Invincible Son-in-law

C1807 The Ninth Major Power of the Immortal Alliance

C1807 The Ninth Major Power of the Immortal Alliance



When the two palms collided, a muffled sound was heard. Li Dahu let out a muffled groan, and his entire body was sent flying backwards. Xiao Ge, on the other hand, didn't move at all, as if nothing had happened.    




Astonishment could be heard from the surroundings. Apparently, no one had expected Xiao Ge to have the upper hand. Because they had just heard that Xiao Ge was just a newbie who had just transcended his tribulation and arrived here. As for Dahu, he had already transcended his tribulation for many years, even though he was only a Quasi-Immortal. No matter what, he should be stronger than Xiao Ge, right?    


However, the reality was the opposite. It seemed like this newcomer, Xiao Ge, was much stronger than Li Dahu!    


"Useless fool!" Xiao Ge did not take advantage of the victory to chase after him. He only looked at Li Dahu who had fallen to the ground with a look of disdain. "With your ability, no wonder Zhuge Wangtian did not even want to give you a maid. You are so tired. If you want to die, just kill yourself. If I kill you, I will be lowering my grade! "    


After saying this, Xiao Ge turned around and left unhurriedly. This time, no one stopped him, and Xiao Ge quickly disappeared from everyone's line of sight. As for the bleeding little demon, it had already fainted due to excessive blood loss.    


"Turn left on the fork in the road ahead, and keep walking forward!" Xiao Ge, who had just left, suddenly heard a female voice as thin as a mosquito by his ear. "Don't look back, don't look for me. The city guards will catch up soon. If you don't want to fight with them immediately, do as I say."    


Xiao Ge was a little confused for a moment, but he didn't think too much about it. They arrived at the fork in the road. He turned left subconsciously and kept walking forward. In fact, he was not really trying to avoid the city guards. He wanted to know who was staring at him. When he was at the city gate, it seemed that no one wanted him, but now, he seemed to have become a hot potato?    


"Faster, faster! Although flying is prohibited in Sky Reaching City, you can run as fast as you can!" The voice sounded again, and Xiao Ge also increased his speed.    


About three minutes later, Xiao Ge saw a tall building in front of him. At the same time, he saw three big words - Myriad Treasure Tower.    


"Eh? This is an unexpected surprise!" Xiao Ge was looking for the Myriad Treasure Tower, but he didn't expect it to appear on its own.    


Just as Xiao Ge was feeling happy, the subtle female voice sounded again, "The Myriad Treasure Tower is right in front of us. Quickly go in, and you will be safe for the time being. The Myriad Treasure Tower prohibited all forms of fighting, and the city guards didn't dare to capture people inside. They can only wait outside for you to come out."    


Xiao Ge, who originally wanted to enter the Myriad Treasure Tower, naturally did not hesitate to run inside when he heard these words. Less than thirty seconds after Xiao Ge entered the Myriad Treasure Tower, seven or eight men in the same uniform followed him. They were the City Guards.    


As soon as he entered the Myriad Treasure Tower, Xiao Ge stopped and looked around. He found that the first floor of the Myriad Treasure Tower was a rather spacious hall, and there weren't many people in the hall. There were only a few dozen people in the hall, and less than ten of them were women. He quickly observed these women, trying to find the woman who secretly guided him. But he didn't find anything.    


"Are you looking for me?" One of them asked. A voice suddenly sounded behind Xiao Ge. It was the woman from before.    


Xiao Ge was slightly shocked in his heart. Then, he suddenly turned around and became a little disappointed. This woman was wearing a black dress, and she looked very young. She didn't seem to be thirty years old, but she looked very ordinary. Her figure wasn't good either. She had no fate with the word beauty.    


However, very quickly, Xiao Ge started to pay more attention to this girl. Because he found that he could not see through this girl's cultivation. When this girl appeared behind him just now, he didn't notice it at all. This showed that this girl's cultivation base... Most likely, it was much higher than his.    


"Thank you for helping me in secret just now." Although Xiao Ge was a little disappointed with the woman's appearance and figure, he still thanked her. It seemed like this was the first time someone had taken the initiative to help him after being here for so long.    


"You're welcome. I helped you to win you over." The woman in the cloth dress smiled, "I'm Qi Xiaofeng, the deputy Pavilion Master of Carefree Pavilion."    


"I'm Xiao Ge, a newbie." Xiao Ge also introduced himself.    


"I know." Qi Xiaofeng smiled, "Xiao Ge, you are very popular now. After you defeated Du Tianping with a single palm strike, everyone knew that they had made a mistake. The Faang Lun of the Flying Sky Pavilion is too late to regret."    


After a pause, Qi Xiaofeng added, "Actually, it was also because Ice Fairy was too outstanding that everyone's attention was on her at the beginning. They had subconsciously overlooked you, but they should have understood. Since that outstanding Ice Fairy fell in love with you, how could you be mediocre?"    


"Thank you, Qi Pavilion Master." Xiao Ge was in a good mood. Although Qi Xiaofeng was not very pretty, furthermore, Qi Xiaofeng seemed to have a special affinity with her. It made Xiao Ge not reject her at all. To Xiao Ge, who was only interested in beautiful women, it was truly rare.    


After a pause, Xiao Ge asked again, "By the way, Qi Pavilion Master, may I ask if your Carefree Pavilion is also one of the eight major powers of Immortal Alliance?"    


"Strictly speaking, our Carefree Pavilion should be the ninth major power of Immortal Alliance." Qi Xiaofeng shook her head, "Currently, there is still a small gap between us and those eight major powers. But we believe that in time, we will become the true ninth major power."    


Qi Xiaofeng admitted the gap very frankly, which gave Xiao Ge a favorable impression. Of course, this didn't mean that he would soon join the Carefree Pavilion.    


"Qi Pavilion Master, thank you for your help, but for the time being, I have no intention of joining any major power." Xiao Ge said straightforwardly. He didn't want Qi Xiaofeng to waste any time.    


"Xiao Ge, you have misunderstood. Although we are trying to win you over, but I don't ask you to join the Carefree Pavilion right away. In fact, we just want to provide you with some necessary help, because... The things you've experienced, many of them have happened to us before. " Qi Xiaofeng faintly smiled, "Actually, our Carefree Pavilion is a relatively loose organization. Our original intention was to provide you with a cultivation base that is unwilling to join any organization. Provide a kind of shelter."    


"Is that so?" Xiao Ge was slightly surprised.    


"That's right. This is also the reason why the Carefree Pavilion is named. The Pavilion Master hopes that every cultivator in the Carefree Pavilion can live freely and freely." Qi Xiaofeng nodded and said.    


"Is that so?" Xiao Ge let out a light breath, "The idea of your Pavilion Master really suits me."    


After thinking for a while, Xiao Ge asked again, "Where is your Carefree Pavilion? When I have time, I will go there and have a chat with your Pavilion Master."    


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