Sword Saving the World



As the several of them were speaking, a green-clothed girl descended from the top of Skysplit Tower. This azure-robed woman looked like she had been around for two to eight years, and was in the prime of her life. However, her aura was as deep as the abyss; she was an extremely powerful Earthly Immortal.    


When Deng Yuhan saw this woman, a hint of envy appeared on her face. Even senior experts like them would show signs of aging. However, their aging speed was countless times faster than that of ordinary people.    


However, in the end, it was not that her appearance was never old. For a girl who loved beauty, aging was more terrifying than death. The azure-dressed woman was already an Earthly Immortal, she was obviously not as young as she looked. With such a powerful technique, it was rare for her to be so envious.    


Lin Ao Shuang muttered to herself, "Rumor has it that that person could refine a Face Preserving Pill. Anyone who takes a Face Preserving Pill will be forever young and young, even at the moment of their death, their body will remain as young and beautiful as it was before. This young lady must have consumed the Face Preserving Pill. "    


The green-gowned woman said in a clear voice, "Which sect or sect are you from? But the people who came to participate in this year's meeting? "    


"Oh, so it's Lady Qingyu. I'm the Heavenly Sword Sect's Deng Yuhan." "I remember that time sixty years ago, when I was extremely familiar with you. I've seen you before, little sister." Deng Yuhan said with a smile.    


"Deng Yuhan? This name is a bit familiar, but I can't remember. " The azure-dressed woman, Qingyu, mumbled to herself.    


After hearing this, the awkward atmosphere turned to ice. Deng Yuhan spoke passionately, as if she was familiar with Qingyu. On the other hand, Qingyu acted as if she didn't know him, not leaving the slightest bit of face for Deng Yuhan. Moreover, Deng Yuhan was no ordinary person, but a senior expert who was one realm higher than an Earthly Immortal. Normally, if an Earthly Immortal dared to be disrespectful to such an expert, Deng Yuhan would destroy her with a flip of her hand.    


Deng Yuhan's face only stiffened as she gave an embarrassed smile: "Lady Qingyu is truly forgetful. The two of us are here as escorts. The four people from our school are extremely talented.    


"So it's someone from the Skysword Sect." However, my master already had an order. This time, the people would be different. We must strictly examine their identities and not let any other people with ulterior motives enter. Do you two have proof of your identity? " Qing Yu said with a faint smile.    


Sha Manlou said with slight anger, "Little lady Qingyu, we have escorted many disciples of our sect to extreme meetings over the years. How could you not recognize us? There's no need to verify our identities, right? "    


"Screech!" Is he putting on the airs of a senior grandmaster? Qingyu was very scared. However, with my master here, not to mention two senior experts, even twenty, fifty, and eighty experts, we are not afraid. " Jadeite said mockingly.    


"You! A mere Earthly Immortal actually dares to talk to me like that. " Sha Manlou was instantly enraged.    


Seeing the furious him, Deng Yuhan ignored herself and shook her head, immediately stopping Sha Man Lou. Deng Yuhan quickly took a few steps forward, and approached and held onto Qingyu's sleeve. Both of them were wearing large robes with extremely large sleeves that served as storage.    


At this time, on the surface, they were both holding hands, but in reality, Deng Yuhan had secretly put the treasures in her sleeves and secretly put them into the sleeves of her robes. Upon seeing this, Qingyu chuckled: "Go in." In a quarter of an hour, the master would appear. "You guys understand Master's temper, if you guys are late, there'll be good results for you guys."    


With that, she turned around and opened the door of Skysplit Tower. Sha Manlou snorted coldly as he tried his best to suppress the rage in his heart. The other Purple Robed Successor Disciples were more than a little dissatisfied with Qing Yu's arrogance, but they also understood that in front of the Palace Master of the Purple Gold Palace, these seniors had to swallow their anger, not to mention them.    


The few of them entered Tong Tian Tower one after another. Qing Yu said slowly, "In a while, we will activate the anti-gravitational array that Master has set up. The gravity inside the tower will be the opposite. You guys don't need to panic. "    


As expected, under the effect of the Anti-Gravity Array, the few of them actually floated at an extremely high speed towards the top of the tower. After a few minutes, they arrived at the top of the Skysplit Tower. This tower was about the same height as the main peak of the Skysword Sect, 29,999 feet.    


When they reached the top of the pagoda, they discovered that there was a golden-purple palace floating on top of the pagoda. The principles behind this palace were actually similar to that of the Unbroken Temple of the Skysword Sect. As for the master of the Violet Gold Palace, he was actually able to build a palace that was as high as the heavens themselves. If one considered it carefully, he must have the ability to compete with the founder of the Skysword Sect.    


Back then, the founder of the Skysword Sect was a supreme expert of the northern region. Thinking about it, Fan Wuji's head was covered in cold sweat. He seemed to realize that his guess was close to the truth. Perhaps only the supreme experts of a region would possess such domineering power. It was probably because of the fame of these supreme experts that Qingyu dared to lay her hands on these two senior experts and demand benefits from them.    


The top of Skysplit Tower was extremely vast. Besides Fan Wuji and the others, the seniors of the Five Elements Sect, Three Soul Sect, Hundred Fiends Valley, Blood Cloth Sect, Puppet Sect, Jade Maiden Palace, and Raging Blade Sect also escorted their respective sects to the top of the tower.    


There were still three to five other geniuses gathered together, all feeling a bit nervous. These geniuses were all disciples from second-or third-rate sects. According to the rules of the gathering, all the geniuses under the age of 40 were allowed to participate in the gathering. That was why the geniuses from the small sects were qualified to participate as well. It was just that these geniuses were only a foil to the geniuses of the eight sects in each batch.    


At this time, above Skysplit Tower, a few black-clothed, gray-clothed cultivators actually floated up. Looking around, there were about twenty or so people wearing gray robes and black robes, less than thirty of them. The black robed man in the lead had a dense aura and black and white aura coiling around his body. He had quite a bit of power, and it seemed like he was an expert. Beside him was a gray-robed man with an evil and handsome face. He had an almost perfect appearance that even women would envy.     


Sha Manlou saw their faces clearly and stuttered, "It's the Demon Saint and the Evil Lord, it's actually them. Could it be that this time, the people are extremely interested, and the people from the evil and devilish sects are also participating? "    


Amongst the crowd, there were a few senior experts from the eight northern sects. They also recognized the two great leaders, the Demon Saint Xie Zun. At the level of senior experts, the two of them were both at the pinnacle. They both had the ability to defeat several experts of the same level by themselves.    


The crowd went into an uproar. Just at this moment, from the top of the pagoda, an ancient voice came out from inside the purple gold palace, "Strictly speaking, demonic sects and sects are a part of our northern region. Previously, they were hidden, so I didn't force them to join the Primordial Era. Now that the evil demonic way has returned, their people should be extremely talented, and should be able to participate in this meeting. "    


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