Doula Continent: Rule the World



Lin Yi frowned. He crossed his arms and said, "Looks like your brother is really busy. Why isn't he coming back to see you for half a year?"    


Saying that, Lin Yi looked at Third Madam Zhao and said: "Miss Zhao, you seem to have a lot of things to do with your Soul Heaven Gate, wouldn't I have no freedom then? Then how am I supposed to join the Shrek Academy? "No, no, no, I'm so afraid of you, hahaha."    


Lin Yi teased Zhao Zhiying with a joking tone.    


Third Madam Zhao knew Lin Yi was teasing her, so she couldn't help but roll her eyes at Lin Yi and said, "See, do you dislike it? How could our Soul Heaven Gate be so terrifying? Don't you see that I am very relaxed? There's still time to open an inn. "    


"Then she said that her brother is very busy and hasn't been home for half a year." Lin Yi continued.    


"That's impossible. The sect has a holiday every month, unless they are on a special mission." But important missions usually don't take more than a month. " Third Madam Zhao crossed her arms and said, "Besides, our sect hasn't had any important matters recently, so how could we possibly not return home for half a year? Unless he doesn't want to return.     


Hearing Third Madam Zhao's words, Lan Lan asked again: "This sister, then have you seen Lee Cha gege in Soul Heaven Gate?"    


Third Madam Zhao shook her head. "I've heard of him before. But I don't know this person, and I'm not in the sect all year round. "    


Third Madam Zhao was truly not in the sect all year round. She had already started an inn at the foot of the Soul Beast mountain range.    


"Do you miss him?" Lin Yi interrupted.    


"En!" Lan nodded heavily and said, "I miss him a lot …"    


Looking at Lan's current state, it could be seen that he really wanted this person called Lee Cha. She frowned, her face filled with longing.    


"Wouldn't it be fine if you wanted to see him directly go to the Soul Heaven Gate to look for him?" Lin Yi turned his head to Third Madam Zhao and asked, "It's understandable for this outsider to not be able to go in, but it should be possible for them to visit this outsider, right?"    


"Of course." Third Madam Zhao nodded and crossed her arms. "Our Soul Heaven Gate is not only good for disciples, it is also very good for their relatives. If there is a visit from a relative of the disciple, it would be more welcoming. "    


Lin Yi nodded and asked Lan, "Yes. Since you are going to visit them, why aren't you going?"    


Lan lowered his head, played with his fingers, and said, "I went there last month and said I was Lee Cha's sister. They went to inform me that Lee Cha is out cultivating and won't be in the sect for a long time."    


"That's not right." Third Madam Zhao frowned, "Usually when apprentices go out to train, they are usually the ones with the stronger cabinet. I know all of these, could it be that they are some new disciples? If he was promoted or something like that Elder Protector, would he bring him out to gain experience? "    


"That is not a possibility." Lin Yi nodded and said, "Why don't you just go back with Miss Zhao? I might even be able to see him. "    


"Isn't that a good idea?" Hearing Lin Yi's words, Alan was obviously tempted, but he felt embarrassed, "What if Lee Cha still hasn't come back yet? Wouldn't this be troubling Lady Zhao? Furthermore, you saved my life. I don't even know how to repay you. "    


Lan Lan didn't have soul power, so he couldn't become a Soul Master. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so easily kidnapped by Tai Yumeng and Tai Youlong.    


"Nothing, this is the duty of our Soul Heaven Gate." Third Madam Zhao said, "Besides, the person who saved you is not me, but him."    


"Thank you for saving us, Young Hero!" Alain cupped his hands and thanked Lin Yi.    


"It's nothing!" Lin Yi waved his hand and smiled, "Anyways, Third Madam Zhao is going back to report something to the sect now. Since you want to see your Big Brother Lee Cha so much, you should go back with Miss Zhao. Maybe you'll be able to meet her?"    


"That's right!" Third Madam Zhao, who was standing at the side, said, "Come with me and see if he's there."    


Lan was embarrassed and even a little nervous. She lowered her head and played with her fingers. Since when did she not want to see Brother Lee Cha whom she hadn't seen for half a year? They were engaged! Although it was just a promise between the two of them, Alan already treated Lee Cha as his life.    


Alan thought for a long time. Finally, he nodded and said, "Okay! "Then, I'll have to trouble Miss Zhao!"    


Third Madam Zhao smiled. "It's no trouble."    


With that, Third Madam Zhao turned to Lin Yi and said, "Hey, little brat, since the matter has been resolved, I will go back first! If I don't see you in three days, you're dead! I have to find you even if I have to dig three feet into the ground! "    


To Third Madam Zhao, Lin Yi was already a disciple of her Soul Heaven Gate. She was really afraid that Lin Yi would go back on his words and sneak away! It was one thing to join another sect, but if one joined a demonic path, then the matter would become very serious.    


Lin Yi nodded his head a few times and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, okay! I know, you can put your mind at ease! If I don't appear in Soul Heaven Gate within three days, then I will be a dog, alright? "    


"That's what you said. I didn't force you to swear!" Third Madam Zhao pointed at Lin Yi and said, "I have to go back to the sect to report about the godly medicines. Divine medicine was extinct a few years ago, because no one dared to eat it. Now that they had reappeared in the martial world, even if those people took the divine medicine, it wouldn't cause any trouble, but something would definitely happen! I need to hurry back and report this! "    


"Straight away!" You go! I'm going to do my own thing too. " Lin Yi smiled with an expression that had nothing to do with me, "Hurry up. Miss Xiao Lan can't wait to see her brother Lee Cha!"    


Hearing Lin Yi's words, Lan immediately blushed. She still lowered her head and played with her fingers.    


As for the matter of the divine medicine, it really had nothing to do with Lin Yi. It was the matters of the empire and the various big sects.    


"Aren't you going?" Third Madam Zhao asked as she saw Lin Yi standing there.    


Lin Yi shrugged and smiled, "I do work here. Otherwise, why would I pass by your inn? "    


Third Madam Zhao didn't ask any further questions and turned around to leave with Lan Lan.    


He watched Third Madam Zhao and Lan Lan leaving and yawned.    


"System, how much time do I have left?"    


The system replied, "Time remaining: 66 hours and 23 minutes."    


"What should we do next?"    


"Don't you know what to do?" The System said in a disdainful tone, "Don't keep asking so many brainless questions, Big Bro."    


"En..." "Hahaha." Lin Yi touched the back of his head in embarrassment and walked towards the depths of the Soul Beast Mountain Range …    




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