Supplier of Heaven

C380 Grizzly Bear

C380 Grizzly Bear

Zheng Kai looked at the M Country's agent with a hideous and pained expression and said: "Sorry, Chinese soldiers might not bully prisoners of war, but I'm different, I'm just a vindictive person!    


The bones in your shoulder are all broken. If you don't treat it soon, you'll have to amputate! Whatever I say now, you will shake your head and nod your head. If you dare to say another word, I will cripple all the bones in your body! Did you hear that! "    


Pain would make everyone in the world cower, if not, but it wasn't fierce enough, it wasn't hard enough. At the beginning, this arrogant M Nation special agent thought that no matter how painful it was, it was impossible for him to choose to yield. However, reality proved that pain could really … Surrender yourself...    


The agents did not dare to say another word. They hastily nodded their heads in greeting.    


At this moment, Zheng Kai smiled, touched the hair of this country's special agent and said:    


"You're so damn obedient. Alright, the first question, I want to know how many of you are preparing to escape. Do any of you manage to escape? You don't need to lie, whether or not you have the answer I want?"    


When the M Nation agents heard this question, they didn't know how to answer. After all, in that sort of situation, who could remember how many people actually wanted to run away … Thinking of this, the M country agent hastily shook his head.    


"No?" Or did he not know? I permit you to speak! Hurry up and say it! " Zheng Kai frowned. He found that this method of nodding and shaking his head was indeed not good, so he said in annoyance.    


"No, I don't know, I was just running with someone else. I don't know how many people ran with us, but there should be more than 80 people, but I'm sure that aside from the two that were killed at the beginning, no one else ran out. Everyone was captured and brought back here like me …"    


The national agent spoke carefully, afraid that any of his words would bring him another unforeseen calamity.    


"En, so that's how it is. Let me ask the second question, how did Maxwell disappear? Is there some back door here that only he knows about? " Zheng Kai pondered for a long time before speaking.    


"About this, we don't know either. The exact location of the base was chosen by Lord Mike from the very beginning. As low-level secret agents, we can only do things according to Lord Mike's plan. We can't possibly know something Lord Mike doesn't want us to know!"    


Hearing the second question, the M Nation agent still frowned and said.    


"F * ck, useless enough!" Alright, I'll ask the third question. If you still don't know the answer, then I'll also cripple you, you bastard. It's useless.    


Zheng Kai couldn't help but curse when he heard the two answers.    


"Good, good, good. If this little one knows anything, this little one will definitely not dare to hide it!" "If it really is something that I don't know, then please spare me, Boss Zheng Kai. Aren't you Chinese trying to be nice to others by comparing heart with heart?"    


The agent was in pain, and the pain in his shoulder was so intense that he was about to faint.    


If it wasn't for Zheng Kai's promise to treat him, he probably would have fainted a long time ago …    


"Cut the crap, we Chinese are good to others, but anyone who offends us will be killed!" Besides, you are bullying us, how can you talk to me that easily?    


Last question. When you ran away, where did you want to go? To whom? I heard you guys said that the lord is bringing mercenaries and special forces, who is this big shot? If you say that you don't know me, don't blame me for being rude. "    


Zheng Kai put his hand on the other shoulder of the national secret service agent.    


"Oh, don't break my other shoulder, I know, I know, I know!    


That Lord is the legend of our country's secret service. He has never appeared in any of the operations of our country's secret service agents. However, it is said that as long as he makes a move, there will never be a moment of failure!    


I really don't know the name of this big shot. It's just that our Lord Mike told us that his name is Grizzly! "    


The Agent from M Country was sweating profusely. When Zheng Kai could break Zheng Kai's shoulder at any time, he had already forgotten to resist and told him everything he knew.    


After Zheng Kai saw that there was no more valuable news, he told Ma Tengfei to bring this group of people back to the prison and brought Old Lord Taishang home.    


After Zheng Kai returned home, not only did he not heave a sigh of relief, he even felt that an even greater danger was approaching.    


"Grizzly, where will you be?" Zheng Kai muttered as he looked at the bright moon and the dark night.    


"Hey!" Hey, can you hear me? I'm Maxwell?    


Yes, yes, I'm sorry, my operation failed, but it doesn't matter, not many agents in that group know the real information behind the scenes. The only one who knows all the information behind the scenes is me, Maxwell. "May I ask where he is?"    


After being sent flying by Zheng Kai's punch, Maxwell relied on his near terrifying willpower to control himself from fainting.    


When Zheng Kai went to kill his men, he hurriedly got up.    


Using the secret passage he prepared previously to escape was a success. At this moment, Maxwell was desperately contacting the high officials in the government of M Country, wanting to use the power of M Country to wash away his grievances …    


"Grizzly? You think you can go see Grizzly with just trash? Aren't you being too childish, Maxwell? I'm beginning to wonder if I was right or wrong to send trash like you out on a mission from the beginning.    


We sent out more than two hundred of our agents together, and you've lost them all just like that?    


Do you think our country is rich? Fiscal year after year deficit! Our government has no idea how much money we can make in a few years, and every year we have to issue a provocation to the outside world!    


It's precisely because of this that our country is so anxious to have Boss Zheng Kai's technology, but tell me, what did you do? You ran off yourself, and the other agents I sent to you! Where are they?!    


Humph! You, Maxwell, are a complete good-for-nothing! I think that as long as it's a normal person, they would not abandon such a precious Agent of M Nation like trash! "    


Maxwell's phone emitted a disdainful yet completely emotionless voice.    


"No, the sacrifices of our great agents of the M Nation are all meaningful and valuable! "Please trust me again in the organization. I will not let the organization be shamed, at the very least, I already know Boss Zheng Kai's secret that no one knows about!"    


Maxwell heard the emotionless tone and couldn't help but to say in fear.    


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