Campus Beauty, Scamp Master

C522 The Leader of the Seven Swords Xuanyuan!

C522 The Leader of the Seven Swords Xuanyuan!

After saying this, he waved his hand and said to the seven youths behind him, "These Dongying Ninjas are the remnants of the Heavenly Kingdom Fighting Department. Their strength is comparable to the Intention Flower Stage Expert, and it's a good opportunity for you to sharpen your swords!"    


Hearing Nie Yun's words, the eyes of the seven youths lit up. Their bodies were covered with Fighting Intent!    


"Uncle Nie Yun, leave these nine Dongying Ninjas to us. I can kill them in minutes!"    


The fat youth who was ranked seventh laughed like a hooligan, and his face was filled with disapproval. The Famous Sword in his hand only had a sword hilt, and not a blade.    


However, when the sword was swung, it created a sharp whistling sound in the air, as if there was an invisible blade dancing in the air.    


Each of the swords of these seven teenagers were Famous Sword. They were also ranked according to the Famous Sword Register and their names were also named after swords!    


The sword in the fat young man's hand was the seventh ranked Shadow Bearing Sword in the Famous Sword manual!    


"Chengying, don't let your guard down. After all, these Japanese Higher Ninjas' cultivation levels are one level higher than ours!"    


Beside the chubby youth, Burly Youth, who held a huge crimson sword, instructed him.    


This Burly Youth's name was Chun Jun, and Chun Jun's sword was ranked 6th in the Famous Sword Register.    


"What are you afraid of? My Tai Eh's sword is already hungry. I'm thirsty!" The long haired youth who was ranked fourth laughed disdainfully. He carried an ancient looking huge sword on his shoulder and said coldly.    


Tai Eh Sword, ranked fourth on the Famous Sword Manual!    


"Fourth brother Tai Eh, don't be so impulsive. When your Tai Eh Sword breaks, my Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword will rise from fifth to fourth place in the Famous Sword Manual! Fourth brother Tai Eh, don't be so impulsive. When your Tai Eh Sword breaks, my Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword will rise from fifth place to fourth place!"    


A short-haired youth teased as he played with the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword in his hand.    


"Bullshit! With just your Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword, you want to snatch my fourth place? I'll cripple it now!"    


The fourth brother, Tai Eh, cursed as his expression darkened.    


As he spoke, he prepared to pick up Tai Eh's sword and fight with Fifth Brother Long Yuan.    


"Come, come, let's see whose sword is sharper!"    


The fifth brother, Long Yuan, snorted coldly and prepared to fight Tai Eh head on.    


He was very unhappy that his Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword could only be ranked fifth in the Famous Sword Register. He had always disliked the fourth brother, Tai Eh.    


"Alright, all of you be serious. If anyone dares to cause trouble, I'll let him have a taste of my Scarlet Heaven Sword's power!"    


Third brother, Scarlet Heaven's face darkened as he shouted angrily at the two of them.    


The third brother, Scarlet Heaven Sword, was completely fiery red. Just by looking at it like this, it made people feel anxious all over. It could be seen that the person holding this sword had a violent temper again.    


After the two of them heard Third Brother Chi Xiao's words, they instantly shrunk their necks like deflated eggplants, and didn't dare speak anymore.    


Obviously, they were very afraid of Third Brother.    


"Alright, we'll listen to Boss. We'll fight however Boss says!"    


At this time, Second Brother and Zhan Lu also stood out to mediate the atmosphere.    


His Zhan Lu Sword was ranked second in the Famous Sword Manual, not because of its great power, but because it was gentle and didn't like to fight. It was also known as the Virtuous Sword.    


As soon as Zhan Lu spoke, the atmosphere became much calmer.    


Although the Dragon Abyss and Tai Eh liked to quarrel, it was just a quarrel between brothers. It would not hurt their relationship.    


For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on the young man in white who was standing at the head of the seven men. He was holding a bronze sword with ancient patterns all over its body. The sword was hidden in the sheath. However, it still gave people the feeling that it was the king of the world!    


The young man in white stood with his hands behind his back. He looked at his brothers arguing and did not say anything. It was as if he was the king of the world, looking at his brothers arguing.    


His name was as loud and clear as his sword...    


He was the head of the Seven Swords, the head of Sword Master of the Famous Sword Manual!    


His name was Xuanyuan!    


When everyone's gaze landed on him, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "Uncle Nie Yun said that we should use these nine ninjas as to sharpen our swords. If we attack together, there will be no effect..."    


"Then Boss Xuanyuan, what do you think we should do?"    


Third Brother Tai Eh couldn't help but open his mouth and ask.    


"Each of you pick a sword to sharpen!"    


Xuanyuan's answer was very short, and he said faintly.    


"But this way, the extra two ninjas, what should we do?"    


When Seventh Brother Cheng Ying heard this, he could not help but say.    


"Second Brother and I will each have two of them!" Xuanyuan said with a calm expression.    


At the end, he turned to Second Brother and Zhan Lu and asked, "Second Brother, is there a problem?"    


"No problem!"    


When Second Brother heard this, his expression was indifferent as he lightly smiled and said.    


If Xuan Yuan had the domineering aura of a king, then Second Brother, Zhan Lu, had the temperament of a gentleman, like orchids.    


The nine ninjas of the Yamamoto Family were as strong as Intention Flower Stage Expert, and their hearing was extremely sharp. How could they not hear the conversation of the young man with seven swords? All of their faces turned gloomy.    


"A few ungrown Qi Strength Sect Masters dares to challenge us with a higher cultivation level? They are overestimating themselves!"    


"If one of them survives today, we won't have the face to return to the East Ocean Continent!"    


"That's right, today, we will all die together with the seven youths!"    


The eyes of the nine ninjas were filled with murderous intent.    


"The swords in their hands seem to be the Famous Sword of China. If we can bring them back, it will definitely be a great merit!"    


At this moment, one of the ninjas suddenly opened his mouth and laughed evilly.    


The eyes of the other eight ninjas lit up when they heard this. Their eyes were filled with greed as they looked at the Famous Sword in the hands of Xuan Yuan's group of seven.    


When they saw these Japanese ninjas coveting their Famous Sword, the expressions of the seven youths darkened. This sword was just like their wives, it actually dared to covet their wives...    




In the next second, both sides did not waste any time. Their figures moved, one hand forming Ninja Arts while the other slashed with his sword.    


The fierce and fierce sword Qi collided with the powerful Ninja Arts in an instant.    




A series of air explosions suddenly sounded in the air. Terrifying airwaves swept in all directions with the point of their battle as the center.    


One could imagine how powerful the combined attack of the nine ninjas, which were comparable to the Intention Flower Stage Expert, was.    


Around the Island, waves of water were blasted up into the sky.    


"I, Tai Eh, am hungry. I am thirsty. Who dares to fight me?!"    


Tai Eh's eyes had already turned red. He carried Tai Eh's sword and rushed towards the nine ninjas, as if he was going to fight the nine ninjas.    


"This fool!" When the fifth brother, Long Yuan, saw this scene, he shook his head helplessly and said.    


As he spoke, he held the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword in his hand and followed closely behind Tai Eh with the Big Dipper Step.    


"Are you ready to play boxing with Shadow?"    


Holding the Shadow Bearing Sword in his hand, Old Seven concealed his figure and stealthily moved behind one of the ninjas, stabbing at his lower body.    




A tragic sound was heard in Island. It sounded sad and tearful.    


Chun Jun and Chi Xiao had both found their opponents and were happily chopping them.    


The remaining four ninjas were staring at Zhan Lu and Xuanyuan with cold eyes.    


"Which two are you going to choose?" Zhan Lu asked.    


"Sure!" Xuanyuan said with a calm expression. The Xuanyuan Sword in his hand had already let out a dragon's roar.    


Obviously, he could no longer suppress the Fighting Intent in his heart.    


Zhan Lu did not waste any more time. He held Zhan Lu's sword and took the initiative to attack. "Then do whatever you want!"    


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