Doula Continent: Rule the World

C348 Are You Kidding Me

C348 Are You Kidding Me

The man in the pavilion was snoring loudly, and from time to time, he would raise his hand to wipe the saliva flowing from his mouth. The faint smile on his face was proof that he was currently having a beautiful dream.    


With a deafening snoring sound, Lin Yi arrived in front of the burly man. He covered his ears with his hands, bent down, and yelled into the man's ear: "Get up, it's time to eat!"    


The response was still the deafening snores. Lin Yi had made such a loud noise, but the big guy didn't move at all. If it wasn't for the fact that he was tricking Lin Yi with the discount, he might even think that Lin Yi was dead.    


Lin Yi did not give up and tried to shake the big guy's hand to wake him up, but the big guy was still unmoved.    


After using all of his skills, he still did not wake up the Han people. Lin Yi also gave up and returned to the front of the crowd.    


"He sleeps too deeply for me to wake up." He lowered his head, as if he had done something very humiliating.    


Everyone could see his efforts, so no one said that he didn't go. However, when they saw that he was still sleeping soundly, they felt helpless. Lin Yi had made such a big commotion, yet still didn't wake him up.    


The four helplessly stood in the sun, waiting for the big man to wake up. They didn't expect that they would have to wait an entire afternoon for him.    


When Dai Mubai came to the fourth stage, he saw the four people standing under the sun and was a bit confused. As he walked forward, he heard a loud snoring sound and finally understood why they were standing under the sun.    


"Are you guys unable to wake him up?"    


Everyone heard Dai Mubai's voice and turned to look at him. However, their eyes were all on the enchanting girl behind him.    


"Let me introduce you all. This is Zhu Zhu Qing, your new member." He pointed at the person behind him and introduced him, but that person merely snorted and did not say anything.    


Zhu Qing's coldness made Dai Mubai extremely embarrassed. He scratched his head in embarrassment and walked into the pavilion.    


Looking at the big guy who was still sleeping soundly in the pavilion, Dai Mubai suddenly took a deep breath and shouted next to the big guy's ear, "The dean is here!"    


"Dean?" Where is the dean? I didn't sleep. " The sleeping burly man suddenly woke up and sat up from the bench.    


Hearing someone secretly laughing beside him, the big guy turned around and saw Dai Mubai, who was sneering at him. Just as he was about to get angry, he saw four children standing opposite him, laughing secretly.    


He raised a hand to his mouth and coughed softly. Even though he had a serious expression on his face, it didn't hide the blush on his cheeks.    


"Are there that many people this year?" The large man was somewhat surprised, but soon after, he nodded his head in satisfaction and walked up to the crowd.    


Looking at the five people who were sweating profusely and two of them even, the girl's face was completely red. She reminded him of how he had just woken up from a dream, so he blushed again in embarrassment.    


"Um …" My name is Zhao Wuji, the protector of the last stage. " He introduced himself as he looked at the crowd, his eyes filled with admiration and approval.    


The five people standing in front of Zhao Wuji looked at him with a face full of respect. As the protector of the last stage, he must have some ability too.    


Dai Mubai could not help but smile when he saw Zhao Wuji's appearance. He shook his head helplessly and went up to the crowd to re-introduce his identity.    


"Not only is Teacher Zhao the protector of the last stage, he is also the vice Principal of Shrek Academy and is also your teacher in the future." As he proudly introduced them, he looked at the five of them with a serious expression and nodded his head in satisfaction.    


He turned around and looked at Zhao Wuji, who was standing behind him, and asked him if he could begin the examination.    


The only response he got was Zhao Wuji's silence. Just when he thought Zhao Wuji had agreed to his request, the person in front of him pushed him away and came to the front of Lin Yi and the rest.    


"There are so many Shrek Academy men. I'll personally come to the exam this time." He had his hands on his waist, and his burly body was shaking because of the laughter.    


"What?" Dai Mubai exclaimed in disbelief as he walked up to Zhao Feng, hoping that he could give him a reason, "Teacher Zhao, didn't you ask me to take the exam?"    


"What is it? "Do you have any objections?"    


"No …." "No." Seeing Zhao Wuji's vicious expression, Dai Mubai was scared out of his wits.    


He turned around and looked at the five people in front of him. His gaze fell onto the girl at the back of the line who wore black clothes, but had a cold expression on her face. He was suddenly worried that the five of them would be injured.    


Originally, the condition for passing the fourth stage was for them to be able to last for the time it takes to burn an incense stick.    


"About that …" Dai Mubai looked at them with a worried expression. He wanted to say something, but he stopped himself. He could only sigh helplessly and pray that they would pray for good fortune.    


Dai Mubai was about to walk to the other side to watch the fight, but he was stopped by someone behind him.    


"Dai Mubai, you go and tell them my weakness and strength. I'll give you guys one incense stick of time to discuss the countermeasures. After one incense stick of time, we'll officially take the exam." As Zhao Wuji spoke, a smile appeared on his face, revealing a row of even teeth.    


As he said that, he lit an incense stick. Dai Mubai quickly ran in front of everyone and pulled them to the side.    


"Teacher Zhao's Martial Spirit is a Mighty Diamond Bear, it can defend and attack. Don't go head on against it, you guys can't even beat it in level suppression, you can only stall for time." He was also the only method that had appeared after careful consideration.    


Lin Yi nodded. Even if he was the main character, he had no choice but to agree with this point. Under the level suppression, no matter how powerful the Martial Spirit was, it was useless.    


"Then we will stall for time. Tang San and I will deal with Teacher Zhao. Wu and Zhu Qing will flank and launch a sneak attack to prevent Teacher Zhao from attacking us." Lin Yi arranged the seats in a serious manner. His face was no longer as lazy as before.    


Tang San saw that he was serious and that the method he proposed was indeed feasible, so he nodded his head and agreed to his arrangements.    


"What about me?" Ning RongRong stood at the side, listening to them arrange the seats, but he didn't hear his name and asked in puzzlement.    


Lin Yi looked at Ning RongRong. Since she owned the Seven Treasures Willow Tower, she must be Zhao Wuji's first target, which was why he did not arrange her position.    


"Stay away from us, as far as you can from the battlefield. The Seven Treasures Spirit Tower can support you from afar, you just need to protect yourself." As Lin Yi said this, he continued to arrange his tactics. He didn't notice that the girl beside him had become extremely dark.    


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