Supplier of the Fairyland



Chapter 309 - My son is exhausted    


Wei Yunfeng subconsciously felt that... This Fang Qi is abnormal!    


The mayor had a headache for who knows how many years. He had searched for countless famous doctors, but in the end, what happened? Not only did she fail to treat him, she became even more severe.    


What virtue or ability did this Fang Qi have to be able to cure the City Lord's headache?    


Other than this... The matter at Shenlong Society had also caused a haze to rise in Wei Yunfeng's heart.    


"Zhongtian, this matter... Father will take revenge for you, but not now, you have to endure it … He would soon be the Warrior Arena! Aren't they here to participate in the Warrior Arena? This time, I will make them unable to return! "    


Looking at the Wei Zhongtian who was crying, how could Wei Yunfeng not feel pain in his heart?    


However, he felt that his intuition couldn't be wrong!    


"Father …" You have to help me kill him! "I'm going to cut off his four limbs, I'm going to dig out his two eyes, I'm going to see his blood flowing clean, I'm going to sprinkle salt and pepper on his wounds, I'm going to let countless ants climb on his body, I'm going to …"    


Wei Zhongtian's voice became deeper and deeper, and the frequency at which his body was trembling became lower and lower...    


Wei Yunfeng took his hand away from his son's head, and his face gradually became gloomy, "Child, don't think too much, rest well first …"    


Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and in the blink of an eye, it was the time for the Warrior Arena to open!    


Seven Sections and Twelve Sessions entered the stage one by one, the scene was very grand.    


There were already a lot of people from the Seven Sections and Twelve Sessions. Adding to that, all the places that the Huatian City s were here to watch the competition …    


The originally bustling Central City was now even more lively.    


Yong Wudi returned on the morning of the third day. His entire being looked somewhat haggard, his two dark circles were extremely obvious, and as he walked, he seemed to sway, with no trace of blood on his lips …    


For those who didn't know, they thought that they had encountered some kind of monster that sucked all of the essence energy from their bodies dry.    


"Boss …" I'm so tired, help me up … "I can't take it anymore, I'm too tired …"    


When Yong Wudi saw Fang Qi, his eyes immediately lit up. He ran to Fang Qi's side as his eyes revealed endless joy.    


"Can't you be a little more f * cking restrained? That kind of thing... It's comfortable, but you can't do this all day long! Sooner or later, you will f * cking waste your life on this matter! "    


"He's still young, so it's better for him to do something. He's just fooling around like that all day long!"    


When Fang Qi saw Yong Wudi, he naturally didn't have anything to say.    


This slap caused Yong Wudi to stagger a little. He was too weak right now, the type that would cause him to gasp for breath if he were to take two steps forward.    


"Boss, you're an experienced person, you should know this. This is so tiring that you can only die from exhaustion …" "It's not like I have no other choice …"    


"When I was at home, my old man looked at me all day and I couldn't do anything. I'm not happy with what you said, but I've already tolerated it for half a month …" Phew... This is completely relaxing! "    


Yong Wudi blinked his eyes at Fang Qi. Although the current Yong Wudi was extremely tired, his spirit was still extremely happy.    


"Boss …" Give me some divine water... Let me add on, I still need to fight in the future, I can't afford to let go of my chain! "    


Luckily, this fellow could still remember the matters of the Warrior Arena … Fang Qi secretly sweated for Old Yong. If you really want to hand the Hidden Yuan Society over to this prodigal son, he would definitely defeat all of you within half a year!    


This son of a bitch … When was it reliable?    




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