Campus Beauty, Scamp Master

C529 I Can Let You Go but I Have Conditions

C529 I Can Let You Go but I Have Conditions



At this moment, Liang Xiling cleared her throat and pulled Wang Xiao back from his trance.    


"That was close!"    


Wang Xiao secretly wiped away the cold sweat in his heart. If Liang Xiling did not cough to remind him, he would have revealed his true form in front of his subordinates.    


His eyes fell on Liang Xiling's crystal clear eyes and found that Liang Xiling was also looking at him with a smile that was not a smile.    


Wang Xiao suddenly coughed awkwardly.    


"Hmph, I don't believe you will praise me!"    


Luckily Mei Ying did not notice Wang Xiao's vulgar actions. She coldly snorted and said with a face full of doubt.    


"Cough cough, no matter what, your Seal Demon Hall has played a very good role in this battle. What kind of reward do you want? Tell me!"    


Wang Xiao lightly coughed and said in a serious manner.    


Currently, the Soulreaper Hall had already taken control of the Forest City. It could be said that they were filthy rich.    


Therefore, when Wang Xiao said this, he was full of confidence!    


"Tsk, who wants you to get some rewards? I promised to help you build the Seal Demon Hall because I want to recruit some old members of the Rebirth Camp."    


Before Liang Xiling could say anything, Mei Ying said with disdain.    


Hearing Mei Ying's words, Wang Xiao smiled and didn't say anything about the rewards.    


Since this girl did not want it, then he would not mention it.    


After all, the Seal Demon Hall's predecessor was the Rebirth Camp of Huaxia. They were rich and powerful, and in terms of wealth, they weren't even inferior to the Soulreaper Hall.    


Therefore, it didn't matter whether the reward was given or not.    


As for the members of the Soulreaper Hall, Wang Xiao would often see them. Occasionally, he would give them pointers, and their relationship could be said to be the closest.    


With just a word of encouragement, the commendation ceremony of the Ten Halls Yama was over.    


Liang Xiling and Mei Ying led the members of the Seal Demon Hall and left Forest City first. They continued to collect information and nurture some seedlings.    




"Wang Xiao, thank you for your help this time. If not, I'm afraid that the Forest City will be plunged into misery and suffering."    


In the branch of Divine Dragon Group, Ming Ye looked at Wang Xiao with a grateful expression and said.    


"You don't have to thank me for this matter. I didn't attack because of your Divine Dragon Group. I only attacked because I saw the Demon Concubine being bullied."    


Wang Xiao waved his hand and interrupted Ming Ye's words. He turned his head to look at the Demon Concubine beside him and said with a grin on his face.    


"Wife of the Demon Concubine, I have helped you so much this time. Shouldn't you give me some rewards or something?"    


The corners of the mouths of all the Divine Dragon Group Members in the branch twitched when they heard Wang Xiao's words.    


"I wonder what reward you want?"    


When the Demon Concubine heard this, she squeezed out a smile from the corner of her mouth and asked Wang Xiao seriously.    


However, anyone with discerning eyes could see that her snow white hand was slowly approaching her. She grabbed the Divine Dragon Dagger on her leg.    


"En, as for the reward, I actually don't want much..." Wang Xiao did not realize it at all. He rubbed his chin and thought seriously, "I actually don't like to force a girl to do things she doesn't like to do."    


He changed his tone and said, "However, no matter what, I have helped you so much. If it was in the ancient times, it would definitely be a favor to repay you with my body!"    


"So, you want me to marry you with my body?"    


When the Demon Concubine heard this, her eyebrows slightly raised. The corner of her mouth was still wearing a smile as she asked Wang Xiao. Her small hand was already holding the Divine Dragon Dagger.    


"En, it's fine if you marry me with your body. I'm not the kind of man who would force a girl to be my wife for the rest of my life after saving a girl!"    


Wang Xiao still did not notice the demon concubine's strange behavior. He shook his head and said in a serious manner.    


"Oh, is that so?"    


The Demon Concubine heard him and said with a faint smile.    


However, the cold glint in her eyes had already weakened a little. Her small hand, which was holding the Divine Dragon Dagger, also slowly loosened.    


However, at this moment, Wang Xiao's voice changed again. He said, "How about this. My request is not high. You just need to be my wife for a day. The kind that has skin contact!"    


Be a wife for a day?    


There was the skin to kiss?    


When the Demon Concubine heard this, she was first stunned. After a few seconds, she finally reacted. "One. Night... Emotions?"    


"Sigh, from the looks of it, you're not saying one-night stand. Night. Love, this is actually a very famous game, called One Day Husband and Wife! "    


Wang Xiao hurriedly waved his hand and clarified with a serious face. It was as if he was talking about a very serious matter, without any trace of vulgarity.    


"Get lost!"    


The Demon Concubine did not hesitate at all and coldly snorted at Wang Xiao.    


When Wang Xiao heard her, he rubbed his nose and asked seriously, "Is it the one who rolled in the sheets?"    


The temperature in the air instantly dropped by a lot.    


The Demon Concubine frowned. Her snow white hand held the Divine Dragon Dagger and stabbed at Wang Xiao, "You rascal, I will kill you!"    


Wang Xiao's reaction speed was also extremely fast. Seeing the Demon Concubine stab him with the Divine Dragon Dagger, he twisted his body and dodged the attack.    


"Demon Concubine, even if you don't agree, you don't have to kill him. You are killing your own husband, do you know that?"    


After dodging the attack, Wang Xiao touched his nose again and said to the Demon Concubine with a smile.    


"I am killing your sister!"    


The veins on the Demon Concubine's forehead bulged as she cursed.    


When Ming Ye saw this scene, he shook his head helplessly.    


As for those members of the Divine Dragon Group who were in love with the Demon Concubine, when they saw her valiant attitude, they were also shocked.    


At this moment, the Demon Concubine caught up with Wang Xiao. She stretched out her right leg and aimed at Wang Xiao's twin legs. She kicked between her legs.    


Wang Xiao's reaction was extremely fast. He casually picked up a big watermelon on the coffee table and blocked below. There was a sound of "Pa." The big watermelon was smashed into pieces by the Demon Concubine.    




When the members of the Divine Dragon Group saw this scene, they all sucked in a breath of cold air. It was as if there was a cool breeze blowing between their legs. They could not help but tighten their grip.    


If this kick landed on that spot, they were afraid that they would have no hope of living for the rest of their lives.    


"Captain Ming Ye, you are usually with the Demon Concubine. Have you ever seen such a savage side of her?" A member of the Divine Dragon Group swallowed his saliva with difficulty and couldn't help but ask Ming Ye.    


The other Divine Dragon Group Member also looked at Ming Ye.    


When Ming Ye heard this, he smiled bitterly and said, "No, the Demon Concubine would only reveal such a violent side in front of Wang Xiao!"    


Only then did the Divine Dragon Group members heave a sigh of relief.    


At this time, Wang Xiao also caught the Demon Concubine's flaw. He grabbed the snow white jade leg that she kicked at him, and used his other hand to hold the Demon Concubine's slender waist, and carried her over.    


Ah! The Demon Concubine was shocked. She threw herself into Wang Xiao's arms.    


"Wang Xiao, let me go!" The Demon Concubine gritted her teeth and cursed. Her right leg was tied around Wang Xiao's waist, and her back was pressed down by Wang Xiao. She had no way to push Wang Xiao away.    


Wang Xiao laughed and moved closer to the Demon Concubine. He said to her, "Let go of you, but you have to kiss me!"    


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