Supreme King In City

C1980 Great Emperor of the First World

C1980 Great Emperor of the First World

Rumble rumble rumble!    


Chu Hee was completely immersed in the absorption of Chaotic Force. He didn't seem to have noticed the change in the heart of chaos at all. However, that loud noise seemed to have woken him up from his previous state.    


Chu Hee, who was originally absorbing the Chaotic Force like a whale swallowing the python, seemed to have finally woken up in this situation! However, Chu Hee could clearly feel that whether it was his limbs, bones, meridians, or Dantian, there seemed to be many different changes in his body under such devouring. Even his body felt a lot more lustrous than before.    


Chu Hee also slowly stood up from within the heart of chaos. His body seemed to be more than a thousand feet tall due to the fusion of this kind of energy. He just slowly raised his palms, and it seemed like he had already pushed up the power that was like the sky.    


"I finally understand! So this is the Great Emperor mentioned by the Destiny Stone! "    


Chu Hee's expression didn't change at all. Right now, he seemed to be the ruler of the heart of chaos. He also seemed to have realized something and muttered to himself.    


Chu Hee could feel that the Chaotic Force had completely replaced all of his powers, and Chu Hee could easily control the heart of chaos. The power of chaos with the power of all seemed to be able to be easily controlled by him. Even Chu Hee could feel that he only had this one chance to control this kind of chaotic energy. Right now, his power had become stronger and the Perceptual Strength seemed to be extremely different as well, to the point where he even had his own records and records of the changes in the countless lives between heaven and earth.    


A clearer and more intuitive feeling was that Chu Hee was able to determine the power he was controlling. It seemed that as long as he could differentiate a part of it, he could recreate millions of creatures. Chu Hee's eyes seemed to shine with a light of chaos. He could see everything that happened in this world with just a glance. Everything that happened seemed to be a part of the rules that he controlled. The original images and memories turned into a series of images floating in front of Chu Hee. Chu Hee clearly knew that as long as he gently pointed at the image, time could return to its original state.    


Under this instinctive reaction, Chu Hee didn't hesitate at all and directly pointed at the reunion of his family. His parents and brother were gathered together within the Chu Family Villa, and Xiaojian, who was silent at the side, also listened to their conversation.    


The Chaotic Force seemed to flow into the picture from Chu Hee's fingertips. The city seemed to have changed greatly. The cars that had stopped moving also moved back and forth. There were many different types of people walking around the streets, but they didn't seem to notice anything different.    


Chu Hee could vaguely see that when he fell off the cliff, there seemed to be this extremely powerful Divine Sense that entered his mind along with a type of Chaotic Force. His body and meridians seemed to have undergone a huge change. It was as if he had recovered from the previous death.    


The clear aura fluctuation even made Chu Hee unable to calm down!    


"It's actually Supreme Emperor!"    


He never expected that he would be able to be reborn again, and unexpectedly step into the Heaven Realm. It was entirely due to Supreme Emperor that caused him to reach such a state once again, and this time, it was only because of Supreme Emperor!    


It was as if everything that had happened before was replayed, and even the last words of the Supreme Emperor seemed to have become clearer, which Chu Hee clearly remembered.    


"So that's how it is! No wonder the Heaven's Secret Stone calls me the Great Emperor of this world! "    


Chu Hee looked at everything that happened before as if everything was very clear to him. He even completely understood why the Heaven's Secret Stone predicted something like that. The reason he was able to reach his current state was actually because a stream of Divine Sense from his Supreme Emperor had fused into his body, and had also absorbed the power of his Supreme Emperor into his body.    


Chu Hee could feel that the reason why he had entered such a state was not because he was strong, nor was it because his talent was shocking. It was all because from the very beginning, he obtained such a horrifying endless power and it was randomly derived.    


"I never thought that you would actually dare to compete with a Soul Battle Beast for the heart of chaos! Supreme Emperor, you truly have a trick up your sleeve! "    


Chu Hee seemed to be immersed in the energy that he had recovered. Although he was clearer about everything that had happened, his heart seemed to have been touched by that energy. It was obvious that there was going to be a big change.    


It was just that this change was eventually broken by the terrifying voice of a Devil Beast. Outside of the ninth heaven, there seemed to be a terrifying Devil Beast that rushed at them recklessly, even the Chaotic Force was reduced to ashes under this kind of impact.    


"Evil creature!"    


Feeling the strength of the beast of chaos, Chu Hee was not afraid at all. Even though it had already gathered countless amounts of Chaotic Force with just a sweep of its eyes, it had gathered all of the terrifying destructive power of wind, fire, lightning and ruthless attacks on his fist!    


Under Chu Hee's attack, the originally terrifying Soul Duo Beast seemed to feel the day of its true destruction! Its huge body did not seem willing to stop just because of this.    


Now that things had reached such a stage, any clash of power would be fatal.    


Such a terrifying power also directly exploded, and the Chaotic Force Chu Hee controlled did not hold back at all as it fiercely smashed out. The originally flying Soul Dou Beast seemed to be firmly locked within this kind of frightening strength. The Chaotic Force swiftly twined around it from all directions like a rope. However, in a short period of time, it had already tightly bound the Soul Dou Beast in this empty space.    


"Evil creature!" You caused the entire interface to sink into such darkness, nearly destroying all of it! It's time to end this! "    


The moment Chu Hee finished his words, the rope that was wrapped with Chaotic Force exploded. A terrifying force swept out, causing the originally arrogant Soul Battle Beast to directly crumble! It was obvious that all their dangers had been resolved!    


However, Chu Hee's body did not seem to be affected by any power. His eyes seemed to be able to see the changes to billions of lives. It was as if he was slowly recovering under his control!    


Chu Hee spent a full ten days before finally allowing the interface to return to its original calm state. He also fixed his gaze onto the warm picture on the Chu Family Villa. Then, he lightly tapped with his finger, as if he had penetrated through everything, returning to the warm scene.    


"Dad, mom, Xiaoshan, Xiaojian, I'm back!"    


Chu Hee seemed to be able to accomplish his dream with ease at any time. He seemed to be able to see the survivors in every interface, and now, they were all carrying out their own activities!    


No one noticed that Chu Hee, who originally had a happy smile on his face, seemed to have a faint power at the tip of his fingers that merged into their bodies.    


"In this life, This Emperor will be the ruler. He will control everything! I want our family to be this happy and together for a long time! "    


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