Campus Beauty, Scamp Master

C183 A Mysterious Young Man!

C183 A Mysterious Young Man!

"I want to go too!" Xuu Xueqing looked at Wang Xiao seriously and said in a deep voice.    




Wang Xiao refused without hesitation. If he went to Underground Boxing Ring alone, he would be able to handle anything that happened.    


However, with Xuu Xueqing around, there were many things that he could not do.    


"Then don't think about me telling you about the existence of the Underground Boxing Ring in the Northern City."    


Seeing that Wang Xiao didn't agree, Xuu Xueqing coldly snorted and said to Xuu Xueqing.    


Wang Xiao knew that if he did not compromise at this time, Xuu Xueqing would not tell him about the location of the Northern City's Underground Boxing Ring. After thinking for a while, he decided to agree to Xuu Xueqing. "Alright, I promise you."    


Now, he could only bring Xuu Xueqing there. When the time comes, he would see what would happen.    


"I knew you would agree to my request." Xuu Xueqing couldn't help but look happy when she heard Wang Xiao's words. She chuckled.    


Wang Xiao had a bitter smile on his face. After that, he got into Xuu Xueqing's car and rushed to Northern City's Underground Boxing Ring.    




The Underground Boxing Ring of Northern City was huge. It wasn't located in a remote area. It was located in the center of the Northern City.    


In the center of the Northern City, there was a huge business circle. At the center of the circle was a huge five-star hotel. The surrounding commercial buildings were built around this hotel.    


It was called Ocean View Bay!    


The second and third floors of this five-star hotel were for people to eat and drink. There were all kinds of food in the world.    


The fourth and sixth floors were entertainment places, chess rooms, sauna rooms, and everything was available.    


Starting from the seventh floor, all the way to the 30th floor were hotel rooms. The prices of the rooms here were extremely expensive, and only high-ranking officials and nobles could afford them.    


The two underground floors of this five-star hotel were not open on the surface, but in reality, it was a secret Underground Boxing Ring.    


Every time night fell, the underground floor of this five-star hotel was filled with roars and cheers. The primitive battle scene could be seen everywhere here.    


The rich and powerful officials spent a lot of money to express the wildness hidden under the refined face.    


The underground floor was even more popular than the first floor. Because this place was for people to fight to the death, the audience had more money to pay. The boxers who fought on the stage would also receive even more generous rewards.    


Therefore, some days were very difficult, or when the family needed money urgently, they would choose to come here and exchange their lives for money.    


"Young Master Situ, are you satisfied with the performance below?"    


In the second floor of Sea View Bay Hotel, in a large noble private room, a middle-aged fat man asked a young man with a smile.    


If the staff of Ocean View Bay were here, they would definitely recognize this middle-aged fat man as their big boss, Cai Xiong.    


Why would he be so respectful to a young man?    


The young man with the surname Situ had his eyes fixed on the arena in the middle of the arena. Two boxers were fighting with their lives on the line, and blood kept splashing out.    


There were many audience seats around the arena, and people in suits and leather shoes were sitting on them. However, at this moment, their faces were filled with ferociousness as they kept roaring.    


The young man's gaze never changed. He was like a king who had descended upon the world, and he looked indifferently at the ants outside the glass window.    


His entire body emitted the aura of a superior being. This aura of a superior being seemed to have been formed by stepping on the corpses of millions of people.    


Seeing that the young man ignored him, Cai Xiong did not have the slightest dissatisfaction. He maintained a humble smile on his face as he bowed and accompanied the young man.    


"These two boxers are quite desperate, but their abilities are ordinary. They look too boring." Seeing that the red-clothed boxer had defeated the blue-clothed boxer, the young man finally opened his mouth and said indifferently.    


Cai Xiong did not open his mouth when he heard this. He quietly waited for the young man's next words.    


"I'll pay ten million. You go and tell that red-clothed boxer that as long as he doesn't fight back and that blue-clothed boxer is beaten to death, the ten million will belong to his family!"    


The young man seemed to have thought for a few seconds. His eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something fun. He said to Cai Xiong.    


When Cai Xiong heard this, a smile appeared on his face. He said to the young man, "Young Master Situ, you have a good idea. I'll do it right away."    


After saying that, Cai Xiong left the noble private room.    


After that, the young man sat on the top sofa in the private room. When he saw the red boxer who originally had the upper hand, he suddenly gave up resisting and allowed the blue boxer, who was already dead for sure, to hit him. In the end, he fell to the ground and died!    




When he saw this scene, the young man suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air. After which, he slowly exhaled and with an intoxicated expression, he muttered, "It feels so good to be able to control the fate of others."    


At this moment, Cai Xiong also returned to the noble private room. He said to the young man with an embarrassed smile, "Young Master Situ, are you satisfied watching it?"    


"What's the point of watching the next match?"    


The young man surnamed Situ asked faintly.    


"The following life and death duel is very exciting. It's the young master of a small family in Northern City. " Name. " He invited a Thai boxing expert from Southeast Asia. He wants to have a life-and-death battle with a Forest City University named Wang Xiao. "    


Cai Xiong replied hastily.    


At the end, he didn't forget to add, "This young man called Wang Xiao isn't a simple man either. He is the son-in-law of the Tong Group in the Eastern City. It's rumored that he even dared to kill the people of the Northern City Chu Family!"    


If Wang Xiao was here, he would definitely be shocked. He even knew about the boss of a big hotel.    


"Oh? He even dared to kill the people of Chu Family. It seems like this young man named Wang Xiao isn't a simple man. It seems like I have come to the right place in Forest City!"    


The young man surnamed Situ said with a faint smile on his face.    


Seeing the smile on the young man's face, Cai Xiong felt delighted in his heart. The reason why he was able to achieve what he had today was all because of his backer.    


And this backer was the Jiangnan Situ Family, a colossus that resided in the south of the Yangtze River!    


And this young man who was emitting the aura of an emperor was the Young Lord of the Situ Family!    




"Xuu Xueqing, are you sure this Northern City's Underground Boxing Ring is here?"    


When Wang Xiao arrived at the Ocean View Bay Grand Hotel, he looked at the tall building. The modern buildings were tall, and he could not help but doubt it.    


Shouldn't Underground Boxing Ring be built in remote places to prevent people from discovering it?    


Why would it be built in the center of the Northern City?    


"Ignorant and ill-informed. Alright, get out of the car and come with me."    


Xuu Xueqing rolled her eyes at Wang Xiao and said with disdain.    


Seeing this, Wang Xiao could only get out of the car and follow behind Xuu Xueqing.    


When he followed Xuu Xueqing to the entrance of the Ocean View Bay Hotel, he saw that there were many men dressed in black and wearing black masks with electric batons in their hands, patrolling in an orderly manner.    


These men in black emitted a sharp aura around their bodies. Their eyes were bright and sharp like swords.    


This kind of aura could only be seen from the retired special forces.    


"I never thought that the boss of this Ocean View Bay Hotel could hire so many retired special forces to guard his door. It seems that the boss of the Ocean View Bay Hotel is not an ordinary person."    


Seeing this, Wang Xiao couldn't help but sigh.    


While they were talking, the two of them had already arrived in front of the guards. When the two guards saw Xuu Xueqing and Wang Xiao, they stood in front of them and asked with smiles on their faces.    


"Are you staying, eating, or having fun?"    


This action could not only slow down Xuu Xueqing and ___'s footsteps, but also show a warm expression. It could not be said that it was not simple.    


Even Wang Xiao noticed the carefulness of the guard.    


Xuu Xueqing seemed to have long gotten used to the small actions of the guard. She smiled faintly and said, "We are here to watch a show!"    


When these words came out, a flash of light flashed in the depths of the eyes of the two guards. Watching a show was naturally referring to watching the duel in Underground Boxing Ring.    


The Underground Boxing Ring of Ocean View Bay Grand Hotel was not a place that anyone could enter to watch. It must be someone familiar or someone with a reputation.    


"Who are you?" The guard looked straight at Xuu Xueqing and asked in a deep voice.    


"Jiangnan Xuu Family!" Xuu Xueqing's expression was indifferent. She pointed at Wang Xiao with a calm tone and said, "This is my friend."    


When the two guards heard the words "Jiangnan Xuu Family," their faces turned cold. One of the guards respectfully said to Xuu Xueqing, "Miss Xu, please!"    


The other guard said humbly, "Do you need a servant to accompany you?"    


When Wang Xiao saw this scene, he could not help but look at Xuu Xueqing a few more times. He did not expect that this little girl's identity was actually quite useful.    


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