Doula Continent: Rule the World



"Kid!" You don't want to live anymore? " Yu Zipei felt very uncomfortable being held by the neck by Lin Yi, but he didn't have the ability to struggle at all. He could only be held by Lin Yi and couldn't do anything: "You two are useless! "Hurry up and save me!"    


Everyone present was shocked. They never would have thought that the mighty Senior Brother Yu would also have such a day. The two Sun brothers had just reacted when they got up from the ground. The two of them activated the same Soul Techniques together and struck towards Lin Yi.    


Lin Yi looked at their Soul Techniques, just like how he looked at a little kid's random boxing.    


Lin Yi laughed disdainfully. From the Abyssal Giant Worm's mucus on his body, it was able to bind both of their hands. He was stuck to the Abyssal Giant Worm's mucus and had no way to break free. If Lin Yi wanted to kill them, it would just be a matter of using his fingers. Whether it was Thousand Creations Cat, Infinite Queen Bee or Yu Jinghu, their skills were all ranged. Their strength was not a joke.    


If not for Lin Yi's promise to stop Ling Jiedong and Third Madam Zhao from messing around in the Outer Sect, Lin Yi would definitely have crippled both of them. Maybe even Yu Zipei. So what if he was the Sect Leader's disciple? Honestly speaking, Lin Yi was not afraid of the Patriarch of Soul Heaven Gate right now. If he couldn't beat the Patriarch, wouldn't he be able to run?    


"Trash!" Seeing his follower being subdued like this, Yu Zipei was very angry, but he couldn't do anything because he was not even a match for Lin Yi.    


A few of the onlookers slipped away. No one knew where they were going, nor did anyone care where they were going.    


The surrounding disciples began to discuss with each other.    


"How strong is this person? "Even Senior Brother Yu is not his opponent, how terrifying is that!"    


"More than terrifying! Senior Brother Yu was not the strongest in the new generation! This person is only level 20 and yet has such power? "    


"Have you gone stupid? Have you forgotten that this person took a miracle medicine? "    


"Even if he consumed some godly medicine, he wouldn't have such a great explosive power, right? "Unless …"    


"Unless what?"    


"Unless this person was originally very strong, and was so invincible after taking the divine medicine!"    


"It's already very strong …" Then would he just cut off his future like that? This is not worth it at all! "    


"That's right …"    




That's right, no one believed that Lin Yi didn't eat a miracle medicine. After all, it could explain the power of a level 20 person. The only possibility was that the person had eaten a miracle medicine.    


"Senior Brother Yu, your two lackeys aren't good enough!" Lin Yi shook his head and laughed, "With such little strength, how can I mix with you, the strongest new generation? You are really a disgrace! Oh, that's not right. Even the strongest new generation like you are very weak! "    


Even you, the strongest new generation, are very weak! This sentence kept echoing in Yu Zipei's head.    


"AHH!" I'll kill you! " "It took Yu Zipei almost all of his strength to shout this out.    


Seeing Yu Zipei like this, Lin Yi suddenly thought Yu Zipei was funny: "I say, little brother, you might be the Sect Leader's chief disciple, but I'm afraid of you!" You are such a rude and unreasonable person, a disciple who has always walked sideways and looked down on our Outer Sect! If I don't treat you, I will really let down the disciples of Outer Sect! "    


With that, Lin Yi threw Yu Zipei onto the ground, "Come on, kill me!"    


Yu Zipei, who was thrown onto the ground, breathed heavily and coughed. How could he have the strength to fight back against Lin Yi?    


Lin Yi crossed his arms and said, "Don't you only know how to bully your own people? What future can you have? That's not right! It's not your fault alone! Your Internal Sect is just that type of attitude, to think that you are superior, right? "    


Hearing Lin Yi's words, all the disciples of Outer Sect felt touched. Lin Yi had said something that they never dared to say. And the most important thing Lin Yi did, was what they had always wanted to do, yet did not dare to do, and did not have the ability to do. That was to teach the disciples of Internal Sect a lesson.    


Now that Lin Yi had done it for them, the one to teach them a lesson was their leader, Yu Zipei. At that time, they didn't dare to show their excitement. After all, they were afraid of revenge.    


They all knew that even though Lin Yi, the hero, gave them a big blow, Lin Yi ate some godly medicine and before long, Lin Feng would be devoured by the godly medicine …    


"Good boy!" How dare you treat me like that! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! " Yu Zipei took a while to recover. He held the long sword in his hand and a White Tiger appeared behind him. The White Tiger had three extremely long tails, which was Yu Zipei's Martial Spirit, the Three-tailed White Tiger.    


The Three-tailed White Tiger was indeed domineering, but it definitely wasn't as formidable as Lin Yi's Seven-tailed White Fox.    


Lin Yi crossed his arms and similarly activated his own Martial Spirit, the Thunderdragon's Breath.    


Of course, in a normal state, he was just an ordinary dogtail grass. No one would be able to tell that there was anything out of the ordinary about this Thunderdragon's Breath Grass.    


If it was before, Lin Yi would definitely be mocked by others if he revealed this Martial Spirit. However, now, Lin Yi only brought fear to others when he revealed this Martial Spirit. After all, if a person with Martial Spirit s that were made of dog-tailed grass could become strong to this extent, then that person was truly powerful!    


Even Yu Zipei was stunned. He really did not think that a Martial Spirit that was made of dog's tail would actually beat him to such a state, he already understood that even if Lin Yi took the godly medicine, a mere level 20 couldn't be that terrifying, unless …    


"Kid, are you trying to fish in troubled waters!?" Hidden level? " Yu Zipei held his sword tightly and pointed it at Lin Yi. "Speak!" What exactly is the purpose of you sneaking into our Soul Heaven Gate?! "    


How many people's doubts were solved with a single sentence from Yu Zipei?    


"So you were hiding your level?" He was indeed the head disciple of the Sect Leader! You can even tell that? "    


"What's the use of seeing it now? "Right now, that person is probably going to suffer a backlash from the magical medicine. At that time, he will definitely pull Senior Brother Yu down!"    


"I'd rather kill Yu Zipei!"    


"Shh! Shh! Shh!" Are you crazy? You actually dare to say it out loud, are you not afraid? "    


"He shouldn't be able to hear it …"    




Lin Yi shook his head and smiled: "Is it better to say that you are smart, or do you have slow reactions? "Isn't it a bit late to discover that we have hidden our levels?"    


Originally, Lin Yi wanted to hide his level and stay here for a while to pretend to be a B, but he didn't expect to be exposed today.    


"You brat! You really did hide your level! " Yu Zipei said, "I admit that you are very powerful. You are probably in your 40s, right? But now you're crippling yourself! He actually took a godly medicine! You want to kill me? Wait for your next life! "    


With that, Yu Zipei activated his Soul Techniques. The three tailed white tiger gathered its energy and turned into a ray of light as it charged towards Lin Yi. In the middle of it, it instantly turned into three beams of light and when it arrived in front of Lin Yi, it became three white tigers.    


The three white tigers tried to bite Lin Yi, but Lin Yi only shook his body once before the three white tigers turned back into light and disappeared into the air.    


Lin Yi laughed, "I thought you would run away, but I didn't expect you to be so brave."    


"This is a matter of dignity! And it's in my dictionary! There was no such word as "escape"! " Yu Zipei gripped his sword tightly and turned it into a white tiger. He ran towards Lin Yi and shouted, "Three Swords of the White Tiger!"    


The sword in Yu Zipei's hand became three and pierced towards Lin Yi from three different directions.    


In the same age group, this skill was definitely superior, and its lethality was great. However, the person he met today was Lin Yi.    


Lin Yi didn't dodge either. He just stood on the spot and snapped his fingers. The Abyssal Giant Worm's mucus turned into a protective barrier that protected Lin Yi inside.    


The smell of the Abyssal Giant Worm's mucus was not something an ordinary person could handle, but this mucus was indeed very useful.    


Yu Zipei's skill couldn't pierce through Lin Yi's mucus.    


Wu Tie lightly gathered his strength and directly exploded the mucus. Yu Zipei's skill was also released. Lin Yi laughed lightly and activated the Seven Tailed White Fox Soul Ring.    


A seven tailed white fox appeared on the Soul Ring on Lin Yi's body, protecting his dog tail grass.    


Lin Yi didn't reveal anything else, but if it did, it would really scare them to death.    


"Ten thousand..." "The Ten-thousand-year Soul Ring..." Everyone was stunned into silence.    


Yu Zipei was speechless, his Soul Ring was at most 3,000 years old, how terrifying was it for everyone to have a Ten-thousand-year Soul Ring. This person admitted that he had hidden his level. His master was a Titled Douluo, and he only had a Soul Ring for ten thousand years.    


Yu Zipei was stunned on the spot and did not attack again. Instead, he retracted his Martial Spirit because he had already realized that this person in front of him was already a very powerful existence.    


And the person in front of him actually had a ten thousand year old Soul Ring. Could it be that this person was also titled Douluo?    


Looking at the black Soul Ring on Lin Yi's body, everyone no longer felt that Lin Yi was someone who ate godly medicine … After all, how could such a strong person consume divine medicine? Eating a godly medicine was the same as crippling his cultivation from before. It was a slow suicide.    


People with Ten-thousand-year Soul Ring wouldn't need to consume godly medicine against two Level 30 people.    


"May I ask who you are, esteemed title Douluo?" At this time, a person squeezed through the crowd. He was very respectful towards Lin Yi.    


"What title? Douluo?" Lin Yi retracted his Seven Tailed White Fox, crossed his arms and said, "I am just a level 20 newbie! "I ate some godly medicine, wait a bit, I'll be gone …"    


"You really know how to joke." That person smiled apologetically: "Sir, I am a deacon for Outer Sect. If there is anything you want to tell me, you can tell me. Zipei is the Sect Leader's disciple …"    


"So what if he's the Sect Leader's disciple? You can't kill him? " It was hard to imagine that Lin Yi was smiling as he said such words that were filled with killing intent …    




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