Sword Saving the World



Han Fei's speed was truly stunning, but Mo Dai Ran looked unconvinced. After all, Han Fei relied on the might of an immortal equipment. Even if it was a half immortal equipment, its might was terrifying. It was something an ordinary king couldn't match up to.    


When Feng Sanyan and Wu Xingkong noticed that someone had caught up to them, they looked at each other. They understood that Han Fei was faster than them with the three Immortal swords. Now that they were advancing head to head, it meant that Han Fei would soon surpass the two of them. At this moment, the two prideful men were unable to accept this.    


Under the light of eye contact, Feng Sanyan controlled one hundred and eight flying daggers with his psychic power, turning them into a blade formation and attacking Han Fei nonstop. At the same time, Wu Xing Kong also unleashed his Five Elemental Upanishads towards Han Fei.    


Seeing the two of them attacking him at the same time, Han Fei did not feel the slightest bit nervous nor angry. Instead, he maintained his calm face with a faint smile.    


"Gourd, gourd, open up three more times." Han Fei murmured softly. Suddenly, three flying swords flew out from the Sword Gourd.    


The three flying swords were also at the Half Immortal Sword level. These three plus the previous three flying swords allowed him to simultaneously control six and a half immortal swords.    


An ordinary king, even an Ultimate Dao King, using two or three Half Immortal swords was already their limit. However, Han Fei, who had yet to reach the Extreme Dao King level, was actually able to simultaneously control six and a half Immortal swords. Furthermore, he looked as if he was adept at maneuvering his arms and light and agile appearance.    


Han Fei stood on an Immortal sword with three Immortal swords to block thousands of lightning strikes. As for the remaining two Immortal swords, one of them was incomparably sharp and turned into tens of thousands of sword threads, forcefully slashing through Feng Sanyan's 108 flying knives. The last Immortal sword, emanating a blurry aura of light, was able to break through Wu Xing Kong's attack.    


At this moment, Han Fei's speed hadn't decreased in the slightest, and because Feng Sanyan and Wu Xingkong had split their attention to attack him, their speed had increased by a bit.    


About a minute later, Han Fei mustered all the strength in his body and burst forth with monstrous spiritual power. The mysteries of the sword had also been pushed to the extreme. He was like a great roc spreading its wings, but also like a flying dragon soaring into the sky. He was like an earth-shaking sword beam as he stepped into the inner area of the Purple Gold Palace at an extremely high speed.    


Wu Xing Kong and Feng San Yan could only bitterly smile without a word. They didn't expect that the two of them would work together to defeat Han Fei and even allow him to be the first to enter the Palace.    


Mo Dai Ran took advantage of the time the three of them were fighting to activate the dual winged puppets and forcefully increased her speed even though two of them were damaged. She actually caught up to Feng Sanyan and Wu Xing Kong.    


"You two, I'll be leaving first." Mo Dai Ran looked at the two of them and said with a smile.    


"Arrogant!" At the same time, he controlled his 108 throwing knives and charged straight at Mo Dai Ran. Wu Xingkong activated the Profound Truths of the Five Elements in his body. With the Profound Truths as the core and his spiritual power as the support, he formed a colossal multicolored palm and struck toward Mo Dai Ran.    


"I knew it." Mo Dai Ran muttered to herself. With a thought, the mind imprint attached to the two flying puppets was actually detonated.    


The two flying puppets were made of extraordinary materials, comparable to King level puppets of the Life and Death Realm. When they detonated, they were like brilliant fireworks, colorful and dazzling.    


Caught off guard, Feng Sanyan hurriedly used his mental energy to drive 360 throwing knives to combine densely together to protect his entire body. Wu Xingkong was caught off guard and hurriedly retracted his Five Elements Small Domain. As everyone knew, domain type techniques, the smaller the compression, the greater the power.    


Mo Dai Ran smiled proudly and said, "Goodbye." "Both of you."    


In the time it took for the explosion to last for more than a dozen breaths, Mo Dai Ran also used all her strength and sprinted forward. As expected, Mo Dai Ran was the second extreme genius to ascend to the Purple Gold Palace.    


After several breaths of time, the aftermath of the explosion of the two king level puppets gradually dispersed. Beneath the smoke and dust from the explosion, Feng Sanguan was unscathed. However, his face was livid and filled with rage. As for Wu Xing Kong, he was protected by a small domain and was unharmed. Compared to Feng San, he was even more enraged.    


The Puppet Faction was the weakest of the eight sects in the Northern Region for a long time, and the Five Elements Sect had been the most powerful of them all these years. As the chief disciple of the Five Elements Sect, he had always regarded himself as the king of the younger generation in the Northern Region. But even so, the person who didn't care and stepped into the Palace before him could not help but feel angry.    


The battle to ascend to the Violet Gold Palace was very intense. It was originally only 900m away, but the disparity was not big. At this moment, He Nian was relying on the Taotie Taotie Taotie's shadow to continuously devour thunder and lightning. He had already caught up to Wu Xing Kong and Feng San Yan.    


"Get lost!" Feng Sanyan roared with a twisted expression. He originally had the qualifications to be the first to enter the Violet Gold Palace, but now Han Fei and Mo Dai Ran had repeatedly plucked his peaches. It was difficult to quell the anger in his heart.    


Wu Xingkong said coldly, "You're a little girl from the Three Soul Sect. You don't think anyone can come out and show off? "Follow us honestly. Otherwise, don't blame me for being merciless."    


"Heh. So scary. You two are really impressive. What kind of ability do you two have to bully a weak girl together? " At this moment, a mocking voice floated into their ears.    


The two of them hurriedly looked towards the source of the voice. The person speaking was none other than a white-haired Fan Wuji with a three-foot-long blade on his back.    


"Idiot." Who do I think it is? A mere half-step King actually dared to imitate another to save the beauty. If your Heavenly Sword Sect's Han Fei were to make a move, we would be fearful of him. But you? "Get lost." Feng Sanyan waved his hand as his spirit power controlled the forty-nine throwing knives to hack downwards.    




Fan Wuji growled, and his Extreme Realm source sword intent erupted. The Origin Sword Intent was a top-grade true intent. It was even stronger than ordinary second level mysteries. Under the sword intent, the Sword Qi that filled the sky spread out. The sword hum continued without end. Streams of Sword Qi were like fish swimming in the water as they rushed towards the forty-nine throwing knives.    


The Swordqi was terrifying. It only took a second to destroy Feng Sanyan's forty-nine throwing knives.    


Wu Xingkong was also a bit surprised when he saw this. One must know that Feng Sanyan was a top genius of the demonic path, and was considered one of the top geniuses amongst all the geniuses. He didn't think that Fan Wuji would be able to receive these flying daggers.    


He said excitedly, "You must be the most recent genius in the Skysword Sect who has comprehended the origin sword intent. Sooner or later, you and I will have a fight, but not now. After all, you are now only a half-step King, and I am a true Life and Death Realm cultivator. If I win against you, I would lose the reputation of being overbearing and bullying the weak. "    


"Old enemy? In the past, our founder was indeed a mortal enemy of one of your Five Elements Sect's ancestors. This sort of destined confrontation, that lasts all the way to the generations of the two, is truly interesting. " Fan Wuji sighed.    


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