Campus Beauty, Scamp Master

C164 In an Emergency She Was Being Hunted

C164 In an Emergency She Was Being Hunted

"This is what we call TCM. Maybe you don't know much about it."    


Wang Xiao nodded and explained to Ren Yingying.    


"In the theory of TCM, the human body is the most perfect form in the world. It is also the creature closest to nature. The human body is like a small world. For example, the internal organs in the body corresponds to the five elements of nature, the eyes, nose, and mouth. Corresponds to the four symbols, and the men and women correspond to the Yin and Yang of nature. "    


"It's precisely because of this that the breathing of the human body corresponds to the wind and clouds in nature. The clean air inhaled is a cool breeze, and the turbid air exhaled is a turbid cloud..."    


Ren Yingying's eyes were wide open and her mouth was slightly open. She had never heard of such a theory before and it just so happened that these theories were reasonable and self-contained!    


At this moment, it was as if she had opened a door. Inside the door was a broad and profound TCM culture!    


At this time, Wang Xiao paused for a moment and drank a mouthful of water. He then said, "The ancient people often watch the changes of nature. The weather is humid, and they tend to cultivate and travel. Therefore, 24 knots of air appeared."    


Speaking up to this point, the corner of Wang Xiao's mouth raised into a smile, and then he said, "Now many young people see what's best to travel on the calendar. It's better to get married. They all think that it's a feudal belief, but in fact, it's just the ancient people observing the qi of nature. Setting the foundation of 24 solar terms, and then extrapolating the changes in the weather on that day, that's all. In other words, it was actually the ancient weather forecast."    


"It's like we're looking at the weather forecast now, saying that it's raining today. Will you still go out? Obviously not! "    


When Ren Yingying heard this, her crystal clear eyes were filled with astonishment. It turned out that the small words on the calendar were only the weather forecast of ancient times.    


She had grown up and this was the first time she had heard such a theory. After Wang Xiao's explanation, she discovered that many things in China that were filled with traditional and superstitious things actually had scientific basis!    


"It's a little too far. Let's go back to the topic. In ancient times, people observed the Qi of nature. They used it to predict the weather and adjust the schedule, and the human body naturally had its own breath. The human body had 24 hours a day, and there were also four seasons. The morning was spring, the afternoon was summer, the evening was autumn, and the early morning was winter. It was perfect for the four states of the human body in a day. Wake up in the spring. Xia Lie, Qiu Fei, Winter Trap."    


When Wang Xiao's words reached Ren Yingying's ears, she could not help but nod her head in agreement. At the same time, she could not help but feel shocked in her heart.    


These theories had actually been organized into a system in China thousands of years ago. It had appeared much earlier than the Western medicine system.    


"As the saying goes, the wind and clouds are unpredictable, so the qi of the human body will not always remain unchanged. When the qi of the human body appears abnormal, problems will naturally arise in his body as well. We TCM doctors can also change the Qi in the patient's body. We can determine what kind of illness he has..."    


Speaking up to this point in one breath, Wang Xiao could not help but gasp for air. However, he could also be considered to have told Ren Yingying the basic theory of TCM.    


"So, this is TCM!"    


Ren Yingying's crystal clear eyes could not help but widen slightly. There was a glimmer in her eyes.    


After this period of understanding, she finally understood. If TCM and Western medicine were compared, then TCM was like the sea, while Western medicine was just a boat in the sea!    


She had a crazy love for medicine. If she could learn TCM medicine...    


Thinking of this, Ren Yingying could not help turning her head to look at Wang Xiao and said seriously, "Wang Xiao, teach me TCM medical skills, I am willing to take you as my master."    




Wang Xiao had just drank a mouthful of water when he heard Ren Yingying's words. He immediately spat it out.    


"You, what did you say?" He looked at Ren Yingying with uncertainty and said in shock.    


This girl who once looked down on TCM actually told her that she wanted to learn TCM.    


"I said, I want to learn TCM. I want to acknowledge you as my master!"    


Ren Yingying looked at Wang Xiao seriously and said seriously.    


"No, I don't accept disciples. Besides, the medical skills of our Wang family will not be passed on to outsiders!"    


Wang Xiao hurriedly waved his hand and refused.    


What a joke. If Ren Yingying became his disciple, then how would he provoke Ren Yingying?    


Master and female disciple were together?    


This, this did not seem to be out of the question...    


Ren Yingying heard this and could not help but become silent.    


"Beauty Ren, you better give up. Actually your medical skills are also very powerful..."    


Seeing Ren Yingying's silence, Wang Xiao thought that the other party gave up and also advised.    


But before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Ren Yingying.    


Ren Yingying looked at Wang Xiao seriously and said seriously, "Then I will be your woman."    




When she said that, the restaurant was not very noisy. Her voice was deliberately louder and the customers at the tables around her heard it clearly.    


For a moment, the chopsticks in the hands of the surrounding customers all fell to the ground and made a sound. The surrounding customers looked at Ren Yingying with astonishment.    


"This stunning beauty is good. She seems to have confessed to that boy?"    


"And she took the initiative to do it?"    


"No, that's impossible. How could such a beautiful girl fall in love with that boy!? '    


Even Wang Xiao was shocked by Ren Yingying's words. The hand holding the teacup trembled slightly and the teacup almost slipped off.    


He said uncertainly," You, what did you say? "    


"I said, then I will be your woman. This way, I will not be considered an outsider. Your medical skills can be passed on to me."    


Ren Yingying looked at Wang Xiao seriously and said seriously. Her tone was full of determination.    


However, her cheeks were also slightly red. Obviously, when she said this, her heart was not so calm.    


"This, this is not good, right?" Wang Xiao touched his nose and said with an embarrassed smile.    


He felt a little awkward now. He muttered in his heart, "I thought you fell in love with me because I was handsome. I didn't expect you to fall in love with me because of my talent!"    


If the surrounding customers knew what Wang Xiao was thinking, they would definitely fly into a rage and attack him together!    


Damn it. It's already good enough that such a beautiful girl took the initiative to confess to you. What else do you have to be dissatisfied with?    


Ren Yingying was about to say something when the waiter also served the dishes at the same time.    


"The dishes are here. Let's eat first. Don't talk when we eat. If we eat, we won't say anything."    


Wang Xiao saw this and quickly opened his mouth and smiled at Ren Yingying.    


Hearing Wang Xiao's words, Ren Yingying could not help but pout. Her mouth was full of dissatisfaction.    


But no matter what she said, Wang Xiao pretended to be stupid and did not mention the matter of imparting medical skills to her, making her so angry that she was half dead.    


"Beauty Ren, where are we going to play next?"    


After lunch, Wang Xiao sat in Ren Yingying's passenger seat. He said to her lazily while holding a toothpick in his mouth.    


"I'm not going anywhere. I'll send you back to school. You can go wherever you want!"    


Ren Yingying seemed to be angry because Wang Xiao refused to teach her medical skills. She snorted at Wang Xiao and stepped on the accelerator. The BMW sped away.    


"Slow down, slow down. It's too fast!"    


Ren Yingying suddenly accelerated, which shocked Wang Xiao. He quickly said.    


"Humph, I won't!"    


Seeing the nervous look on Wang Xiao's face, the corner of Ren Yingying's mouth curled up into a smirk. She sneered at him and said, "Are you still a man or not? If you drive faster, you will be scared. You won't get carsick again, will you?"    


Hearing Ren Yingying's words, Wang Xiao's forehead broke out in cold sweat. He did not get carsick, but Ren Yingying's car quickly changed the road between the two roads, and it was very easy for something to happen.    


He could not help but sigh in his heart. The old man was right. As expected, no one should offend a woman!    


After the BMW drove for a while, Wang Xiao suddenly felt that something was wrong. Through the rearview mirror, he saw three black Hummers following them. Behind the stock.    


At that moment, there was a fork in the road not far in front of them. It was a mountain range called Autumn Mountain.    


Usually, there were racers who liked racing here, but because it was daytime, there were few cars.    


"Ren Yingying, drive up the mountain. Hurry!"    


Seeing that the three Hummers were about to catch up, Wang Xiao quickly said to Ren Yingying.    


"Why do you drive up the hill for no reason?"    


Ren Yingying heard this and could not help but reveal a puzzled expression as she asked.    


"I didn't see three cars following us. If we were surrounded by them, we would be in danger. Drive up the hill so I can take care of them."    


Wang Xiao hurriedly said to Ren Yingying.    


Ren Yingying heard him and saw three Hummers chasing after them through the rearview mirror. Behind them, they were biting them hard.    


"Wang Xiao, what should we do now?"    


Ren Yingying had experienced this kind of thing before. A nervous look appeared on her pretty face. She could not even hold the steering wheel firmly.    


"Don't be afraid. Drive into Qiushan first, then I will change seats with you. I will drive when the time comes!"    


Wang Xiao quickly comforted Ren Yingying and said.    


"Okay!" Ren Yingying quickly nodded and stepped on the accelerator. She drove into the fork and entered Qiushan.    


In the three Hummers behind them, one of the men in the Hummer saw the BMW in front of him enter the fork. He quickly said to the speaker, "Captain Xue Ba, they have entered a nameless mountain range. What should we do? "    


"Let's chase after them. There seems to be no other road on this mountain. I'm afraid they won't be able to escape this time."    


The scarred man in the other Hummer sneered and said to the other side of the walkie-talkie.    


Speaking up to this point, his eyes also flashed with a cold light as he sneered.    


"Wang Xiao, since you have chosen your own grave, we don't need to help you find it anymore. Run, you won't be able to run away today!"    


As he spoke, the three black Hummers drove into the intersection and chased after the red BMW.    


The other two young men in blood red clothes were wiping the daggers in their hands. They also had the same cruel smile on their faces.    


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