasted the door away and Wu Shuang also rushed out.    


Chi Tianjiao followed closely behind, smashing countless walls and columns, directly through the building, and charging out from the other side.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


After it left, the Merchant Shop collapsed with a loud bang. A large amount of smoke and dust spread out, engulfing Wu Shuang and Chi Tianji inside.    


Wu Shuang held his breath, squinted his eyes and quickly ran outside. The smoke and dust were getting fainter and fainter, but an earth wall suddenly appeared in front of Wu Shuang.    


"Crap!" Wu Shuang suddenly stopped and looked back. He saw Chi Tianji running over with red eyes while panting heavily.    


The single horn on Wu Shuang's forehead was surrounded by a circle of earthen yellow notes. Seeing this, his heart sank, although only humans can compose war songs, but some high level Demon Beast have the ability to release heavenly music from birth, which is called the Innate Battle Song.    


And this Chi Tianjiao's genius war song was "Earth Thrust". It could display an earthen spike or an earthen wall, and was an extremely difficult ability to deal with.    


Once trapped, coupled with its incredible destructive power, ordinary people would have no chance of surviving.    


"If we can't escape, we'll just go all out!" Looking at Chi Tianjiao, who was madly rushing towards him like a mountain, Wu Shuang's eyes flashed with a murderous light. He clenched his right fist and punched out. The melody was the bone and the notes were the golden dragon head.    


Chi Tianjiao's eyes widened. He felt a trace of threat from the dragon head. Lowering his head, he welcomed it with the horn on his forehead.    




The dragon head collided with the horn, and Chi Tian was able to make the cow more than three meters tall. Its several tons of weight suddenly stagnated, and then it fell back five to six meters, its thick and sturdy hooves left four deep marks on the ground, and even a trickle of blood flowed out of its nose.    




Chi Tianjiao let out an angry roar, his huge body was lifted high up in the air, his two huge front hooves madly stomped down like a pile driver, with every stomp, a crater would appear, at the same time the ground would fiercely shake.    


A few notes flashed around Wu Shuang's body. In order to avoid being trampled by Chi Tianji, he had changed directions who knows how many times. Although he did not receive a frontal attack, he was still hit quite heavily by the rocks.    


"This won't do, I can't continue like this. I must break out of this encirclement as soon as possible." Two consecutive high intensity battles within two hours had caused Wu Shuang to be exhausted. However, what made things even worse was that his Heavenly Note Force was on the verge of reaching a dangerous level.    


With his current condition, he could at most release his dragon head or dragon claw three or five times. This was without considering the cost of the "Flowing Wind Returning Snow".    


Hurriedly dodging a trampled front hoof, Wu Shuang's punch landed on the thick calf's leg. The golden dragon claw was like an iron hoop, pulling the calf's leg to the side.    


Wu Shuang took the chance to use his strength to quickly circle around the wall and charge towards the building beside him. As long as he could find a cover, he would have a chance to shake off Chi Tianniao's pursuit.    


However, before he could even take two steps, the sound of deafening footsteps came from behind him. Chi Tian lowered his head and, like a rhinoceros, ferociously jabbed his horn towards Wu Shuang's back.    


Even before the horn came into contact with his body, Wu Shuang felt a sharp pain on his back. Although he knew it was an illusion, it still made him break out in a cold sweat.    


Without any time to hesitate, Wu Shuang dashed to the right, and with the help of the notes, he instantly stabilized his balance. Then, he jumped to the right twice in a row, but Chi Tianniao seemed to be determined to kill him.    


The sharp horn pierced through the air and sliced Wu Shuang's back with a whistling sound. Along with the tearing sound of cloth, a hideous wound was ripped open on Wu Shuang's back. Fresh blood splattered everywhere.    


"Hiss!" Wu Shuang's face turned pale, as if he was hit by a speeding car. He was thrown forward more than a meter and then rolled two to three meters away like a rolling gourd.    


Chi Tianjing was unrelenting in his victory. He took a step forward and stopped in front of Wu Shuang, his huge front hooves landing right on top of his head.    


"No, I can't die here!" Seeing that the shadow above his head was getting bigger, Wu Shuang's heart burst with a strong desire to live, and countless notes suddenly popped out from behind him.    




His thick front hooves sunk into the ground. At the same time, a figure bounced far away. Wu Shuang landed on the ground. The huge recoil made him cough out a mouthful of blood, but his eyes flashed with excitement.    


Because at that moment, Zhan Ge's "Flowing Wind Returning Snow" had unexpectedly broken through the last layer of paper and was promoted to the level of Upper Fan Le.    


"Mysterious Music Library!" Wu Shuang called out in his heart. He had noticed before that every time he entered the mysterious music studio, no matter how long he spent inside, it would only take him a second in the outside world.    


The next moment, the scene in front of Wu Shuang's eyes quickly lengthened. Then, his consciousness arrived at a familiar and familiar place.    


Without any hesitation, Wu Shuang threw himself onto the bookshelf that was used for defense. He reached out his hand towards the completely golden Battle Hymn "Assassin". In his mind, a paragraph of information quickly appeared:    


Battle Hymn: Assassin    


Rank: Inferior Spirit Comedy    


Effect: Control of the body    


Remarks: Assassins have gone through cruel training and can perfectly control their own bodies. Devouring the same type of battle song can be upgraded    


"… …"    


At the third floor of the building, Diao Xifeng saw Sun Tao draw the demon spirit to Wu Shuang. He slapped the armrest of the sofa angrily and said, "Despicable, this white-haired kid is too shameless."    


"Sigh, if it was at its peak, Wu Shuang might still be able to contend with the demon spirit for a bit. Now, the odds are against us." The beautiful young woman shook her head.    


"Old Cui, looks like you can't keep your special enrollment anymore …"    


Fei Yuntian had a complicated expression on his face as he spoke. In his heart, he felt some schadenfreude, but also some regret.    


"Shut up, Wu Shuang is not someone who will give up so easily. He can definitely escape."    


Cui Changqing stood up and stared at the screen on the wall for a long time. He couldn't help but clench his fists.    


The image on the screen wall continued, and Chi Tianjie rushed into the building, then crashed out from the other side. The building collapsed, and a flying brick smashed through the nearby monitors.    


The screen went blank for a few seconds, then switched to the reserve monitor. At this moment, Chi Tianji sent Wu Shuang flying and then rushed forward to add another kick.    


Wu Shuang jumped out with all his might and coughed out a mouthful of blood from the fall. At the same time, two mud walls rose up at the same time, blocking Wu Shuang's path.    


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