Sword Saving the World



"Fish Dragon Academy is so great. This complex has a majestic and grand atmosphere. It has been through many vicissitudes of life." As expected of a transcendent existence with a history of hundreds of years. " Fan Wuji couldn't help but sigh as he entered the interior of Fish Dragon Academy.    


Fan Wuji's eyes rolled around without stopping. While shuttling back and forth in the buildings of Fish Dragon Academy, he constantly sized up the surrounding buildings and people.    


Casually and leisurely was Fan Wuji's most realistic portrayal of himself. Even though this Fish Dragon Academy had less than a thousand students, including numerous staff, lecturers, and professors, it didn't have more than 1,500 students. However, the area that Fish Dragon Academy occupied was astonishingly large.    


The entire Fish Dragon Academy took up 34,000 mu of land. The cultivation equipment here was all there was. Here, all the members, including the students, lecturers and professors, have their own independent courtyard.    


Even with Fan Wuji's astonishing speed and footwork, it took him no less than the time it took to brew a cup of tea to arrive at the reporting point for the freshmen.    


Fan Wuji walked into the freshmen report office. Fan Wuji was originally extremely handsome, but now he naturally exuded an indifferent and aloof aura, as well as an extreme self-confidence that could point at the heavens. Anyone who saw Fan Wuji for the first time would praise him for being extraordinary and give him a very high evaluation.    


A handsome face with a dignified appearance, this was precisely the kind of person Fan Wuji was. At this moment, more than a hundred students had gathered at the new students' area. There were so many people, yet there wasn't even the slightest bit of congestion in the freshmen report area. It could be seen how big the area was.    


Fan Wuji had now become the focus of everyone's attention. Almost everyone present subconsciously sized him up. Because Fan Wuji had an extraordinary bearing, almost everyone looked up to him.    


Even now, with so many people staring at him, Fan Wuji still maintained his calm demeanor. His bearing was indifferent, but it also carried traces of Transcendence.    


Fan Wuji walked up, wanting to queue up for the report. Who would have thought that at this time, at the front of the line, a chubby youth would loudly shout Fan Wuji's name. When Fan Wuji heard this, the corner of his mouth still had a hint of a smile. He looked towards the chubby youth.    


Following Fan Wuji's gaze, they saw that this chubby youth was Zhang Yutian. Zhang Yutian shouted excitedly, "Boss Everlasting. Boss Everlasting. It's me. I'm Zhang Yutian. It's that Zhang Yutian who used a sound transmission talisman to send you a sound transmission. "    


Fan Wuji nodded with a smile, but didn't say anything. At this time, Zhang Yutian walked over and pulled Fan Wuji over. Zhang Yutian scratched his head and laughed: "Boss Everlasting. You are here to report. Now it's my turn. I won't report for now. Boss Limitless, please go ahead. "    


Fan Wuji was not a shy person. He did not reject Zhang Yutian's good intentions. At this time, Fan Wuji unintentionally moved and displayed a mysterious footwork. His steps seemed to be slow but actually swift. Very quickly, he made his way through the crowd.    


He stood at the very front of the group, neither servile nor overbearing, as if he were an unmoving boulder or a towering tree. The directors of the freshmen reporting all over saw Fan Wuji's extraordinary bearing and their eyes lit up. He asked, "Take out your admission letter."    


Fan Wuji still had that unchanging smile on his face. He took out the notice of admission from his wide sleeve. He reached out his hand and handed the admission notice to the director of the newspaper department opposite him.    


The dean nodded and accepted the notice of admission. He reported it to the director of the department, lifted up the notice of admission, and looked at it. In the next moment, the head of the reporting department frowned and was slightly surprised. He looked at Fan Wuji with some disappointment.    


The director of the registration office threw him a questioning look. His eyes seemed to say: You didn't get the wrong admission slip, did you?    


At this point, Fan Wuji cast a glance at Zhang Zian to confirm that his acceptance notice was correct.    


The director's expression suddenly changed. His previous admiration had turned into contempt. His gaze towards Fan Wuji had changed from hopeful to disappointed. Undisguised disappointment.    


He immediately said in a deep voice, "Student Fan Wuji, 14 years old. One star apostle had a mediocre evaluation. Mental state test. "Huh?!" Mental state test, three breaths of time. So you're that Fan Wuji with the highest temperament in the past sixty years. However, your actual test of cultivation is a zero point of a feeling of airlessness. Your aptitude test and actual training test have both failed. If it wasn't for your mental fortitude, you probably wouldn't have been accepted. Speaking of which, you're still the dean. I've tried my best to reject everyone's opinions, and I've broken my rules to recruit you. However, your result can only be ranked last. "    


As soon as he said this, everyone present couldn't help but cry out. At this moment, the room was like a lit powder keg. The crowd burst into an uproar.    


No one had expected that Fan Wuji, who had an imposing demeanor and had two unqualified exams, would actually be the last person in the entire exam.    


The director of the Times continued, "In view of your grades and aptitude. Our school divides Fan Wuji into the scum class to study. I will now ask Fan Wuji to pay the tuition fees for this semester. "The total tuition is one hundred silver taels."    


When Fan Wuji heard this, he could not help but feel his heart ache. A hundred taels of silver was enough for a family of five to live for several years. Meanwhile, Fish Dragon Academy only had this much tuition fee for a semester.    


There was no other way. In Yu Long Academy, emphasis was placed on elite education and training of talents. In Fish Dragon Academy, the members of Scum class had to pay the usual fees. As for the elite class, they only had to pay a tenth of the tuition fees. As for the geniuses of the Genius class, they didn't have to pay any tuition fees. Furthermore, the academy would even give them a scholarship every month.    


Although Fan Wuji felt pained, he still took out a silver note and handed it to the director of the registration office.    


After receiving the banknotes, he indifferently said, "Student Fan Wuji, this is your identity token and the key to your own courtyard. Your courtyard is numbered 81. "    


As he spoke, he handed a key to Fan Wuji. Fan Wuji took the key, threw a polite smile at the director of the registration office, then turned and left.    


"From the looks of it, this Fan Wuji has an extraordinary appearance. I didn't expect him to be just a scum from the scum class. "    


"Yeah. He was not only a dregs, but also a dregs of dregs. Because he's the last person in this year's entrance examination. "    


"Moreover, his residence is number 81. This person's number 81 residence was famous for its faint spiritual qi. Furthermore, it was said that the courtyard was haunted. In the history of Yu Long Academy, there are seventeen students who claim to have seen a ghost in the courtyard. Most of them killed themselves in the courtyard after seeing a ghost. "    


"What?" This courtyard was actually so terrifying. In that case, this Fan Wuji would not commit suicide because he saw a ghost, right? "    


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