Strongest War Chant

C497 Rescue

C497 Rescue

"Elder Yang is saying that we should find the real culprit?" Wu Shuang revealed a wry smile: "I won't hide it from Elder Yang, I actually also want to find this person. No matter what his goal is, the reason why he brought the Demon Beast to slaughter the common people is because he is a demon. Tell me, what do you want me to do?"    


"Yes, we found the location where the Demon Beast first appeared. There are a total of seven locations, and we can determine that someone used spatial equipment to place a large number of Demon Beast. Among the seven suspects, six of them committed suicide on the spot while the remaining one was in the process of rescue."    


Yang Potian said, "Right now we don't have enough evidence to lock in the suspect, so we need your Awareness Songs to help us find some clues."    


Wu Shuang nodded and said, "Don't trouble yourself so much. Take me to see the suspect who gave me first aid. I have a way to make him talk."    


"Is that true?" Yang Potian's expression lit up. He originally wanted to give Wu Shuang a try, but he didn't expect that he would receive such a pleasant surprise.    




"Alright then, there's no time to lose. Let's go, take my Battle Songs drone." Yang Potian waved his hand, releasing a series of musical notes, which merged with the air and disappeared.    


The next moment, along with a deep and powerful melody, a W shaped battleship aircraft appeared in the air. Its pitch-black exterior was engraved with dark red notes, which gathered together to form a majestic dragon.    


"Invisible ability?" Wu Shuang was surprised. Even he couldn't sense the existence of this airship.    


"Hehe, it's not worth mentioning. If there's a chance in the future, I'll also get a fight for you." Yang Potian patted Wu Shuang's shoulder and said, "Let's go, we'll board the flying ship first."    


After saying that, he turned to his subordinates, "You two stay here and wait for my news."    


"Yes." Over a hundred Heavenly Sound Master s answered in unison, their hearts filled with vigor. They wanted to kill that villain with their own hands, and some of them had also lost their loved ones to the Demon Beast's attack earlier. Now was the time for revenge.    


The Exquisite Hospital was an industry owned by Commonwealth of Hundred States, and it was one of the top three hospitals in the capital. At this moment, they were already filled up with injured people who had come in succession, and the monster horde had been rampaging for less than half an hour, and there were already close to ten thousand casualties.    


At this moment, outside of a special surveillance ward, there were over a dozen Heavenly Sound Master standing on guard. Even the corridor was filled with black-clothed soldiers carrying guns.    


After a short while, the door of the ward opened. A silver-haired old man and a middle-aged doctor walked out at almost the same time.    


"Elder Huang, how is the suspect?" The green-skinned man that was guarding the door came up to him and asked.    


The silver-haired old man shook his head and said, "He's still unconscious. The poison he ingested is extremely venomous. Even my Healing Battle Song couldn't be removed. At most, three minutes later, he'll think his organs are exhausted and die."    


"Is there really no other way? This person is very important to the five of us. He is an important clue that we have unearthed from behind the scenes." The green man asked unwillingly.    




Elder Huang and the middle-aged doctor looked at each other and said, "Director Liang and I have tried our best. To be able to keep him alive for three more minutes is already our limit. His current state is similar to that of a dead man, just that he is breathing heavily."    


"Alright, I understand. Thank you for your hard work."    


He took out his cell phone and was about to call his superior when the shadow of the warsong drone appeared outside the window. That appearance, that sudden appearance, only made him think of one person in the capital — Yang Potian.    


"It's the hall master of the Brilliant Dragon Divine Hall. Perhaps he has a way. The few of you, quickly go greet Hall Master Yang."    


The green man saw a glimmer of hope and immediately commanded his men to go and fetch the man. He then changed his tone, "Forget it, I will personally go and welcome them. Guard this place well, don't even let a fly pass."    


Wu Shuang and Yang Potian passed through the hall full of patients and arrived at the elevator. There were already several stretchers and patients waiting there.    


Ding Ling.    


The elevator opened to reveal a livid man and two soldiers behind him.    


Upon seeing the number of the sick and Yang Potian behind them, the green man frowned and hurriedly said, "Everyone, please step aside. Our side is more important, we need to requisition an elevator first."    


"How can you speak like that? Your matter is important, but ours is not. Lives are in danger, and your hands and feet are healthy. If you want to give up, then it's all up to you."    


"That's right, if you're dressed like soldiers, then where are you when the Demon Beast hurts people? Take our taxes, but you're not human, scram, hurry up and f * ck off."    


When the patient's family saw the three soldiers blocking the door, they immediately shouted in exasperation.    


The green man glanced at the watch in his hand. A minute had passed, and the suspect could die at any moment. There was no time for him to argue with them.    


Just as he was about to violently chase away this group of injured people, he heard Yang Potian say, "Let them go first, we'll wait a little longer."    


"Hall Master Yang, the suspect is about to pass out in one minute. I really can't wait any longer. What method do you have to make him speak?"    


"Move aside first." Yang Potian said in a deep voice.    


Although they belonged to different forces, the green man didn't dare disobey the orders of a supreme elder. As long as he brought his men out, he would hand over the elevator to them.    


"Let's go up the stairs. We have to be fast." As Yang Potian spoke, he rushed up the stairs, and Wu Shuang's speed was not slow either.    


Behind the two of them, the green man shook his thighs as well. However, he had only run up to the third floor when he lost sight of them.    


On the sixth floor of the hospital, Wu Shuang and Yang Potian rushed to the front and back of the ward guarded by the soldiers like two raging winds. When they saw the two of them, Elder Huang and the middle-aged doctor were just about to greet them, Wu Shuang and Yang Potian pushed open the door and entered.    


"It's too late. Even if it comes now, what's the use?" Elder Huang's expression darkened.    


With his position, no one dared to ignore him like this. If he said he couldn't save them, then he really couldn't, so what if one of the two people was the hall master of Brilliant Dragon Divine Hall?    


"Elder Huang, if not, let's go in and take a look as well." the middle-aged doctor whispered.    


"Hmph, let's go. I would like to witness this Hall Master Yang's methods."    


As the two of them entered the ward, they were surprised to discover that the one who attacked wasn't Yang Potian, but the brat who came with him.    


"Nonsense, what can a little kid do?" Elder Huang couldn't help but growl.    


However, aside from Yang Potian, who lifted his head to look at him, Wu Shuang didn't even acknowledge him.    


"Wu Shuang, how is it? Can it be cured?" Yang Potian also saw the suspect's condition clearly. He had almost no breath left in his lungs, with only a breath left in his throat.    


"No problem." Wu Shuang's words once again attracted Elder Huang's cold snort. The former, however, calmly played "The Red Sun". As the bright sun gradually rose into the sky, the orange colored notes immediately fell down like a gentle spring rain.    


Elder Huang was a Heavenly Sound Master with a high cultivation, and he was an expert at healing others. In an instant, he could feel the extraordinary, or rather extraordinary, nature of "The Red Sun".    


"This, this …" Elder Huang's eyes lit up as if he was looking at a stunning beauty.    


A melody seeped into the suspect's body from where Wu Shuang landed. It was like a liquid pouring into the suspect's body, making his dark yellow skin turn red again. Black gas evaporated out of his pores, then the suspect moved his fingers, followed by his eyelids.    


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