Strongest War Chant

C317 Quirky Cocoon

C317 Quirky Cocoon

The Spiderweb Devil's spider silk blade was unbreakable and impervious to water and fire. It was truly troublesome.    


However, Wu Shuang wasn't prepared to fight them head on either.    


As he jumped backwards to avoid the spider silk, the Battle Song 'Hypnosis' was activated.    


The melody flickered on and off like a distorted wave blossoming in front of the group of spiders.    


The arrogant Spiderweb Devil immediately became a docile sheep, half prostrating on the ground, trembling in fear.    


In their eyes, Wu Shuang had already turned into a thirty feet tall terrifying spider emperor, making them unable to resist at all.    




The flames attacked, mercilessly burning their bodies, roasting their soft bodies into thick smoke. However, none of the Spiderweb Devil opened their black membranes, attracted the attention of many Fire Exploding Spider and other Spiderweb Devil.    


As Wu Shuang thought of this, the group of Spiderweb Devil in front of him, who were willing to burn the Spiderweb Devil, immediately roared and pounced towards their own kind, madly fighting against them.    


The duration of "Hypnosis" was only a mere three seconds. When the time came, all the Spiderweb Devil that were controlled woke up. Pain and fury swarmed their entire body like floodwaters.    


Other than a few who died from the flames or their similar claws, most of the Spiderweb Devil carried flames and scars on their bodies as they crazily chased after Wu Shuang.    


However, Wu Shuang had already entered the Spider Cave long ago. There were seven forks in the road in front of him, from which Spiderweb Devil continued to emerge.    


Wu Shuang did the same thing, using "Hypnosis" to control the new Spiderweb Devil to resist the pursuers, then playing "I Want to Find You" to search for traces of Ceng Yin. Unfortunately, he didn't find anything.    


"There's no other way. I can only choose a tunnel and give it a try." Wu Shuang gritted his teeth as he rushed into a tunnel. His body was covered in thick, translucent spider webs, and countless spider webs burst under his feet.    


A large group of Fire Exploding Spider surged towards Wu Shuang, and the Spiderweb Devil chasing after him reached more than twenty.    


If it was someone with a poor mentality, they would probably be scared to death, but Wu Shuang was still as determined as ever. He punched with his fist, and the nine Talisman Dragon Claws were like nine missiles, bombarding the path in front of him, turning the Fire Exploding Spider into dust.    


Many Fire Exploding Spider climbed up the rock wall and pounced on him. Wu Shuang played "Open Fire" and the red melody condensed into hundreds of fireballs, spiraling around his body and detonating all the nearby Fire Exploding Spider ahead of time.    


Behind his back, numerous webs silently attached themselves to Wu Shuang's armor.    


A huge force attacked him, pulling him to the back. Three Spiderweb Devil tried their best to pull the spider silk, and a large amount of spider silk came flying from the back.    


"How troublesome." Wu Shuang's gaze turned serious as he played the war song "Wolf".    


As the five Chilling Qi exploded in front of him, four Ice Snow Giant Wolf rushed out first. The remaining one swiped at Wu Shuang with its claws, causing the Ice Claw to easily freeze and crack the spider silk.    


Wu Shuang broke free, and without saying anything further, he continued to rush forward. The three-dimensional terrain in his mind continuously updated, and finally, a flashing red dot appeared 150 meters to his right.    


"Over there." Wu Shuang stopped and punched the wall on the right side.    




The wall exploded and was dug three meters away by Wu Shuang.    


"Not enough." Wu Shuang frowned and punched out like the wind. The roaring dragon heads dragged a floating melody as they exploded on the wall, continuously expanding the hole.    


At the same time, the two Ice Snow Giant Wolf s that were dragged to their sides by the Spiderweb Devil had also exploded with a loud bang. The might of the Ice Explosion Praise had directly collapsed this section of the passage.    


In less than two seconds, a Spiderweb Devil had already dug its way out of the boulder.    


Seeing Wu Shuang disappear into the passage, the Spiderweb Devil immediately took eight big feet and chased into the hole it had made. The other Spiderweb Devil also broke through the wall and rushed into the passage.    


Wu Shuang already knew that the five Ice Snow Giant Wolf s would not be able to stop this group of demons. However, his goal was not to eliminate them. Ceng Yin's current situation was very critical, so he did not have much time to waste.    


Hearing the sound of spider legs hitting the ground behind him, Wu Shuang played "Anxiety" without turning his head.    


A large amount of disorderly notes gathered to form a strange face, and appeared on top of each Spiderweb Devil's head.    


The next moment, the group of people fell down to the ground. Their eight feet were spasming and screaming in pain.    


At the same time, Wu Shuang had also broken through two tunnels. In front of him was a large circular pit filled with silk cocoons of varying sizes. Many of the silk cocoons were squirming and struggling.    


Wu Shuang walked towards an upside-down silk cocoon, grabbed it with both hands and said, "Older Brother Ceng, it's Wu Shuang. Just you wait, I'll let you out right now."    


Hearing Wu Shuang's words, the cocoon shook even more violently. Wu Shuang didn't think too much and just took it for an impatient look. He took out a knife and pushed it along the edge, causing a large amount of dark green liquid to gush out.    


"Older Brother Ceng, Zeng …" Wu Shuang ripped open the silk cocoon and was about to help him out, but the thing inside suddenly threw itself onto the ground. A frightening big mouth with a suction cup hung above his head, drool constantly dripping from its mouth onto his face.    


"What the hell is this? I Want to Find You? How could I make a mistake?" Wu Shuang's brain was stuck, but his reaction was not slow. He grabbed onto the monster's neck with one hand to stop it from biting and then used his power to hit its chest.    


With a "pu" sound, the nine spiraling dragon heads exploded its body, shooting out from its back.    




The monster screamed and coughed out a mouthful of dark green liquid from its mouth. It tilted its head and died on Wu Shuang's body.    


Pushing the monster away, Wu Shuang gasped for breath as he sat up. Looking around, he started the war song "I Want to Find You" once again. He was shocked to find that there were 7 or 8 red dots appearing in the round hole.    


"What the hell is going on? Older Brother Ceng doesn't know how to use a doppelganger. Could it be that he was dismembered as well?"    


Wu Shuang's heart skipped a beat. He suddenly had a bad premonition as he looked at the monster's corpse. It had a weird shape; its upper body resembled a monkey, while its lower body resembled a snake's tail. On its forehead was a single eye.    


Wu Shuang didn't feel disgusted at all. He picked up the knife and cut from its neck all the way to its tail, exposing its chest to the air.    


The structure inside was not as disgusting as he imagined. Wu Shuang found a finger in its stomach and his face immediately turned dark.    


"Bastard!" He gnashed his teeth as he looked left and right. Then, he stood up and pounced towards the nearest silk cocoon.    


When the knife stabbed into the ground, a large amount of liquid immediately spurted out and splattered onto the ground.    


Wu Shuang took a step back. From the center of the cocoon, a figure of a snake with a human shape appeared under the skin. Without a word, the figure threw a punch.    


Boom! *    


The silk cocoon exploded and a pile of rotten flesh slid out. It was still the same monkey-body and snake-tailed monster.    


At this time, the Spiderweb Devil chased after Wu Shuang. Squeak, squeak …    


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