Strongest War Chant

C316 Zeng Yin's Cataclysm

C316 Zeng Yin's Cataclysm

"He's finally dead."    


Wu Shuang's face revealed a look of relief. He sat down on the ground without a care in the world, while Hall Lord Shi's voice sounded beside his ear.    


"Kid, the spirit cores are yours, I'll go and count them." With that, Hall Lord Shi walked towards the back. At this moment, he was in a terrible mood and sorrow was written all over his face.    


Wu Shuang sighed and waved his hand. A stream of water immediately brought the loose spirit core to him.    


Feeling the slippery part on his hands and the huge power it contained, Wu Shuang put it back into the mysterious music library and stood up while patting his butt.    


Although this battle had killed the Demon Commander, everyone was still depressed. They withdrew the corpses of the dead, and Brilliant Dragon Divine Hall's troops began to move once again. Under Hall Lord Shi's lead, they quickly traversed through the dark and depressing tunnel.    


More than ten minutes later, Hall Lord Shi raised his right arm and stopped in front of a fork in the road. He turned around and said, "Wu Shuang, we have already walked in circles for half a day, but you still haven't found any traces of Demon Beast?"    


Wu Shuang shook his head and said with pity, "No, these guys seem to have disappeared into thin air. We could have detected them earlier, but they disappeared in the blink of an eye. Perhaps they were killed by something."    


"You're right, we are most likely walking behind the Lionheart Temple." Hall Lord Shi looked around and, with the help of the light from the lighting melody, saw some footprints on the ground.    


"Hall Lord Shi, do we need to change the route?" Wu Shuang asked.    


"No need, our goals are all the same. Why do we need to be separated?"    


Hall Lord Shi's attitude was completely different from before. The tragic death of his subordinates had dealt him quite a blow. Although he wasn't depressed, he had lost the will to win.    


Brilliant Dragon Divine Hall's team followed the footprints on the ground and walked into the middle passage. On the road, they could see the remains of many Demon Beast, as well as traces of battles.    


"Someone is coming. It's someone from the Brilliant Dragon Divine Hall."    


"What are they doing here?"    


The Heavenly Sound Master s of the Lionheart Temple that were at the back of the group noticed the existence of the Brilliant Dragon Divine Hall and began to mutter softly.    


Hall Lord Shi walked up and asked, "What happened? Why did you stop here?"    


"It's impossible to get to the front. There's a Spider Cave here. Not only this, there are also many Spider Caves in the nearby tunnels." A Heavenly Sound Master replied.    


"Spider?" Hall Lord Shi frowned, and another Heavenly Sound Master spoke up: "Right, let's talk about the front, it's almost filled with spider eggs, the walls and floor are full of those damn Fire Exploding Spider, walking over would be weird if they don't get blown to death."    


While they were talking, an eight foot tall giant squeezed out from the squad of the Lionheart Temple. It was the bald, long-bearded Hall Lord Kong, but he was in a somewhat sorry state.    


"F * ck his grandmother, those bunch of f * cking spiders!" Hall Lord Kong scolded him, "Hall Lord Shi, didn't you say we would split up and move on? Why are you here?"    


As soon as he finished speaking, Hall Lord Kong looked at Huang Long's team again. Seeing that they were all injured, he asked curiously: "What's going on? So many people were injured and met a tough opponent?"    


"Don't even mention it, one Demon Commander died, more than twenty brothers died." Hall Lord Shi sighed.    


"Demon Commander?" Wu Junhu's body trembled. A trace of pity appeared in his cold eyes. He patted Hall Lord Shi's shoulder and said, "Let's restrain our grief. No one could have predicted this kind of accident. How did you guys escape?"    


"I got lucky and got rid of it." Hall Lord Shi pointed at Wu Shuang and said, "Fortunately, this little brother is here. Otherwise, we would have all been wiped out."    


"Indeed a young hero. Sigh, it's a pity that the youngster who accompanied him was dragged into the cave by the spider." Hall Lord Kong said in regret.    


Wu Shuang didn't want to participate in the conversation between the two Palace Masters but when he heard Ceng Yin was in trouble, he lost his composure and immediately asked: "Hall Lord Kong, what do you think happened to my friend? What spider hole?"    


Hall Lord Kong glanced at him and told him the whole story. It turned out that they saw that the road ahead of them was blocked by spiders and wanted to break out.    


Ceng Yin volunteered to go ahead and scout. At first, everything went smoothly, even though the surroundings were filled with Fire Exploding Spider that would explode the moment he touched them, he still managed to get to the middle section.    


However, at this moment, a group of pitch black Spiderweb Devil s with spikes all over their bodies suddenly came out from a nearby spider hole. These first-stage demons could spit out an extremely tough thread.    


In one move, Ceng Yin was wrapped up and dragged into the cave.    


Hall Lord Kong and the rest went to rescue them, but they were not as good as Ceng Yin in their movement techniques. They were either blown up by the tides of the Fire Exploding Spider, lost their temper, were wrapped in spider silk and dragged into the cave. They actually lost more than a dozen people.    


This time, no one dared to go up. Hall Lord Kong tried it on himself, but he almost got himself wrapped up into a mummy by hundreds of spider webs.    


If that was the case, it wouldn't have been difficult for him. However, when he rushed into the Spider Cave, he found that there were seven different passages that intersected with each other. Ceng Yin had been dragged to an unknown place for a long time.    


At this time, the Fire Exploding Spider had already launched a suicide attack on the Lionheart Heavenly Sound Master s, Hall Lord Kong helplessly retreated, when the trouble was solved, he heard his subordinate Huang Long's men come, so he came to take a look.    


"He was kidnapped?" Wu Shuang's face sank, "No, I must go save him."    


Saying that, he squeezed into the crowd of Heavenly Sound Master s in front.    


"You've gone mad. Such a big cave, looking for a person is like looking for a needle in a haystack. With your cultivation, do you think it's possible?"    


Hall Lord Kong grabbed Wu Shuang's arm and scolded him angrily, "Calm down! Now is not the time to be emotional!"    


"Let him go." Hall Lord Shi said, "Wu Shuang's strength is not inferior to mine. Perhaps, he might be able to create a miracle."    


"What a dog's ass, even you want to play around with him?" As Hall Lord Kong was speaking, he suddenly felt something loose in his hand. Wu Shuang, who was being held down by him, suddenly transformed into a melody and disappeared into the crowd.    


No matter how Hall Lord Kong roared, Wu Shuang jumped through the crowd and fiercely dove into the cobweb filled spider web hole. It was just as Hall Lord Kong had said, the ground was full of fist-sized spider eggs, and Fire Exploding Spider crawled in and out of them.    


When he saw Wu Shuang, he immediately rushed forward.    


"Troublesome fellow." Wu Shuang didn't want to waste time on them, so he charged forward with large strides. The surrounding Fire Exploding Spider s constantly exploded, but it was very difficult to harm him at all.    


The deeper they went into the lair, the more spider eggs they met and the more Fire Exploding Spider they encountered. At the end of the day, with every step Wu Shuang took, a large number of spider eggs would explode, bursting out in large numbers of Fire Exploding Spider.    


After finally reaching the middle section, there was indeed a group of thick limbs, as if a black spider wearing armor, rushing over. The giant mouth had a bloated silk-like jaw, when suddenly spitting out, a large amount of sticky spider threads could be seen, coming straight at one's face …    


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