Naruto: One-click 999





At the same time Xiao Tian released the Chakra, the pair of scarlet eyes outside the headquarters were all gathered on the man in front.    


"Teacher has sent out the signal. Everyone, listen to my orders!"    


"Team one, team two, advance according to the original plan. The rest of you, follow me!"    


"Yes!" "Patriarch!"    


Hearing Uchiha Tsugaku's words, all the participating Uchiha Clan members present had bloodshot eyes that were currently filled with anxiety and fighting spirit that was difficult to suppress.    


This battle, was related to the life and death of their Uchiha Clan.    


Therefore, they could only succeed and not fail!    


At the same time Uchiha Tsugaku was bringing the Uchiha clansmen to attack, he was also attacking together with Zhi Wei.    


"Everyone, attack! "Remember, don't let anyone who has roots leave this place!"    


He had to get rid of the roots when cutting the grass!    


It was to avoid the rebirth of the spring breeze!    


"Yes, Patriarch!"    


Although Hyuga Clan seemed to be a place of limitless glory and there were no real enemies outside, dangers lurked in every direction from within.    


This point, as the Patriarch of the Rising Sun Clan, naturally was also noticed by him.    


That was why he brought all his trusted aides with him this time. In order to satisfy Xiao Tian, he had thoroughly taken out all the roots.    


Everything was for that method that could allow the Hyuga Clan to continue flourishing for dozens of years!    


He was the leader of the clan. He had to be responsible for the future of the clan!    


When the Uchiha Clan, Hyuga Clan Clan and the Oily Woman Clan started to move towards the roots.    


On the other side, Xiao Tian was currently leading Uchiha Shisui and Little Naruto to the cemetery to attend Namikaze Minato's and Whirlwind Nine's funerals.    




"Isn't that the damn fox demon?"    


"Damn thing, don't grab me! I'm going to kill him! If not for him, my child would not have died! "    


"That's right, kill him!"    


"Kill him!"    


"Kill him!"    


With regards to this, Uchiha Shisui subconsciously went closer to Xiao Tian, and even Little Naruto also shrank back.    


In comparison to the two of them, Xiao Tian, who was carrying Little Naruto, had an abnormally calm expression on his face as his gaze landed on a person in the cemetery.    


A guy with bandaged eyes and arms who was talking to him in spoken language.    


"I knew you would bring Human Column Force here, so I had already announced the matter of the nine tails being sealed in that kid's body."    




In the critical moment when everyone was overwhelmed by hatred, Danzou announced the matter of the nine tails sealing Little Naruto. Without a doubt, that caused everyone's hatred to be pulled onto Little Naruto.    


As for Xiao Tian, with his personality, since he had already accepted the Human Column Force, he definitely wouldn't give up halfway.    


It was so much so that, for the sake of a Human Column Force, he might even start a conflict with the entire village!    


Xiao Tian would never betray the village. However, he could create the illusion of betrayal.    


As long as the villagers think Xiao Tian was a traitor, it would be much easier for them to handle things from their roots.    


"Xiao Tian, you're still too inexperienced to fight with me!"    


Power, it's full of wonderful things you can't imagine.    




Hehe, since that's the case, then let's wait and see.    


When he saw Danzou's complacent expression, Xiao Tian merely laughed softly. After which, under the gaze of the other party, he brought Uchiha Shisui and Little Naruto and arrived in front of Danzou.    


"You …"    


Xiao Tian suddenly rushed forward. This made Danzou's entire body stiffen and he felt extremely uncomfortable.    


"What do you want? Hokage, the various elders, and the villagers are all here, don't act recklessly! "    


Facing Xiao Tian who was less than a meter away from him, to be honest, Danzou was really panicking.    


He was afraid that the person in front of him would disregard everything and attack him.    


If that was really the case, then the situation would probably turn into a completely different one.    


After all, even if he succeeded in taking all the aggro on Xiao Tian, if he died, he wouldn't be able to be the Hokage.    


What was the point of all this?    


However, just when Danzou's back was covered in cold sweat, Xiao Tian's body leaned slightly forward next to Danzou's ear and spoke calmly.    


"No one can take this child away from me. This is what I promised the Water Gate."    


"As for you, since you have already stepped on my bottom line and your killing intent is directed at me, today …"    


"You, prepare to perish."    


Killing God Xiao Tian, you have to do what you say!    




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