Supplier of Heaven

C2 Beauty Pills and the Great Sage's Clone

C2 Beauty Pills and the Great Sage's Clone

"What the hell is this Heaven Realm Trading System?"    


Zheng Kai was just about to grumble when a huge hologram suddenly appeared in front of him, giving him a fright. He had been scared day after day, wouldn't he die suddenly if he tried a few more times?    


As Zheng Kai's line of sight moved, so did the hologram. It seemed like the object was following his line of sight, and Zheng Kai then tried to reach out his hand. With the movement of his finger, the characters that were touched emitted a brighter light, and the page changed.    


"Why does it look a bit like a 3D touchscreen computer?"    


Zheng Kai curiously skimmed through the content inside. There were really a lot of things here, all kinds of things. But no matter how you looked at it, it looked like it was something that would only exist in fairy tales.    


Building Foundation Pill, Marrow Purification Pill, Outer Space Flame, Snow Spirit Beast …    


Hearing that, the name was filled with immortal aura. It couldn't really be something from the Heavenly Court, right?    


Thinking about the buyer's address and name, then thinking about the mask that disappeared out of thin air and the screen in front of his eyes, Zheng Kai not only believed him 50 to 60%.    


"Sigh, this also has the function of trading with the RMB."    


Zheng Kai's eyes lit up when he saw the option on the screen. The exchange rate was one Heaven Realm Coin exchanging for one thousand yuan.    


"Your XX bank card has received 1,000 yuan in deposits with a balance of 1,000 yuan."    


The message from the bank on his phone made Zheng Kai go wild with joy. He could actually exchange for money and things, which meant, Zheng Kai could also exchange for another 6,000 yuan or to buy six Heaven Realm Coin.    


Zheng Kai thought for a while and still chose to buy things with the Heaven Realm Coin.    


Since there was an Exchange System, that meant that the RMB could also be exchanged back. Everything in the system was explained in detail, and if Zheng Kai sold the items that the Heaven Realm Coin bought, he might be able to earn money.    


The Beauty Pill's description stated that the person who consumed it would be even more beautiful and outstanding, and would be able to sweep away all the skin problems.    


This was a killing machine, a woman would risk her life just for her face, so she was going to test herself with this.    


After making his decision, Zheng Kai decided to buy it. After all, there wouldn't be any loss if he tried it, but in order to be cautious, Zheng Kai still bought a Heaven Realm Coin.    


As the night went on, Zheng Kai came to the most popular night market in the city with ten Beauty Pill in his arms. He sat at the bar, looking for potential customers.    


If they tried to stop them on the street during the day, they would probably have to call the police to help them. That would be a waste, not to mention if they treated Zheng Kai as a lunatic or a fake drug seller.    


Selling drugs at the night market had to be done according to the rules. There were people covering the premises, so if they didn't pay their respects to the dock first, it would be hard to say if they could survive or not. Zheng Kai gritted his teeth. He had paid five thousand yuan for this visit to the pier. At least he had to keep some money for the meal.    


Not to mention that after they got to the dock, although the young man almost laughed when he heard Zheng Kai mention the name of the medicine, he still helped Zheng Kai recruit a good buyer. Not long after, he led a girl over.    


Just after meeting face to face, Zheng Kai immediately understood. This was not to enthusiastically help Zheng Kai recruit customers, this was waiting for Zheng Kai to embarrass himself!    


The girl standing in front of Zheng Kai had a really good figure. She had long legs with protruding front and back. Just one look was enough to make people puke.    


Sweeping his eyebrows, squinting his eyes, and having a garlic nose, Zheng Kai's stomach churned as his thick lips bared a row of jagged buck teeth and a face full of huge pimples.    


The buyer came, but Zheng Kai's heart was pounding. He wasn't sure if the Beauty Pill was effective, but he couldn't show it on his face. Zheng Kai forced himself to be energetic and put on a confident look.    


"Brother, I heard that you have some kind of beautiful pill in your hands?" Younger sister wants to try, name a price. "    


Zheng Kai knew that he wouldn't be able to run away even if he tried to hide. Thus, he raised a finger.    


"Ten thousand?" "Bro, you really dare to take it."    


The girl said as she looked at Zheng Kai with a faint smile.    


"Of course not, I'm not the kind of person to loot people while they're on fire. Today, big brother is in a good mood, so I'm asking for a thousand."    


Seeing Zheng Kai's confident look, the girl hesitated for a moment, then quickly took out a stack of pink bills and handed it over.    


Seeing the girl raise her head and swallow the Beauty Pill, Zheng Kai's heartbeat became as if he was carrying a rabbit in his arms. If he dropped the chain, he wouldn't be able to leave today's scene.    


Just as his heart was about to leap into his throat, a miraculous scene appeared.    


First, the pus that covered their faces exploded, and the pus that splattered onto Zheng Kai's face, followed by a piece of skin falling down. If it wasn't for the exposed delicate white skin, the onlookers would have almost pressed Zheng Kai to the ground and beaten him up.    


When her aged and dry skin fell off, the girl's facial features also changed. Her eyebrows elongated into curved willow leaf eyebrows, and her narrowed eyes into apricot cores. Even her originally short and sparse eyelashes instantly stretched upwards, forming two thick little fans.    


The bulbous teeth that protruded from her lips also shrank back. They were all as white as jade, and they even had two cute tiger teeth growing out of them.    


In the blink of an eye, an extremely ugly, saltless girl had turned into a gorgeous beauty. Zheng Kai and the young man were so shocked that their jaws fell to the ground, while Zheng Kai and the young girl stared foolishly at herself, who had been reborn in the mirror.    


After a long while, she came back to her senses. She stared at Zheng Kai with a complicated gaze. Zheng Kai's heart sank.    


"What do you think, brother's pills are pretty good right? This pill can only be used after going through a special ceremony in my hands. Sigh, if I didn't swear today that I would only sell them all for 1000, then this pill would be enough for me to eat and drink for my entire life."    


Zheng Kai immediately thought of something when he saw that the Beauty Pill really had the ability to rebirth.    


"Enchantment of wealth is a sin!"    


Zheng Kai didn't forget what kind of place he was in at night time. Such a miraculous pill would make any woman go crazy for it, and Zheng Kai was standing right on top of the tides.    


While thinking, Zheng Kai took another dangerous step forward and said those words before the girl did. He only hoped that she would believe Zheng Kai because of the seemingly impossible effect.    


After staring at Zheng Kai for a long time, the girl smiled sweetly and said:    


"Since that's the case, why don't you let our sister get away with it? What if next time big brother gets some kind of miraculous pill, don't forget about me, little sister."    


The little sister's smiling face was like a flower, blowing next to Zheng Kai's ear. Zheng Kai immediately agreed, but his hands and back were covered in a layer of cold sweat.    


After receiving the money and handing over the medicine, Zheng Kai rejected the idea of asking the young girl to send him back home. He quickly walked out the door.    


What a joke. It was fine to let them know where they were staying, but first, they would stay in a hotel for two days before making any plans.    


The moment Zheng Kai stuffed the money into his pocket, he heard the system's notification sound ring out in his head. Originally, the items that he exchanged with the system could be directly converted into Heaven Realm Coin, so he did not hesitate to exchange them all.    


Twenty Beauty Pill were sold for a total of twenty thousand yuan, and they were exchanged for twenty Heaven Realm Coin. After deducting one Heaven Realm Coin, he earned nineteen profit, which was nineteen thousand.    


Thinking of the countless of magical items in the system, Zheng Kai seemed to see piles of bills and waving at Zheng Kai.    


"It's out, this bro's finally changing the timing!"    


Zheng Kai excitedly hummed a tune and quickened his pace. He couldn't wait to find a hotel to stay and plan out what he would do next.    


"Take your time with that guy in front. Wait for the rest of us."    


The voice that came from behind made Zheng Kai look behind him. Unknowingly, there were seven or eight hooligans that followed him and gradually forced him to the side alley.    


Zheng Kai must have been seen by this bunch of grandsons earlier.    


"Bro, you've earned quite a bit. As the saying goes, money is a part of a lot. "Although we weren't here just now, the alley you're standing in is under our protection, isn't that a protection fee?"    


The leader, a hoodlum with a comb in his mouth, looked at Zheng Kai and said casually while chewing gum.    


"Hmph, do you know who your grandfather is? Protection fees are going to be paid to me. Take advantage of my grandfather's good mood and scram!"    


Zheng Kai did not put these bastards in his eyes. The miraculous scene just now allowed him to confirm that there was nothing wrong with the explanation of the Heaven Realm Trading System. He had already thought of a way to solve the situation in front of him.    


Without any hesitation, he called out the system interface. Zheng Kai flipped to one of it at the fastest speed possible, the Great Sage's avatar, the five-element Heaven Realm Coin, that's it!    


After he clicked to buy it, a warm current surged out from his lower abdomen. In an instant, his entire body felt warm. Crackling sounds of bones exploding rang out in his mind as the image of a monkey somersaulting on a cloud appeared in his mind.    


Victory over Grandpa Buddha, Zheng Kai's idol!    


Just as Zheng Kai was getting excited, the hoodlums on the other side were infuriated by what Zheng Kai said just now.    


"F * ck!" "You are looking to die, right? I gave you face but you didn't want it. Don't blame us for being ruthless. Brothers, charge!"    


The guy with the crowned head waved his hand and was the first to charge forward while brandishing his machete.    


Everything that was moving slowed down in front of Zheng Kai as if it was watching a movie. Every hoodlum who pounced on him with a ferocious look was laughable.    


The Great Sage moved in Zheng Kai's mind. He punched and kicked, and his movements were fluid and fluid. Each move was accompanied by the sound of the wind blowing.    


Zheng Kai also moved, his body acted like it was conscious, and followed the Great Sage's actions perfectly.    


Is this still the stiff me? He was even able to use the Golden Hook Horse so casually. Damn, is this the power of the Great Sage's avatar?    


Zheng Kai completely let go of his hands and feet. He threw a high side-kick, a roundhouse kick, and all sorts of other moves that couldn't be called out and went on stage. He only beat up these hooligans until they cried for their parents.    


"Grandfather, grandfather, we were wrong. We had eyes but failed to recognize that Mt. Tai had offended you. Please show mercy!"    


The arrogant chicken crowns that wanted to chop Zheng Kai into pieces had snot and tears all over his face, and he was about to hug Zheng Kai's leg.    


"If you dare to touch me, I'll break your bones wherever you touch!"    


Zheng Kai's threat caused him to obediently kneel down and not move at all.    


Ye Zichen nodded in satisfaction. After this punch and kick, he immediately felt much better. He had finally vented the anger in his chest that was caused by his loss of love and humiliation. He felt refreshed!     


Seeing that these hoodlums allowed him to relax and vent his frustrations, Zheng Kai waved his hand and chased them away like he was chasing flies. After all, he had more important things to do, so it was not worth wasting time on them.    


The Great Sage's avatars of the five Heaven Realm Coin were used on a bunch of hoodlums just like that. Zheng Kai looked at the number 15 on the system interface and clicked his tongue. It was really expensive.    


However, this was just a joke. If Zheng Kai had to choose again, he would definitely buy it without any hesitation. After all, he was facing 7 or 8 criminals with a lethal weapon by himself.    


Patting the dust off his body, Zheng Kai walked home boldly while humming a song.    


Don't think he didn't know who was hiding in the corner during the fight. He had seen that face on the night scene before, and he left quietly after he knocked out all the hoodlums.    


"En, very good. I'll go back and tell your master not to provoke me, or else, hmph!"    


Zheng Kai let out a cold snort. With the Heaven Realm Trading System, the safety problem that he was most worried about would be solved.    


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