Supplier of Heaven

C43 Detach

C43 Detach

At this moment, Zheng Kai calmed down and found a clean place. He sat down and started thinking.    


If they could not subdue him by force, there must be some other way. He had to try to figure out how to solve the problem.    


Zheng Kai was locked up by them right now and couldn't be reached outside, nor did they think that someone could save him. However, if he was kept locked up by them all the time, Elder Sister Meng would be worried.    


Hmph, I won't let you do as you wish. I will repay the harm you've done to me in double the amount.    


Zheng Kai thought for a while and then thought of the Heaven Realm Trading System.    


"Xian'Er, hurry up and let me see if there's any way to get out of here. It would be best if no one knew." Zheng Kai said to Xian'Er.    


"Alright master, I'll go take a look!"    


After a while, he heard Xian'er say:    


"Master, I've found it. It's a substitute talisman. This substitute talisman can cause a person to transform into a clone. The clone is exactly the same as the original body."    


"This is great. Haha, I can finally get out. Oh right, how can I get out?"    


"That's easy. I've found a teleportation talisman. As long as you chant an incantation, you can teleport to whatever you want."    


Zheng Kai took the Body Substitute Talisman and chanted an incantation. Suddenly, he felt a green smoke coming out of his body, the green smoke gradually gathered and soon turned into a human figure. Then, his facial features slowly became clear and the last person who looked exactly like Zheng Kai appeared in front of him.    


Ha ha, how interesting. Zheng Kai walked around him and looked at him carefully. Other than the doppelganger being a little slow, everything else was exactly the same as Zheng Kai.    


Zheng Kai immediately felt reassured. He took out the teleportation talisman and squeezed it. He felt his body lighten and he disappeared in a flash of lightning.    


When his consciousness cleared, Zheng Kai found that he had arrived at Elder Sister Meng's house. Holy shit, this teleportation talisman is simply too powerful. It's a must-have item for a family trip.    


Zheng Kai looked at the familiar house and sighed in his heart.    


Ye Zichen opened the door and wanted to go in quietly. After all, Zheng Kai had been tortured by them all night, and thinking that Elder Sister Meng should be asleep by now, he didn't want to wake her up.    


However, when Zheng Kai opened the door, he found Elder Sister Meng sitting alone on the sofa, dozing off. Suddenly, she heard the door open and immediately woke up.    


She woke up and saw Zheng Kai. She quickly walked over and asked Zheng Kai:    


"Zheng Kai, are you okay? They didn't make things difficult for you, right?"    


Zheng Kai saw that she was asking him anxiously, just like a woman waiting for her husband to come home. Suddenly, Zheng Kai couldn't control himself and felt that his heart had been melted by her. Zheng Kai realized how happy he was to have someone to care for him.    


Therefore, Zheng Kai suddenly walked over and hugged Elder Sister Meng. Smelling the fragrance of her body and feeling her soft body, Zheng Kai made a choking sound.    


"Elder Sister Meng, thank you for being so concerned about me. No one has done this to me since my parents left. My former girlfriend was only a vain person. She never cared about me."    


"Elder Sister Meng, be my girlfriend."    


At this moment, Elder Sister Meng was shocked by Zheng Kai's sudden action and remained silent for a long time.    


Zheng Kai thought Elder Sister Meng refused and was a bit disappointed. He was about to let go of her arms, but then he felt his body tighten. A pair of soft hands held him tightly. Then, he heard a gentle voice:    


"Fine, I'm willing. I'm willing to be your girlfriend, but I'm older than you after all. I'm afraid you don't mind me."    


Zheng Kai looked at Elder Sister Meng's face, which was blushing slightly, in his arms. He caressed her hair and said,    


"That won't happen, Elder Sister Meng. How could I turn my back on you? If I had such a gentle, considerate, and beautiful woman as my girlfriend, I would feel like I've been blessed for ten lifetimes. I'm so happy, but I'm not in a hurry!"    


We embraced for a long time. Afterwards, Elder Sister Meng stood up and poured a glass of water for Zheng Kai.    


"Zheng Kai, how did you come out? Did they really not make things difficult for you?"    


Zheng Kai took Elder Sister Meng's hand and gently said to her:    


Don't worry, they didn't do anything to Zheng Kai, they just made me make a routine statement. When I came back, I had some urgent matters to take care of, so I came back a little late.    


"Alright, you should go to bed early as well!" Elder Sister Meng said gently.    


Only now did Zheng Kai react. He felt that the impulse before was inconceivable. He laughed out loud. To have such a good woman as his girlfriend, this life would not be in vain.    


Zheng Kai sat on the sofa in a daze and chuckled.    


However, when he thought of the current situation, he felt that he couldn't smile anymore. He was still a prisoner in prison, and had yet to wash away his grievances.    


Zheng Kai couldn't think of a solution at the moment, so he stopped thinking about it. He went back to his room, washed up, and fell asleep on his bed.    


In the evening, Zheng Kai dreamed that he and Elder Sister Meng were having a wedding. Surrounded by well-wishes, he saw Elder Sister Meng, wearing a white wedding dress, waving at him.    


The next day, when Zheng Kai woke up, it was already past 9. He came to the living room. By then, Elder Sister Meng had already left for work. Zheng Kai saw a breakfast and a glass of milk on the table.    


He walked over and sat at the table, eating his breakfast. Elder Sister Meng really was a good wife and mother type woman, he thought.    


After breakfast, Zheng Kai thought about how to deal with this matter. He couldn't help but feel annoyed in his heart. So he went out to get some air.    


He came out of his house and walked around aimlessly. Suddenly, he saw a group of people in a circle, surrounded by a group of people not too far away. It was unknown what they were looking at.    


Since he didn't know what to do, Zheng Kai walked over curiously. Squeezing through the crowd and looking in, he saw that the old man was lying on the ground.    


This old man was in his sixties or seventies. He wore a Chinese tunic, with a head of black and white hair, and thick eyebrows that gave off a sense of majesty.    


Zheng Kai saw the old man lying on the ground. His face was pale as if he had contracted some disease. However, the surrounding people were just standing around to watch; no one seemed to want to save him.    


At this time, Zheng Kai was also considering whether he should go and help him. After all, there were so many people who had touched porcelain, they might even be caught in the act. Zheng Kai thought for a while and saw that the old man's expression was really bad. Thus, he made up his mind and walked towards the old man.    


Zheng Kai walked to the old man's side and squatted down to carefully observe him. He noticed that the old man's eyebrows were tightly knitted, and he looked to be in a very bad mood. Thus, Zheng Kai had Xian'er go to the Heaven Realm Trading System and bought a Spring-Returning Pill made by the Divine Doctor Hua Tuo.    


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