Sword Saving the World





Immortal stage?    


An existence that was even higher than the Life and Death Realm?    


At this moment, the 81 students present were all incomparably shocked. In addition to their expressions of amazement, there was nothing else. Because of a Life and Death Realm cultivator, he was already a supreme existence in the Tang Kingdom.    


The Tang Kingdom had a population of tens of millions of people, and an area of thousands of miles. Amongst the tens of millions of people, there were only three existences at the Life and Death Realm. As for the Dean of the Fish Dragon Academy, given his cultivation at the middle stages of the Life and Death Realm, he possessed the title of the number one powerhouse in the entire Tang Kingdom.    


A cultivator at the middle stages of the Life and Death Realm was invincible in a country. Then how rare were the existences at the late stage of the Life and Death Realm or above? How strong was he now? This was no longer something that the students present or even the director, Leng Qingqiu, could speculate about.    


The Tang Country had a history of hundreds of years, and there were countless cultivators within it. However, throughout the history of the Tang Kingdom, the number of existences in the Life and Death Realm that had appeared could be counted on one hand. As for existences in the Immortal Realm, there were none. Not to mention the Tang Kingdom, even in the entire Hundred Kingdoms, the highest cultivation level was only at the peak of the Life and Death Realm.    


As for the existence of Immortals, they were already extinct in the Hundred Kingdoms. In the history of the Hundred Kingdoms, legendary immortals had also been born. However, those existences were already invincible within the Hundred Kingdoms. In the world of 100 nations, those existences were invincible.    


Just when everyone was in a state of shock. Fan Wuji continued to gently shake his head. From his point of view, the so-called Immortal Realm was not something that was impossible to reach. This was because he knew exactly how the Immortal Realm was divided. He understood even more clearly that there were different levels of Immortals. Lowly Immortals were nothing.    


This was not because Fan Wuji was conceited. Rather, with his talent and knowledge, it was not difficult for him to reach the Immortal Realm. However, if one wanted to reach the peak of cultivation, even if Fan Wuji had the talent, it would still be difficult to see through him for the rest of his life.    


The peak of cultivation, over tens of thousands of years, was something that no one could obtain. This was no longer something that could be accomplished simply by relying on one's talent and willpower and resources. Every single existence that stood at the peak of cultivation had a slim chance of surviving. After going through countless difficulties and countless misfortunes, they finally managed to reach the peak of cultivation with a sigh of luck. Every one of those existences was a coincidence. Their experiences could not be replicated.    


Looking at the incomparably shocked youths and young girls around him, Leng Qingqiu, who was standing at the podium, also fell silent. As she looked at the shocked expressions of these young boys and girls, she couldn't help but think back to many years ago when she had just heard about the cultivation realm and the legends of immortals.    


Leng Qingqiu looked around before her eyes focused on him and said: "My fellow students." The road is long and far, I will look up and down. The path of cultivation would never end. You should be in awe. He would spend his life pursuing the peak of cultivation. Students, try your best. Maybe you all are the life and death realms tomorrow, and even immortal existences. "    


At this moment, the youths and young girls present felt as if they were on stimulants. Their eyes were all filled with yearning and determination.    


"A newborn calf isn't afraid of a tiger." Fan Wuji looked at the excited youngster and couldn't help but sigh.    


Being ambitious is a good thing. However, it was wrong to be overly ambitious and confident. After all, these young men and women only had 1-star aptitude and were all of ordinary birth. A mediocre person was destined to be mediocre. Fan Wuji could foresee that most of the students here would stop at the precelestial stage and rarely step into the postcelestial stage. As for the spirit ocean realm, it was likely that no one in the class other than Fan Wuji could reach it.    


After class ended, Fan Wuji stood up. He was originally very handsome, with an extraordinary temperament. During class, he repeatedly caught Leng Qingqiu's chalk. It could be said that he was truly in the limelight.    


Fan Wuji's reputation rose rapidly. In the first grade, he was second only to the top student Fu Yiyi.    


Just as class ended, Fan Wuji stretched his back and prepared to leave. At this time, the chubby Zhang Yutian quickly flew in front of Fan Wuji. He smiled obsequiously, "Boss Everlasting. Boss, you've really made a name for yourself. As expected of my boss. That Sister Ice Mountain's chalk is incomparably sharp. I can't even see the path, yet you are able to catch it. Boss, you're so awesome. Did you really eat a mutated fruit to improve your physical body's quality so much? "    


At this time, Zhang Yutian's mouth was like a machine gun being fired as he chattered on and on. When Fan Wuji heard this, he could not help but ask, "Sister Ice Mountain? Who is Sister Ice Mountain? "    


"Boss!" You don't know. This iceberg girl is our guide, Leng Qingqiu. You must know that when the guide was still a student of the academy, she was the famous ice beauty of our academy. At that time, the students in the academy had given the instructor the nickname 'Sister Ice Mountain'. As soon as he called out the title, it immediately rang out. Thus, after that, very few people called her by her first name, Leng Qingqiu. " Zhang Yutian's mouth was like a river overflowing with saliva, and he spoke as if he was offering a treasure.    


Fan Wuji muttered to himself: "Sister Ice Mountain?" Interesting! She almost saw through my identity as a body cultivator. I want to keep a low profile from now on. The matter of the Body Cultivator was not yet exposed.    


Right at this moment, a youth wearing robes that were snow-white gave people a sense of closeness. This youth was majestic and imposing, possessing the bearing of everyone present, yet he didn't give off a sense of distance. Instead, he gave off a feeling as if the spring breeze was blowing.    


This youth slowly walked towards Fan Wuji. After a while, the white-robed youth walked closer with a smile on his face and a graceful posture. He politely stretched out a hand and said to Fan Wuji, "You are brother Fan Wuji. I am Zhang Jin, and I have heard a lot about Brother Fan. Today, when he saw Brother Fan catch three of the counselors' chalk attacks, he was exceptionally elegant. Zhang Jin was full of respect. Coincidentally, Zhang Jin is also from Cang Prefecture, so we are from the same hometown. "    


Fan Wuji politely shook hands. He could feel Zhang Jin's goodwill and intention to befriend him. On this point, he was also happy. After all, he had many friends and many paths. Fan Wuji politely smiled back. He lightly said, "So it's Big Brother Zhang Jin. Since we are all from the same village, we need to support each other in the future. "    


"Sure!" "Sure!" Zhang Jin said with a smile. Then, Zhang Jin's expression became serious, and said sternly: "Brother Limitless. Within the academy, there were many students. There are many societies that can help and support each other. As for me, I happen to know a few people from the same village who also came from Cang Prefecture. We might as well form a commune, and we shall all be brothers and sisters, supporting each other. What do you think? "    


"Brother Zhang Jin, you really know a lot of fellow villagers? If that's the case, then Limitless will have to get to know each other. " When Fan Wuji heard this, he immediately became interested.    


One of the four great fortunate events in life was that he was reunited with his old friends. For students like them who were studying far away from their hometown, encountering someone from their hometown was a very fortunate thing.    


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