Sword Saving the World



When Fan Wuji walked out of the secret pathway, his footsteps seemed slow but actually were swift. On the surface, it looked like he was taking a stroll in a courtyard, but in reality, he was walking at a speed that exceeded the limits of the Innate Realm. He let go of his aura all the way inside the residence. A few of the Upper Sky Masters in Moura looked around and rushed over.    


Although his cultivation was at the Xiantian Full Circle realm, his realm was even more terrifying than some Life and Death Realm kings. When his origin sword intent was unleashed, each move and each slash carried with it the essence of the way of the sword, the feeling of returning to its original nature.    


In three moves and two moves, Fan Wuji used his finger as a sword and repelled several Xiantian masters. While he was attacking, his speed didn't decrease by even a little, and he rushed out of Moli's residence at an extremely high speed.    


After leaving Maura's residence, he didn't slow down at all and continued with his plan. The reason the Soul Slayer Tribe was able to become one of the two giants in this ten thousand kilometer area was due to the protection of the three Grandmasters of the Spirit Sea Realm.    


Now that Fan Wuji had already robbed the first, he quickly headed to his second target. This time, he was heading to a remote area on the edge of the tribe. Of the three grandmasters of the Soul Slayer Tribe, two of them loved things like power and power. The only one who was similar to an ascetic was focused on studying the ways of the soul. He was a low-key person and lived in the outskirts of the Soul Slayer Tribe.    


Of course, an ascetic who did not like power did not mean he lacked wealth. No cultivator can avoid the problem of resources.    


About an hour later, Fan Wuji was already running at full speed, wantonly exhausting the Xiantian Zhen Qi in his body. However, his sword intent was profound, and could absorb a huge amount of heaven and earth origin energy for his own use. Therefore, the recovery speed of his true qi was actually faster than his consumption. After running for an hour, the true energy within his body had not been consumed. Instead, it had become much more abundant.    


He stopped at the entrance of a village. Looking around, he could clearly see the scenery inside the village. This village looked ordinary on the surface, but Fan Wuji could see that it was mysterious and extraordinary.    


"There are actually four different formations here, and each of these formations can trap an ordinary Spirit Sea Realm cultivator." If I were still in my own body, with my cultivation base, I wouldn't care about how many layers of spell formations I have. But now, I have to be a bit more careful. " Fan Wuji said.    


Just as he was about to leave, a young woman in her twenties arrived. The young girl had a domineering heroic bearing, and she had a valiant disposition, as if she was a highly skilled swordsman. This woman was none other than Hu Bingyan.    


HuBingYan's pretty face was also full of seriousness. She constantly observed the surrounding Essence Qi undulations, and this time she was trying to deduce the mysterious changes and characteristics of the large formation in the village.    


"I didn't expect there to be an array master in the Desolate Ruins." Although his formation skills are not as good as our eight northern sects, it is still a bit clumsy. However, this person knew how to manipulate formations. If the first formation was ordinary, then the fourth formation would be combined. As of now, most of the warriors in the Spirit Sea Realm would be trapped, and the weaker ones would be killed. " Hu Bingyan revealed a pondering expression as she calmly analyzed the situation.    


In truth, the array formation in the village was not ordinary. It was just that Hu Bingyan was a mid stage king and an extremely talented person. Her standards were very high, which was why she was given such a clumsy evaluation. Whether Fan Wuji or Hu Bingyan, both of them could instantly break through the fourth layer of the formation during their victory. But now, they had appeared in this strange wasteland, borrowing their corpses' souls to return, and their cultivation was only at the Innate realm.    


"Senior sister Huhe, why don't you and I join hands and break the formation?" Fan Wuji had a slight smile on his face.    


"Junior brother, I have this intention." You and I have quite a few divine abilities and secret arts with us, so we should be able to protect ourselves perfectly. " Hu BingYan said with a bright smile.    


Fan Wuji took out a long sword from his spatial ring that he plundered from Mora's treasury. To him, this sword's quality was the spoils of battle for a half-step Sword Sword Sect cultivator killed by a Mora Song.    


Hu Bingyan's harvest was even bigger than his. She actually found a middle tier spiritual weapon saber. Many blade masters did not have a suitable spiritual weapon.    


The two of them activated their Earth Rank footwork and headed into the village. They instantly entered the range of the fourth-layer formation. However, the formation that they had anticipated did not activate. They were able to enter the village without any obstructions.    


Along the way, they only saw simple houses, but not a single person could be seen. After a few more minutes, the two of them had already entered the depths of the village at their fastest speed. However, they still did not see a single person.    


There were many houses in a village, but not a single person was present. There was an unfathomable strangeness to it. Before long, the two of them arrived at a large stone fort inside the village. The design of the fortress was simple. It was a building that was built by someone with extraordinary knife skills, forcefully cutting all the huge rocks into appropriate sizes and piles.    


"It is a pleasure to have friends from afar. Sura is waiting for the two of you to meddle. " A calm and detached voice drifted out from the stone fort.    


This voice was very faint and contained a strange fluctuation. This fluctuation was neither spiritual energy nor was it the true meaning of the Profound Truths, but it was able to affect one's mental state.    


"Interesting, to be able to find traces of the two of us." Hu Bingyan praised playfully.    


Then the two of them looked at each other and rushed into the stone fort. This stone fort's terrain was strange. It also had some defensive structures and extremely complicated terrain. However, the two of them could ignore it. Their speed didn't slow down as if they were walking on flat ground.    


In next to no time, a green-clothed middle-aged man walked out of the stone room. His aura was completely different from other Spirit Sea Realm grandmasters. He was a pure Soul Refiner. Previously, Fan Wuji had met other cultivators of the Dao of Soul Refining like Mo Sang in the Soul Slayer Tribe. It was just that they both cultivated Qi Refining techniques.    


But the middle-aged man in front of him was different. He didn't have the slightest fluctuation of Qi Refining or Body Refinement, only an incomparably tyrannical fluctuation of soul force. His soul evolved into an enormous spiritual pile, within which was a reflection of surging spiritual force.    


Sura's face was calm as he spoke, "The two of you are very special. You are clearly born into the Innate Realm, yet you possess the realm of a King. I'm afraid you are all people from outside the Ruins, as recorded in the ancient sages' books. "I truly look forward to the outside world, but even those kings, as well as those mighty Twin Saints, have no way of leaving the wasteland."    


Fan Wuji's face flashed with a strange expression. He didn't think that Sura would be able to see through their identities. He knew that he and Hu Bingyan weren't natives from the outside world. His attitude toward Sura had changed.    


Both he and Hu Bingyan did not know how they managed to return the corpse to the Desolate Ruins. He needed to explore the mystery of their arrival through Sulla, a native who knew a great deal about the Mixin.    


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