Domineering Son-In-Law

C53 Mouse Found

C53 Mouse Found

Lee Shengnan raised her head and looked at Lin Faang with a serious expression.    


"This is related to your wife, Wang Ziyan. The police need your cooperation."    


Lin Faang squinted his eyes. This matter was related to his wife, and it had even alerted the police.    


The three of them sat on the sofa in the hall.    


Lee Shengnan stared at Soong Xue, then looked at Lin Faang.    


"He's my wife's best friend, don't worry about him. Just tell me what's the matter."    


Lee Shengnan nodded. She took out her phone, opened a file and handed it to Lin Faang.    


"Recently, there has been a group of outsiders in Tianhua City. According to the information obtained by our informants and the confessions of the personnel we have captured, these people are all here for your wife. Most of them are A-level crimes, and they are basically all people who have killed before."    


Lin Faang looked at the details on his phone. The more he looked, the more he frowned. His suppressed killing intent was throbbing violently.    


"I understand the grudges between Wealthy Class people, we are not responsible for legal procedures, but now that it has happened, it has to do with us, so I need you to provide me with everything you know, especially some people who have a dispute with your wife."    


Lin Faang ignored Lee Shengnan. In his mind, he was constantly thinking about people who had a dispute with his wife or had conflicts of interest.    


Soon enough, he got a few answers in his mind. There was no need to talk about the relatives in Wang family anymore, the rest were all underground organizations of Tianhua City. Especially that one named Hubao and the one surnamed Dong.    


"Ding ding …"    


Lin Faang's phone jumped twice.    


Two text messages.    


One of them was One-eyed Wolf's. He wanted Lin Faang to call him when he was free, it was an urgent matter.    


One of them belonged to Lin Xiaoyue, a bunch of codes. Even if someone else saw it, they would still be confused.    


Only those under Lin Faang's organization who had studied specifically could understand it.    


It was dark. The mouse had found it. Should the cat move?    


When she thought about the mission Lin Faang gave her recently, it was already dark, it was talking about the dark night; the rats found it, it meant they found their base in Tianhua City, so she wanted to know if they should make a move.    


It really was as if he had to not come, and instead, do everything at once. However, with the Tianhua City being so chaotic right now, using just a little bit of strength shouldn't be a problem, right?    


After some thought, he shook his head. He was not afraid of anything, just in case someone did find him. This hole was not easy to fill.    


"Hey!" Are you listening to me at all? "    


Lee Shengnan slammed her palm on the table, producing a loud sound.    


Lin Faang raised his head slightly and looked at the table. Luckily, it was not broken.    


"I already know what happened. You can leave now."    


"Lin Faang, I advise you to cooperate with our police. Otherwise, it'll be too late for you to regret it in the future."    


Lin Faang smiled. If he really wants to cooperate with the police, then it would be too late for him to regret.    


It wasn't that the police weren't good, but that the public rules weren't suitable for the underground Dark World.    


For example, how dangerous it was to fire a gun, it could only be used under certain circumstances. But when you really needed to fire a gun, maybe someone had already died, and this person, Lin Faang, didn't want to be his wife.    


"I still have something to do, if you don't come and sit here, I won't stop you."    


Lin Faang got up and went to his room. He locked the door silently and took out his phone to let One-eyed Wolf know the situation.    




Lee Shengnan was furious, but what could she do if Lin Faang didn't cooperate with her? Since this was a society ruled by law, everything had to be done according to the law.    


"There's nothing to be angry about. That guy wasn't a good person in the first place."    


Soong Xue hugged her pillow and lazily leaned against the sofa, her legs stretched out.    


"You seem to know something?" Lee Shengnan turned to Soong Xue and said.    


Soong Xue smiled. "Not much. I know a little about it."    


The two of them looked at each other passionately. They could see the hostility in each other's eyes towards Lin Faang.    


The two of them could not help but stand in front of each other. They stretched out their right hands and held each other tightly, forming a line.    


Lin Faang, who was in the room, did not know any of this.    


According to what One-eyed Wolf said, his subordinates found quite a few people who were circling around Wang Ziyan's company and home as if observing something.    


From far away, he could see a middle-aged man wearing a peaked cap and playing with his phone on the road. However, he had been observing the situation of this family all along, and his intuition told him that Lin Faang was a plainclothes policeman because the fugitive would not sit so calmly by the side of the road.    


"I understand. Keep watching, but don't move."    


With that, he hung up the phone. This group of people were nothing, it wouldn't take much time to deal with Lin Faang. The real mission now was that group of professional killers.    


Assassination was always hard to guard against, and that was the most dangerous part.    


Those so-called wanted criminals, in Lin Faang's eyes, were just a bunch of children who didn't know anything.    


He looked at the text that Lin Xiaoyue had sent him, and at the bottom was the address.    


Lin Faang opened the door and went downstairs without a word.    


Lee Shengnan had already left.    


"I'm going out for a while!"    


"Oh!" "Got it!" Soong Xue casually replied as she watched the television.    


Seeing that Lin Faang was really going out, he silently took out his phone and sent a message to Lee Shengnan. The fox had left its nest.    


After exiting the door, Lin Faang got on the bus and arrived at the building that was listed on the address …    


It was a very formal office building, and there were a lot of passersby. If they didn't know clearly, who would have thought that such a dignified assassination organization would be placed in such an eye-catching position?    


Lin Faang's target was the 18th floor, so he took the elevator up.    


When he got out of the elevator, he saw a group of office workers heading towards him.    


They all wore suits and ties, the company was a cleaning agency.    


However, what they were cleaning was not trash, but people.    


"I'm sorry, sir, but it's not accessible to non-staff members here."    


The little girl at the front desk immediately got up to intercept Lin Faang when she saw his arrival.    


Lin Faang looked at the front desk girl. Intuition, intuition told him that he wasn't in the wrong place.    


"Nightfall. Watch out for shadows."    


This was Dark World praising the dark night. However, since the sky had started to turn dark, be careful of your shadow, he was going to start killing.    


Because of this, no matter who said it, it would mean one thing. He was here to kill.    


Hearing these words, the young girl's face slightly changed, and silently turned to the side and made a gesture of 'please'.    


Lin Faang stepped forward.    


However, in the next second, a white light flashed past their eyes.    


Lin Faang continued to move forward.    


The girl at the front desk opened her eyes wide. She held a dagger tightly in her hand and was about to stab herself in the chest.    


The whole process took less than a second.    


The front desk girl launched a sneak attack. Lin Faang flipped his hand to grab the dagger and pierced it into her chest. His movements were fluid and without the slightest pause.    


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