Domineering Son-In-Law

C133 Three-tone Drop Hammer

C133 Three-tone Drop Hammer

[Triple Shot Falling Hammer]! It was the same on the spot, and Lin Faang took it into his pocket.    


At this moment, everyone began to think highly of Lin Faang. No matter the reason, he was sure that he would have money. He spent 50 million without even blinking his eyes, as if the money was like the wind blowing from the sky.    


In fact, the money was almost like the wind.    


He didn't even know how much money Lin Faang had right now, but he knew one thing. As long as he wanted, he could fill the entire Earth with money and suck up all the water in the ocean.    


It sounded exaggerated, but it was true. To him, money was just a number, an infinite number.    


At their level, the only thing that mattered to them was the breakthrough of their own strength. The people around them and their money were just a useless piece of paper.    


The last item went on stage.    


Everyone present instantly raised their spirits by 200%. Even Lin Faang woke up from his slacking state and stared at the Sea Whale Herb in the hand of the green-qipao beauty.    


Sea Whale Herb! As far as Lin Faang knew, it only had one function, which was to change or evolve a human's genes.    


But for those who ate Sea Whale Herb, when they entered the water, a special layer of grease would seep out from the surface of their body, which could reduce the body's resistance in the water and allow them to move more agilely and quickly in the water.    


There was once a young man who accidentally swallowed a Sea Whale Herb when he was young. After he grew up, he became the Ocean King, or Sea King for short. As long as he fought in the sea, no one could beat him.    


Today, this person was one of the Spirit Masters of China. He stood by the coast of China all year round and no one dared to trespass.    


Lin Faang had sparred with him when he was at his peak back then, but he was defeated in one move and almost sunk into the sea to become fish food.    


The auction began.    


The speed of the increase in prices could be said to be crazy. Before the last bid was called out, the next bid had already been called out. The host was so busy that he didn't even know who was calling out the price.    


Soong Xue was shocked by this scene. She had never seen such a crazy scene.    


These people seemed to want to tear the host to shreds and snatch the Sea Whale Herb s away.    


Soong Xue looked at Lin Faang, hoping that he would give her an explanation.    


Lin Faang rolled his eyes at her without even giving her an explanation.    


However, it was really noisy, even more messy than the market.    


It was at this moment that Old Deng in the first row could no longer take it. He stood up, raised his hand, and shouted, "Thirty million!"    


This price instantly repelled those guys who were just here to enjoy the show.    


If they dared to make any reckless bids, it would disrupt the order. However, they would be blacklisted by the auction.    


"Thirty five million!" Old Zhu did not want to fall behind and stood up to bid.    


Seeing that the situation had finally stabilized, the supporter pointed the hammer at Old Zhu and said, "3500! Is there a higher price than this? "    


"36 million!" Old Deng followed suit.    


The two elders were once again at each other's throats. Neither of them was convinced by the other, and neither of them admitted defeat. One million and one hundred thousand was added together.    


Of course, it was not only because the other party was unhappy, the main reason was because of the Sea Whale Herb.    


After obtaining it, if they could find out the cultivation method and cultivation method of Sea Whale Herb, they could try planting it in large quantities and put it into medical research.    


If he couldn't do it, then he could use it for his own juniors. If he could rely on this relationship to climb up to the size of the Shanghai King, then his family would be invincible for at least a hundred years.    


There was no need to mention the fact that he was going to become the second Ocean King in the Ocean King's family. It was exciting to think about becoming one of the top families in the world.    


And just when they were imagining this beautiful scene …    


A familiar voice broke their fantasies.    


"50 million!" Lin Faang raised his head slowly and shouted.    


It was too boring. With a million gold coins and these people being too poor, it would be more interesting to end this competition between the poor as soon as possible and go back to Hai Shang.    


"It's this kid again, 5000 …"    


Old Zhu didn't have much hope before Lin Faang interrupted him and said, "60 million!"    


This made everyone in the arena take in a cold breath. This was way too rich, wasn't it? There was no need to think about the 60 million yuan that would make a move just like that.    


Old Deng frowned, raised his hand and said, "Six thousand …"    


However, Lin Faang interrupted him once again: "80 million!" He added 20 million directly, not giving Old Deng any face at all. Or rather, he directly used the money to call Old Deng by his name.    


"Aren't you too rich?" Soong Xue looked at Lin Faang in disbelief. He couldn't think of how many eighty million it would be, even if it was Wang family, to take out eighty million in one go would definitely hurt his bones and muscles.    


Old Deng and Old Zhu looked at each other. They knew that they had met a rich opponent.    


Although the two of them were usually at odds with each other, their relationship was even closer than their own brothers. If there was only one person in this world who could be trusted, it would undoubtedly be the other person.    


The two of them nodded at each other lightly. Sea Whale Herb s were something that they had to get, they could not be messed with by an unknown junior.    


"Eighty million going once!"    


"80 million twice!"    


"Eighty million, the third …"    


"One hundred million!"    


In the last half second, Deng's voice intimidated the audience.    


Countless people sucked in a cold breath. One hundred million! How much is that? It was unimaginable!    


The host was also stunned. He thought that the 80 million was already enough and that the auction would end soon. He didn't expect Old Deng to call out a bid of 100 million. This really made him excited.    


"One hundred million, first place …"    


Before the host finished his sentence, Lin Faang once again refreshed the influence everyone had on him.    


"200 million!"    


Silence reigned as the price doubled. Everyone fell into a stupor.    


The two elders' faces were bloodshot, but it was not due to excitement. They were angry.    


Why? Why did it have to be like this? Why did the heavens make this young man so rich? Why?!    


Soong Xue, on the other hand, didn't know what expression to make. She was already numb to it.    


In the beginning, Soong Xue thought Lin Faang coveted Wang Ziyan's property, but now, it seemed that he did not even care about that property.    


For someone who could easily bid 200 million, would he have a low net worth?    


Even the current Lili didn't dare to say that she was willing to pay 200 million for a stalk of grass.    


Don't look at the Wang family being one of the three top groups in the Dragon City, with a wealth of more than ten billion.    


But this is all stationary property, at most one or two percent movable property.    


"Host!" Lin Faang shouted, "What are you waiting for?"    


The host came back to his senses and the wooden hammer in his hand fell.    




The wooden hammer stopped, and the auction ended.    


Lin Faang swiped his card, took the Sea Whale Herb and left.    


Seeing that, Soong Xue hurriedly followed him and left with Lin Faang.    


When the others regained their senses, Lin Faang had already left the auction house.    


Deng was about to chase after him, ready to stop Lin Faang.    


But Zhu stopped him.    


"Old Zhu, what are you doing? Let go, he's about to run away!" Old Deng turned his head and roared at Old Zhu. He was burning with anxiety, his Sea Whale Herb was about to be ruined by others, and his good friend was even stopping him.    


"Old Deng, calm down. Did you see the bank card that the young man took out?"    


"What bank card!" Isn't it normal to have a bank card? " Old Deng calmed down and tried his best to recall, but he could only vaguely remember a black shadow.    




Are there any black cards on the bank card?    


Old Deng's body shuddered. He turned his head to look at Old Zhu in disbelief and said in fright, "That can't be …"    


"Shh!" Old Zhu covered his mouth and placed his finger in front of his mouth, saying, "Be careful with what you say!"    


Old Deng nodded. He was too shocked that he almost blurted it out.    


Thinking of the person with the black card identity, Deng could not help but shiver.    


Perhaps it was better for the Sea Whale Herb to fall into his hands than for him to fall into their hands, and it was not only because he was richer than them.    






These were all better than their best.    


Even people like them, who seemed to be high and mighty, were just clowns in the eyes of those people who had black cards. The medical skills that they were so proud of were most likely at the bottom, and they simply didn't have any ability to compare.    


For such a character to appear here, how could they not be astonished?    


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