Sword Saving the World



Hearing this, Fan Wuji and Hu Bingyan both nodded their heads. Right now, it could be said that they were the last people they could rely on to turn the tables. If they didn't have any ulterior motives, they would either be trapped inside the maze or killed by the soldiers outside.    


The great army of armored soldiers outside began to enter the maze of the Sacred Land as well. This maze was terrifyingly big, and in terms of area, it was probably comparable to some unpopular border cities. After the huge army of tens of thousands had arrived, they walked along the route without any hindrances.    


Half a day later, the great army of soldiers finally arrived at the heart of the maze. Sura, Barato, and a few other generals all stood there, as if preparing for something.    


Sura sighed lightly. "That swordsman wasn't lying." They had indeed broken through the stone golem, and had even broken through the inscriptions on the stone door. "Looks like they have indeed entered. It is just that I do not know if the Thousand Dou Wang's spirit is still there."    


"It doesn't matter if Ancestor Hua Qianduan's soul is here or not, these people from outside this place must die. The enmity between us and them is already irreconcilable and difficult to resolve. We can only kill them to eliminate any future troubles. " Barato said fiercely.    


"However, there are countless coffins inside. If I send an army in, it might disrupt the Thousand Dou Wang's rebirth and rest." Sura bitterly said.    


The current army of tens of thousands of soldiers still didn't know what was inside. However, once the army went in, the greatest secret of the Soul Slayer Tribe in the past two thousand years would be the seven thousand reviving of the soul of the King of Big Dipper. If this secret was leaked out, the enemies of the Soul Slayer Tribe, the Grandmasters of the Water Fire Great City, and even those first-rate powers with kings as their leaders, would most likely come to destroy the revival of the Thousand Dou Wang.    


However, what they didn't know was that all of their worries were completely meaningless. Their ancestor's soul, the soul of the Beitang King, had already been destroyed, and the souls of the forty-eight special soul bodies had all been devoured.    


Just as they were pondering and hesitating to make a decision, the stone door opened. Two women and one man walked out. They looked very young. These three people were naturally Fan Wuji, Hu Bingyan, and He Nian Xin.    


At this moment, He Nian Xin's aura was as deep as the sea, and everyone present had a mountain-like pressure. On the other hand, although Fan Wuji and Hu Bingyan were both in the Congenital Realm, their actual battle prowess was greater than most grandmasters.    


"King? She was a king. Damn it. How could an outsider be so monstrous? A girl who was not even twenty yet had already stepped into the King's Realm. Even if she was cultivating in her mother's womb, she shouldn't have such a cultivation, right? " Barato's face was shocked, his tone shocked and incredulous.    


He kept shaking his head, unable to accept this scene. The wasteland could be considered vast, and the number of cultivators within it could be said to be uncountable; it was difficult to count. However, the King of Life and Death only talked about a few dozen people. In the Desolate Ruins, only a first-rate power would have a king. "Even though the tribe was an overlord of the region, there were only three Grandmasters overseeing it, and not a single one of them was king.    


"She is a quasi beast king. Although she has broken through the threshold of life and death, and grasped the power of life and death, she did not change her body into a king's body." Sura's pupils shrank as he sized up He Nian Xin and explained at the same time.    


There wasn't much difference between quasi beast kings and beast kings. The only difference was that a quasi beast king's body was at the Spirit Sea Realm. A true beast king could rely on the power of life and death to temper their body and cultivate the Eternal Emperor's body. Apart from the difference in their bodies, the battle strength of quasi beast kings and true beast kings were almost the same.    


"The people of the Soul Slayer Tribe, listen up. I have never killed for no reason, but I have never shown mercy when I have a reason." "Those who surrender their weapons will not be killed, but those who resist stubbornly will be put to death." He Nian Bing's voice was filled with soul power and was filled with confusion.    


At the same time, the cultivation of her Life and Death Realm King was revealed without a doubt. A vast aura as thick as the Mountains and Seas spread out, as if she was no longer standing in front of them, but instead a great mountain, a river.    


At that moment, the Greater Heaven stage generals all had bitter expressions on their faces. They were only Xiantian masters, and any Spirit Sea Grandmaster could slaughter them easily. As for a King who was one stage stronger than a grandmaster, that was a height they would never dare to provoke or reach in their entire lives.    


However, due to the majesty of the two Grandmasters, Barato and Sura, each of them had their own thoughts, but none of them dared to directly surrender.    


Fan Wuji looked at this scene and didn't say anything. He took out his sword, and Hu Bingyan also pulled out her sword in tacit understanding. The two of them stood there, one on the left and the other on the right. Their expressions were cold and their eyes were sharp as they sized up Sura, Barato, and the other innate masters.    


Barato's heart trembled. He sighed, "The three of you, I, Barato, am willing to surrender."    


After saying this, he was like a deflated balloon. As he let out a long sigh, he seemed to have aged a hundred years, and no longer had the feeling of being in high and mighty spirits from before.    


Upon hearing these words, Sura immediately became furious. He loudly shouted, "Balatou, you have betrayed the tribe and have betrayed the homeland that we were raised in. A real man, not afraid of death. Besides... Moreover, we still have tens of thousands of soldiers behind us, so we might not lose. "    


At this moment, Sura's mind was in a mess. Currently, the two of them were the only Grandmasters in the Soul Slayer Tribe. If Barato surrendered, he would be the only one left. Then what awaited him was the difficulty of being alone, the difficulty of being able to hold onto a single piece of land, and the difficulty of being able to hold onto a building.    


"Enough. Sura. Don't be naive. If a Grandmaster were to be exhausted to death by an Armoured Army, they would be able to control the power of life and death in their body. If a Grandmaster could be exhausted to death by an Armoured Army, they would be able to control the power of life and death in their body. We have an army of soldiers, and we can't exhaust her at all. As for what kind of man he is, it's your own idea to hide his corpse and not be afraid of death. Do not impose your ideas on me. " Barato snapped.    


Finishing his words, he turned around and looked at the Innate Generals and the huge army of tens of thousands behind him, saying loudly, "Everyone listen. I, Barato, am indeed afraid of death, because I still have my wife and children. But what I am more afraid of is that my tribe, the Soul Slayer Tribe, and all of you armored warriors will be destroyed by the hands of one king. Sometimes, a tribe could be destroyed, but not. As soon as I thought of the scene of us stubbornly resisting, the king getting angry and massacring for a thousand miles, I understood that surrender is the best choice. "I am willing to bear all the sins that I have committed all my life."    


The thirty-three generals and other Greater Heaven stage masters beside him were all silent. They all knew that if they surrendered, the ruler would not recklessly kill them. Although they would be humiliated, he would still be able to save the lives of their tribesmen. However, if he fought to the death and the king became angry, he would massacre the entire tribe. At that time, more than half of the tribe would be slaughtered, and less than half of the clan would lose their homes and flee for their lives.    


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