Doula Continent: Rule the World



What is it? Zhang Liushui panicked. He tried very hard to think of something shameful here, but he couldn't think of anything. At this moment, Lin Yi already stood up and walked outside.    


"I wonder what great deacon Lin is talking about?" Zhang Liushui asked as he followed behind Lin Yi.    


"Just follow me." Lin Yi walked with his hands behind his back: "But you better call more people over to testify, otherwise I'll frame you or something."    


Hearing this, Zhang Liushui became even more flustered. Since Lin Yi said so, the matter was definitely not small. However, he was still very curious, what shameful things did Lin Yi find in the Lion Pavilion?    


Not long after, Zhang Liushui and a few disciples followed Lin Yi to Zhang Liushui's room.    


"May I know Great Deacon Lin, are you searching my room?" Zhang Liushui frowned and said.    


Actually, logically speaking, only the head of the sect or the head of the sect would be allowed to search his room. After all, he was a dignified elder, so how could he simply let others search his room?    


But now, even if Lin Yi wanted to directly blow up his room, he couldn't do anything. After all, his strength was there. If Zhang Liushui knew that Lin Yi's level was not higher than his, perhaps he would feel even more terrified.    


"It is indeed a bit inappropriate for me to enter your room. However, if you are innocent, then you need not be afraid that I will enter and take a look." Lin Yi shrugged and said, "How is it?" May I go in and see? Elder Zhang? "    


Zhang Liushui gritted his teeth and said, "If you want to go in, then go in! Anyway, I'm innocent! "But if you can't find anything, I'll …"    


Zhang Liushui didn't finish his sentence, "If you can't find anything, then I won't be polite to you". After all, after he said more than half of it, he realized that even if Lin Yi couldn't find anything, he still couldn't do anything to him. He couldn't beat him in a fight, so what else could he do?    


Lin Yi said, "Sure! If I don't find anything, I can publicly apologize to you in the sect and compensate you 10 million gold coins. "    


Ten million gold coins. Even though Fifth Elder was extremely rich, ten million gold coins was a huge sum of money to him.    


For Lin Yi to state such conditions, it showed that he was very confident. Therefore, Zhang Liushui was not happy with these conditions, instead, he became more and more flustered.    


"Since you have no objections, Fourth Elder." Lin Yi spread his hands and said, "Then open the door."    


The Fourth Elder hesitated for a while before taking out the key to open the door.    


After the door was opened, Lin Yi said with his hands behind his back, "You guys go in first, or else I'll go in and put the stuff away."    


The Fourth Elder did not say anything and just led his disciples in: "Come, Great Deacon. Tell me, what do you think is in this room? Search it!"    


Lin Yi felt the location of the magical medicine as soon as he entered the house. Lin Yi touched his nose and smiled: "Why don't you see what's under your bed?"    


"Under the bed?" The Fourth Elder knew that he had never hidden anything under the bed.    


Hearing this, the fourth elder immediately walked over, threw the pillow on the floor and quickly opened the bed. It wasn't empty under the bed, but there were two boxes, each about fifty cubic centimeters in size.    


When the Fourth Elder saw these two boxes, he was immediately stunned, "I didn't let go of anything here."    


Since Lin Yi came looking for them, the contents of the box must not be simple.    


Elder Zhang immediately opened the chest. There were a lot of black pill inside, and these pill were like meat balls.    


How was this a beef ball? As a Soul Douluo, how could he not know what this is? This was obviously a box of divine medicine. Zhang Liushui was stunned for a moment before he quickly opened the second box. The second box was also filled with godly medicines.    


Lin Yi shrugged, then crossed his arms and lightly said, "You should be able to answer the question I just asked, right, Fourth Elder? What's going on? "    


"I didn't …" Hiding godly medicines was a capital offense. Even if the empire didn't care, the sects would. How could Zhang Liushui not be afraid?    


"Then why don't you explain to me what's going on?" Lin Yi said, "Don't say that I did it, I don't have the spare time. If I want to kill you, it's just a matter of making a move. I won't have such thoughts."    


The Fourth Elder originally suspected that Lin Yi was trying to frame him, but hearing Lin Yi's words, he completely rejected that idea. After all, Lin Yi was right. If Lin Yi wanted to kill him, it would be a simple matter.    


"Xiu-Er!" It was Zhang Xiu! It must be Zhang Xiu. " "The Fourth Elder thought for a long time before the name Zhang Xiu finally popped up in his mind." In the past two days, only Zhang Xiu has entered his room, and a few days ago, Great Elder just happened to gift Zhang Xiu a Storage Ring. I think that Storage Ring is just nice enough to store a box of divine medicine! "    


"I heard that divine medicines are extremely rare and very difficult to get hold of. I'm guessing that there are at least fifty of them in these two boxes right?" Lin Yi found a stool and casually sat down: "It's obvious that someone is trying to harm you!"    


"It's the Great Elder!" As the Fourth Elder spoke, his eyes seemed as if they were ablaze with fire. "But why did the First Elder want to harm me?"    


"You'll have to ask yourself that." Lin Yi shrugged and said, "That's your own problem. You should think about who was trying to harm you and why!"    


The fourth elder was lost in thought on the spot. He underestimated Shi Mu and said, "Head Elder, if you are heartless, then don't blame me for being unjust!"    


"Do you think you can beat Great Elder?" Lin Yi laughed, "You are really naive. I always thought you knew something. Don't you want to tell me? "Maybe I can guarantee that you won't die."    


After hesitating for a while, the Fourth Elder signaled those disciples with his eyes. After the disciples had gone out and closed the door, the Fourth Elder said: "He wants to be the Sect Leader. He once tried to rope me in."    


"And then?"    


Hearing the Fourth Elder's words, Lin Yi knew that the Fourth Elder would have a lot of clues.    


Lin Yi snickered in his heart: "Say it, I'll protect you."    


"Then I refused. I said I was neutral." The Fourth Elder said, "Maybe he wants to kill us to keep our mouths shut. No wonder he was so kind! Send Zhang Xiu here to serve me! "    


"That's interesting." Lin Yi stood up and stretched.    




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