Supplier of Heaven

C1 Heaven Realm Trading System

C1 Heaven Realm Trading System

"Why don't you take a look at your poor appearance? You can't even support yourself, and you still want to keep women? "Stop overestimating yourself and get lost!"    


The mocking and disdainful words still echoed in his ears, and the muffled thunder rumbled in the air.    


Zheng Kai wiped the rain off his face. His eyes were extremely sore.    


Just now, his girlfriend, who had been dating Zheng Kai for seven years in high school, broke up with him. He didn't ask for the reason, since the moment she got off the Porsche Overrun, he understood everything.    


Her beautiful face was as cold as ice and there was no trace of her former gentleness and love. However, Zheng Kai had somehow grabbed her hand when she turned around, and in the end …    


Zheng Kai laughed bitterly and pulled at the wound on his mouth.    


Zheng Kai knew that he must be in a very sorry state right now. His clothes must have turned white from washing, and he was torn into pieces in the conflict. His left eye was swollen to the point that it couldn't be opened, and his ribs were aching.    


If he didn't count wrongly, there were 6 or 7 people who beat up Zheng Kai. The rich second generation who came with Zheng Kai's girlfriend actually called a bunch of dog friends to give him a good show.    


"F * ck, laozi should have punched that son of a b * tch a few more times."    


Zheng Kai thought resentfully in his heart, but Zheng Kai also knew that it was just a thought. As a person with no rights and no money, where did he get the capital to be a son of a rich family's son? Zheng Kai couldn't even keep his woman.    


Zheng Kai walked on the street in the rain like a dog that had lost its home. This guy was really unlucky to have drunk too much cold water and had been beaten up and humiliated just now. The heavens were pouring rain on Zheng Kai.    


Zheng Kai stopped walking and looked up. The cold rain was patting his body and hurting his face. It was good to have a little bit of pain so that Zheng Kai could say goodbye to his past memories.    


The dark clouds were rolling in the sky as if they were about to press down on his head. Zheng Kai squinted his eyes and looked through the water curtain. It seemed that something was faintly discernible behind the clouds.    


"What the hell?"    


Zheng Kai rubbed his eyes with all his might. Before he could see clearly, a white light flashed in front of his eyes, followed by a deafening explosion. That lightning bolt was actually heading straight for him!    


"Fuck, no way!"    


Zheng Kai didn't even have time to scream before his vision went black.    


It sounded like someone was whispering in his ear. Zheng Kai tried his best to distinguish who it was. His eyelids were unusually heavy, as if they were glued together from top to bottom and couldn't be opened no matter how hard he tried.    


"Mr Zheng, Mr. Zheng Kai, wake up."    


Sure enough, someone was talking to him!    


Zheng Kai used all of his strength to follow the voice that called out to him. Finally, he opened his eyes …    


White ceiling, white incandescent lights, and a nurse in a white robe. What was this, a hospital?    


"Mr Zheng, you're finally awake. How is it? Is there anything wrong with you?"    


By the way, he was just struck by lightning. At that time, he thought he was dead for sure, but now, other than the fact that he had just woken up with a headache, there didn't seem to be a big problem.    


Zheng Kai found out from the nurse that he was sent to the hospital by a passer-by. It seemed that he was hit by Lightning's tail so he survived. Even so, he was still in a paralyzed state and needed to rest for a few days.    


If he survived a great disaster, there would always be a blessing in disguise, Zheng Kai thought.    


Zheng Kai didn't see the afterlife, but he spent all his money. He stood in front of the hospital entrance and was a bit at a loss.    


Previously, Zheng Kai couldn't find a job after graduating from university, so he started his business with his family. Since he can only get warm and satisfied when he gets up early in the morning and is greedy for money, that's also why his girlfriend left him.    


Now, this sudden and unexpected calamity had cost Zheng Kai even the last bit of his savings. It would be a lie to say that he wasn't depressed.    


He went back to the rented apartment. Zheng Kai was chewing on the steamed bun that he bought with the last 2 yuan on him. If he saved some food, he would finish tomorrow's breakfast. But what about lunch? What about after that?    


Zheng Kai swiped the mouse and scrubbed the shop's page. He was hoping that some godly soldier would save him in the fire and the water. However, as time passed, the access record was still 0.    


"Sigh, depressed."    


Just as he was about to throw the mouse and lie down on the bed, he suddenly heard a "ding-dong" sound coming from the web page.    


This sound was like a heavenly music to Zheng Kai. He quickly got up and sure enough, under the "completed transaction" section, it turned into a red number 1.    


Ye Zichen couldn't wait to open the page. As Zheng Kai expected, he sold the mask of his girlfriend that he uploaded out of boredom.    


It was said to be the most popular brand for girls nowadays, as well as having a large number of male fans.    


One was more than 100 yuan. At that time, he bought a case for his girlfriend and spent more than half a year's worth of Zheng Kai's living expenses, so he felt sorry for it. This time, he didn't want to see anyone think about things.    


"68 Heavenly Court Street, God of Fortune? "What kind of address is that?"    


Zheng Kai wanted to send out the delivery order, but the address and address of the contact made Zheng Kai feel troubled. He didn't know which grandpa had mischievously brought Zheng Kai here, but Zheng Kai never heard that the God of Fortune needed to put on a mask.    


The phone number that he left behind looked normal. Zheng Kai tried dialing the number. Zheng Kai couldn't send the address over, but if he didn't cancel the order, Zheng Kai would be prompted not to deliver the goods. That would affect his credibility.    


No matter how Zheng Kai tried to call him, the phone would always be blacked out. Tsk, this can't be refused or sent out, I'm afraid I'll be implicated by this prank.    


The joy from before had vanished completely. Didn't they say that there would be fortune after surviving a great catastrophe? Why was it that they were instead walking with their backs against their words?    


Zheng Kai was pondering whether he should go to the temple tomorrow to burn incense, when two messages popped up on the computer page one after another.    


"The buyer has checked the goods and the money has been transferred to the seller's account."    


"The buyer has already commented: The treasure is genuine. It is indeed a Reputation Seller. He will come again. It's a good five star item!"    


Zheng Kai was stunned as he looked at the two messages. What was going on? He hasn't sent the goods yet, why would he receive the payment and even comment on it?    


With a leap, Zheng Kai almost scrambled to the place where the mask was placed.    


No, it's gone, the box is gone!    


Zheng Kai had almost flipped the whole room over, but that case of mask was gone.    


"Stolen? No! Impossible! It was clearly placed here by his own hands half an hour ago, how could it have disappeared! "    


Zheng Kai could not help but mutter. His face was pale and his forehead was covered in cold sweat.    


Although Zheng Kai was a firm atheist and had always been scornful towards ghosts and gods since he was young, he couldn't help but feel goosebumps from losing something right under his nose in broad daylight.    


Zheng Kai looked around. The small room was quiet. He could only hear his own heavy breathing. No matter which direction he turned his head to, there was always a feeling of being spied on from behind.    


"Old Lord Taishang of Amitabha God Jesus' Royal Mother Yama Lord, I am familiar with both! You, find someone else! "    


Zheng Kai muttered randomly, and with another "Dingdang", Zheng Kai was so scared that his heart almost puked out.    


It turned out to be a notification from the bank. Crap, I almost got scared out of my wits by Zheng Kai. He wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and opened the bank.    


"Heaven Realm Coin? What the hell? "    


The bank balance in the bank was still 0, but there was an additional choice of Heaven Realm Coin on the page, with the number 7 clearly written on it.    


It's really weird today. Zheng Kai stared at that 7 for a long time, that case of mask was bought by Little Wan, even if you used some, you could still sell it for 7000 yuan. Not to mention the fact that the goods have mysteriously disappeared, a Heaven Realm Coin from the bank only got 7 dollars?    


Who the hell is playing with me?    


Zheng Kai was in the middle of stuffing himself when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head. It was as if another cold and hard thread was moving in his head. The slight tearing pain made his vision turn black, and his fingers couldn't help but grab his hair.    


"Congratulations, you have successfully opened the Heaven Realm Trading System. The first acknowledgement program has been started, please wait."    


A voice sounded in Zheng Kai's mind. He clearly understood every word, but he just didn't know what it meant.    


Heaven Realm Trading System? What the hell?    


The intense pain lasted for a long time before it finally subsided. Zheng Kai was covered in sweat and his body reeked with a sour smell as if he had just been fished out of water.    


Zheng Kai did not have time to think about it too much. He hastily rushed to the bathroom to take a hot bath and change into clean and loose clothes. Then, he sat down and started to think about the Heaven Realm Trading System.    


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