Doula Continent: Rule the World



As for how many red packets were given, that depended on how many people there were in Outer Sect. Only today did Lin Yi receive twenty million gold coins from Ling Jiedong, this Protector Dong.    


What was different from Lin Yi's imagination was that whether it was a sect or a school, they had to pay tuition fees. However, there was no need to pay tuition fees when one was in the sect. For example, one could be accepted as a disciple or a special privilege by an Elder or Protector. However, the ordinary disciples had to be handed over, regardless of whether it was Internal Sect or not.    


Lin Yi's twenty million was enough to send a thousand red packets to each person.    


"Yes, but there's no need." Lin Yi muttered to himself.    


Lin Yi thought for a second and said loudly to everyone, "Then let's do it this way. Two gold coins for each of us!"    


"Wow!" When he said this, everyone cheered. To Lin Yi, these two gold coins were nothing. In fact, all of them added up to more than four thousand gold coins. To Lin Yi, this was a small amount. After all, with the system's rewards, Lin Yi had 35 million gold in his account. So this was all a small amount of money.    


However, to the disciples of Outer Sect, this was a huge sum of money. A few days ago, when Lin Yi and Wu stayed in the hotel, that kind of hotel which was the richest in Tiandou City would cost at least two gold coins. He just said that Lin Yi was extremely rich now.    


There were only a few hundred people watching, so many people didn't know about it.    


Therefore, Lin Yi didn't plan to send it now. Lin Yi looked at the deacon beside him, patted his shoulder and asked: "What's his name?"    


"Sir, I'm Pei Qinhu." The deacon said.    


"Are you f * * king calling me Qihu?" Rongyu the King, that tiger that pays with money? " Lin Yi couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Holy crap, even this name has the same name?"    


"I wonder what is the King Rongyao that sire spoke of?" Of course, Pei Qinhu didn't know what Lin Yi was talking about. There wasn't such a thing in the Wu Steel Continent.    


"I'm fine." Lin Yi stifled his laughter and asked sternly: "How about this, you have the names and information of all the Outer Sect's disciples, right?"    


"Yes, yes!" Pei Qinhu nodded his head and bowed, "My lord! This little one will deliver it to your office in a moment. "    


"My office?" Lin Yi raised his eyebrows and shrugged with a smile, "I don't even know where my office is."    


"Ah, so it's like that?" Pei Qinhu nodded, "Then, can I take you to have a look now?"    


"Sure!" Lin Yi nodded, then raised his head to look at the surrounding Outer Sect disciples and said: "Alright, disperse! As for the red packet from this great deacon, I will get Deacon Pei to send it to your Soul-Heaven Tablet! "    


"Thank you, Great Deacon!" Hundreds of people thanked Lin Yi in unison and then left. When they left, they were still discussing what had happened today …    


Holding Lin Qianxian's hand, Davila said, "Qianxian, first follow Master to the office to have a look. Later Master will take you to have some good food!"    


"It's Master!" The toddler who was sweeping the floor laughed extremely happily.    


Lin Yi smiled and then looked at Pei Qinhu. He nodded at him, indicating for him to lead the way.    


Pei Qinhu naturally understood Lin Yi's meaning. He smiled and gestured: "Sir, over here!"    


After walking for about 10 minutes, Pei Qinhu brought Lin Yi to a building. The building was not tall, only 5 floors, but it took up a lot of space. Lin Yi estimated that the building had to be at least 3,000 square meters.    


There was no need to talk about small office space, since it was so big and it was just a Outer Sect office, it was already not bad.    


Pei Qinhu brought Lin Yi to the fifth floor, stood in front of the tightly shut door, and smiled: "Sir! The fifth floor is your office, and your Soul-Heaven Tablet is your key. "    


Although Pei Qinhu already believed that Lin Yi was the head deacon, he still wanted to see if Lin Yi's identity was that of a head deacon. Only the Great Deacon's Soul-Heaven Tablet could open the door, if Lin Yi was a fake, then there would be a huge problem.    


Lin Yi smiled, not knowing what Pei Qinhu was thinking.    


Lin Yi took out his Soul-Heaven Tablet and brushed it towards the door's opening mechanism. Then, the door slowly opened on its own.    


After the door opened, the smell of dust came out of the room. Pei Qinhu frowned and used his hands to wipe away the dust, but dust still entered his nose and snot a few times in succession.    


Lin Yi was not allergic to dust. He gently waved his hand and the dust in the air became heavy and slowly fell down.    


"How many years has it been since someone entered?" Lin Yi frowned, "It can't be that there hasn't been a deacon for decades, right?"    


"Milord!" Yes, the previous Great Deacon has already disappeared for ten years, and for no reason at all. " Pei Qinhu said: "And before this, he had some conflict with a disciple of Internal Sect. He doesn't have your courage to dare do such a thing, Sir. He just scolded that disciple a few times and then disappeared. We all speculated that was the case, but we didn't dare to say anything. "    


"Nest, does the Sect Leader not care?" Lin Yi crossed his arms and frowned: "Why does the head of the sect treat these things so differently? Outer Sect is also one of the sect's core strengths! "    


"The Sect Leader has been in seclusion for the past few years. Ten years, the Sect Leader has broken through to the level of Titled Douluo. We thought that he would manage it, but we don't know why he is still in seclusion." Pei Qinhu sighed, and said: "There's no other way, Outer Sect is after all, Outer Sect, and the position of great deacon has always been empty. No one dares to sit in this position, and no one is willing to be this great deacon …" "Who would have imagined that you, Sir …"    


Lin Yi couldn't help but laugh, "Seems like Ling Jiedong has given me a good seat! Senior Ling, you're really good at scheming! "Hahaha, but I like this position!"    


"Make... Senior Ling? Master, this position is recommended by the East Gate Protector? " Pei Qinhu was stunned.    


Lin Yi nodded, then shook his head and said, "Not a recommendation, right? This is forcefully arranging a position for me."    


"Eh." Pei Qinhu smiled embarrassedly and said, "Sir, could it be that you also went missing all of a sudden?"    


Lin Yi shrugged and laughed, "If some day, the Sect Leader comes looking for me to settle the score, I will run hahahaha!"    


"Sovereign probably won't do anything to you, right?" Pei Qinhu had a depressed look on his face as he heard Lin Yi's words, "After all, it's not like Sovereign is going easy on us, it's just that this has been a practice for a hundred years. The previous Sect Leaders had turned a blind eye to it, resulting in the current atmosphere.    


"With him always relying on me for protection, you might as well try your best." Lin Yi said, "I'm not in the sect every day. I have a lot of things to do. The only thing I can do is to bring you guys along and become even more powerful. "    


"Ai!" Pei Qinhu sighed, then said: "Sir, this matter is very easy for you to say. You should know that only ten or so people pass the Internal Sect assessment every year, and after those dozen or so people become Internal Sect disciples, they completely lose all decorum with one another, as if they were never Outer Sect disciples."    


Lin Yi shrugged his shoulders and smiled bitterly, "That's normal. After all, Yu Zipei also said that this place is like a prison. Disciples of Outer Sect are all labor criminals. After leaving this place with great difficulty, who would still care whether or not their Outer Sect had come out? Furthermore, if even you deacons are unable to do anything, then they are even more powerless, so all they can do is to become stronger themselves, and make good use of their Internal Sect's resources. Humans were always selfish. Who is so selfless? "    


"What about the lord? Was it because of our Outer Sect that the Lord vented our anger on behalf of everyone just now? " Pei Qinhu asked.    


Lin Yi thought about it, crossed his arms and said, "Me? To be honest, as the Great Deacon of the Outer Sect, I have the duty to care about these things. Furthermore, the reason why I attacked so loudly today was because they had provoked me. That would be perfect for killing him! There must be some selfish motives, right? But for the time being, I'm not selfish. "    


"So you're saying that in the future, she will give up her Outer Sect because of her selfishness? Not care if we live or die? " Pei Qinhu felt like crying.    


Lin Yi shook his head and said, "I'm afraid I can't say for sure, but I'm sure I will finish what I have to do." I made a decision today. "    


"What decision?"    


"Turn Outer Sect into a force that can contend against Internal Sect." Lin Yi said: "If that's the case, then we don't need to worry about Internal Sect's people bullying Outer Sect anymore."    


When Lin Yi said this, Pei Qinhu was shocked to the point of being stunned on the spot, and said: "Master! This has been a constant rule in the sect for the past five hundred years. If you want to enter the Internal Sect, you need to break through the encirclement on the Outer Sect. "    


"That's not practical at all." Lin Yi shrugged and said, "That's right. It's just a matter of selecting and training our disciples." But have you ever thought of such a question? "    


"What problem?"    


"How many disciples pass the Internal Sect assessment every year? Out of the two thousand plus people, only ten or so passed the examination. This ratio was too abnormal, and new students were accepted every year, then they would be continuously eliminated. Some disciples, even those who had mixed in Outer Sect for three to five years, were still unable to enter the Internal Sect, and had been directly crippled for a lifetime. This is simply harming others. " Lin Yi casually found a chair, blew away the dust on the chair, and sat down. He continued: "So this must be reformed, either improve the recruitment criteria, or lower the Internal Sect's assessment criteria!"    


"Soul Heaven Gate are the top ten of Tiandou City …"    


"I know, I know that Soul Heaven Gate is one of the ten great sects in Tiandou City." Lin Yi interrupted Pei Qinhu and continued: "So the standards for enrollment cannot be low, right? And Internal Sect is just a front, so it has to be compared, so it cannot be lacking, right? Isn't that what you mean? "    


"Yes …" Pei Qinhu nodded, not knowing how to respond to Lin Yi's words.    




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