Doula Continent: Rule the World

C314 The Qilin Is Dead

C314 The Qilin Is Dead

"What's going on? Why is my head hurting a little? " Lin Yi rubbed his head and slowly got up from the bed.    


Seeing that Lin Yi was fine, the three of them heaved a sigh of relief. Other than worry, the rest of their eyes were filled with doubt. Just now, he clearly felt that he was about to die. His heart had stopped beating, and even his body had started to turn ice-cold.    


"Lin Yi, what happened just now?" You have frightened us. " Bibi Dong stood up, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and didn't forget to pour Lin Yi a glass of water.    


God knows how flustered she had been when she came in, but no one answered her at the door, and she came in and saw him sitting on the bed with a head full of sweat. She almost thought he was going to die.    


After saying that, Bibi Dong looked at Yu Xiaogang, who was standing beside him. His brows were tightly knitted and he appeared to be deep in thought.    


Could it be that he was curious about what he had just thought? What had happened?    


"That's right, Lin Yi, what happened? Even Xiao Gang was shocked by you. " Liu Erlong crossed his arms and looked at Lin Yi, who was on the bed, as if he would beat Lin Yi to death if he didn't tell him.    


After hearing what they said, Lin Yi patted his head. Now, he felt like his head was about to explode. His mind was blank and he couldn't remember anything.    


"I can't remember."    


"If you can't remember, then don't think about it. Rest a bit longer." Bi Bidong looked at Lin Yi's uncomfortable appearance and said worriedly with a frown.    


Yu Xiao Gang nodded and signaled the two beside him to leave first. The two of them left as the only ones left in the huge room were Lin Yi and Yu Xiaogang.    


"Lin Yi, tell me honestly, what happened?" Yu Xiao Gang sat beside Lin Yi and looked at him in confusion.    


Facing Yu Xiao Gang's puzzled eyes, Lin Yi lowered his head. Although he didn't know what had happened, he knew one thing. His spiritual sea had already changed.    


"Are you still hiding this from me?" Yu Xiao Gang reprimanded her as he stood up from the bed, his face full of disappointment. "You nearly died just now, did you know that? Do you know how worried we are? "    


"I'm sorry..."    


Lin Yi obviously knew that they were worried about him. However, he didn't know anything at the moment, so there was no need to tell them. If he made them worry in vain, he would naturally tell them when he had understood everything.    


Seeing Lin Yi's troubled expression, Yu Xiaogang knew that it was useless even if he were to interrogate him again. Since Lin Yi didn't want to say it, then it wouldn't be too late to wait for him to figure it out first and then tell him.    


"Have a good rest, I'll be going out first." Yu Xiao Gang walked out after speaking.    


Lin Yi was the only one left in the large room. He raised his head and looked at the ceiling. He frowned and thought to himself, "Who saved me?"    


Kirin? The first thing that came to Lin Yi's mind was Kirin's name. That's right, didn't he propose to change his spiritual sea yesterday?    


Thinking of this, Lin Yi drank a mouthful of water and sat on the spot with his legs crossed.    


When he opened his eyes again, the first thing he saw was the 'Milky Way'.    


"You know it."    


"Yes, I see." Lin Yi looked into the depths of the Milky Way, and now, this is his spiritual sea. "But I'm very confused why you want to save me?"    


"No reason." The response came from deep within Lin Yi's Spirit Sea. This voice was very experienced, but it sounded very rich and gave off a sense of security.    


Kirin's answer made Lin Yi even more puzzled. Did saving someone not even require a reason?    


"Then can you tell me how you did it?" Lin Yi continued to ask, thinking that the Qilin might misunderstand, he explained, "I don't want to usurp it, I just want to use this method to save more people."    


The only response he received was endless silence. He could even hear the flow of his spiritual sea, but he couldn't hear Kirin's response.    


After a long while, he finally heard a sigh. Lin Yi frowned. Why did the Qilin sigh? Did he not want to tell her?    


Thinking about this, Lin Yi was a bit disappointed. However, he didn't want to force them to do what they didn't want to do. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he was stopped by Kirin.    


In order to change one's spiritual sea, one must have a new spiritual sea as the source of energy. No matter how weak it is, it requires a person above Douluo to consume all of his soul power and forcefully send his soul into your spiritual sea, turning it into your spiritual sea.    


What? Lin Yi was stunned. If he had to sacrifice someone, how would he survive? Who would he sacrifice? Bibiton? Yu Xiao Gang? Or was it Liu Erlong? Anyone's sacrifice was something he did not want to see.    


"You don't need to think about it. Your friends are fine."    


As Kirin's voice echoed in his spiritual sea, Lin Yi was once again stunned. His friend was fine, could it be that Kirin sacrificed himself for him? Why would he do that?    


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