Strongest War Chant

C464 Blow to Death Ten Thousand Carrion Beasts

C464 Blow to Death Ten Thousand Carrion Beasts

"It's time to leave."    


Wu Shuang looked around at the dark, repressed mouth. The whale had no teeth, but it really ate people without spitting out their bones.    


Taking out the cold Snake Bone Bead, Wu Shuang gently rubbed his fingertips on it and injected a stream of Heavenly Sound Force into it, making contact with Dong Tianlai.    


After a short while, a blood like melody appeared on the Snake Bone Bead. The melody rotated and contracted at the same time, finally turning into a red eyeball.    


"What is it?" Dong Tianlai's red eyes rolled around and found that it was in some kind of Demon Beast's mouth. He snorted: "Brat, you were actually swallowed by the head Demon Beast, that's rare indeed."    


"What, what, boss you got, puu …" I'm sorry, but you were actually swallowed. Hahaha. " The sound of the Ruffian Avatar burst in, followed by ten seconds of laughter.    


"Old man, hurry and let me out, otherwise, Boss, hahaha, Boss will become like a river of water."    


"Number one, laugh again. Do you believe that I won't waste you and summon you back again?" Wu Shuang gritted his teeth and a vein on his forehead jumped.    


This sentence could be said to have pierced the weak point of the scoundrel's clone. It was as if someone had grabbed his neck, causing him to cough uncomfortably.    


"Scram." Dong Tianlai dispersed the ruffian's anger and asked: "Speak, what happened?"    


Wu Shuang organized his words and briefly retold the whole story. After hearing that he was fortunate enough to have absorbed a large amount of soul fragments, Dong Tianlai laughed heartily and said, "Haha, good, good. You're so lucky."    


"The Giant Whale you're talking about is a kind of Third Grade Great Demon called the Ten Thousand Corrupt Beast. With its size, I'm afraid it's not young, and there's a seventy percent chance of having a spirit core. By the time you consume a spirit core, it should be time for you to advance to the Profoundness Finding Stage realm."    


Wu Shuang nodded in agreement. The Demon Commander's Spirit Core could be considered a treasure, it contained a huge amount of Life Essence. With Wu Shuang's current cultivation, as long as it did not explode, he could definitely advance.    


"Master, let the silly thing out, doesn't the Ten Thousand Corrupt Beast like to eat? Then we'll kill it." Wu Shuang made an explosive gesture.    


"Hehe, you little brat, you really have a lot of evil ideas. Recently, you've given this idiot a lot of blood. This time, it's the perfect supplement for it." Dong Tianlai smiled and separated out a few melodies. They formed a bridge and connected the sound killing array with this place.    


At the same time, in the middle of the sound killing array, a black spinning pillar of light appeared. In front of the coiled snake-tailed monster, it formed a prism that looked like it was made of glass.    


The snake tailed monster sensed Dong Tianlai's aura and immediately raised its head in fear. Its entire body was trembling like a sieve.    


During this period of time, he had been tortured miserably by this old fogey. Everyday, he would have his tendons drawn and his bones peeled, or he would have gouged out his blood.    


Just today, Dong Tianlai had just drained one-third of its blood. It was extremely weak. This old guy actually didn't let it go. The snake tailed monster was suffering in its heart.    


Its scarlet eyes rolled around in a panic, immediately dragging its long body with it as it fled for its life.    


It was so anxious that it lost its mind and forgot where it was. Under the control of the black spinning wheel, the sound killing array space suddenly shifted and a broken prism appeared in front of it.    


The snake tailed monster couldn't stop its feet and slammed its head into the prism. Its huge body was swallowed by the prism dragon as if it was sucking water.    


In the mouth of the beast, Dong Tianlai's eyes lit up. He pulled out a melody and pulled Wu Shuang to his side, saying, "They're here. Be careful."    


As his voice fell, the pitch-black mouth suddenly burst into brilliance. The snake tailed monster, whose face was full of fear, completely filled the Ten Thousand Corrupt Beast's mouth. The next moment, the sound of its bones and muscles shattering could be heard.    


The snake tailed monster was forced to transform into a giant that could split heaven and earth apart. Before it could figure out the situation, it was already under immense pressure.    


It mistook Dong Tianlai for a new method to torture it. Under the attack of anger, it used all of its strength to prop its body up. Its sharp claws and snake tail became two fulcrum points, slowly prying apart the squeeze.    


As the snake tailed monster released its explosive power, the Ten Thousand Corrupt Beast immediately began to struggle in incomparable pain. However, the object in its mouth was too huge and it appeared so suddenly, missing the best opportunity to resist.    


With a mournful wail, the Ten Thousand Corrupt Beast's large mouth was immediately torn into two halves. Even its body was split open from within. Boiling hot blood and corrosive acid sprayed out, taking away its last bit of life.    


The snake tail monster stretched its body and its head coincidentally popped out from the Poisonous Marsh. Looking at the surrounding unfamiliar environment, it didn't know what was going on.    


Moments later, Wu Shuang shot into the sky from within the Poisonous Marsh. When he landed, a sheet of ice congealed under his feet.    


In his left hand, there was a fist sized milky white spirit core, emitting a strong sense of vitality. His right hand held onto a black heart that was beating rapidly, these were the two most valuable materials in the Ten Thousand Corrupt Beast's body.    


The snake tailed monster suddenly turned its head, its eyes constantly shifting between Wu Shuang's left and right hands as it gulped down its saliva.    


"Idiot, what are you looking at, yours is below."    


Wu Shuang widened his eyes. With a twist of his hands, he took away the spirit core and heart.    


No matter how unwilling the snake tailed monster was, it could only shift its gaze away and fiercely dive into the Poisonous Marsh.    


At this time, he heard Wu Shuang say, "Oh, that's right. I want to keep the lotus flower above the head of the Ten Thousand Corrupt Beast for me. If a leaf is missing, I will pluck out one hundred of your scales."    


The snake-tailed monster's diving body trembled as it thought to itself, "How did my illustrious name end up in the hands of this pair of heartless teachers and disciples?"    


The death of one Demon Commander and the appearance of another immediately caused the greater demons that were lurking nearby to panic. They did not dare approach for a moment and were pondering on how to curry favor with the new hegemon.    


Not long after that, the snake-tailed monster came out with three Calamity Lotus in its mouth and offered it to Wu Shuang in a fawning manner.    


Wu Shuang received the Calamity Lotus and patted the snake tailed monster's head to show his encouragement. Just as he was about to stop, the latter rubbed his palm on its own accord.    


When Wu Shuang thought about the terrifying Demon Beast and how it was the head mother, he felt a wave of sympathy. He pushed the's head away and asked: "What are you doing? Why are you acting so coquettishly?"    


"It doesn't want to go back with me and plead with you." The eyes of Dong Tianlai, who had turned into Wu Shuang, flew out from his long hair as he looked down at the snake tail monster that was wagging its tail in a pitiful manner.    


After devouring the corpse of the Ten Thousand Corrupt Beast, the skin color of the snake tailed monster had turned somewhat red. After devouring the corpse of the Ten Thousand Corrupt Beast, the skin color of the snake tailed monster had become somewhat red.    


A perceptive person would be able to see that there was an excess of energy here. Swallowing an existence of the same level as it was also a massive lucky chance, but it also contained great risks. Before absorbing the massive energy within his body, it wasn't suitable for moving anymore.    


"Let's make a decision. Do you want to leave it here, or should I bring it back first?" Dong Tianlai asked.    


Wu Shuang thought about the consequences of leaving it here alone in the Broken Realm Mountain, and looked again at the snake tail monster that had a face full of desire. In the end, his heart softened: "Then, stay here.    


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