Campus Beauty, Scamp Master

C505 A Natural Wooden Door the Strange Jungle

C505 A Natural Wooden Door the Strange Jungle

Wang Xiao rolled his eyes when he saw Wang Zhen's despicable look. He put down the M16 in his hand and asked, "The road just now was paved with an electric net?"    


"That's right!" Wang Zhen nodded and said.    


"What's the power source?" Wang Xiao continued to ask.    


"We have a mini handheld generator. It can only stun people, but when the generator was running away, it was thrown in the grass."    


Wang Zhen answered honestly. He was afraid that if Wang Xiao was unhappy, he would shoot him in the head.    


Seeing Wang Zhen's honest answer, Wang Xiao was also very satisfied. He nodded and said, "I will give you two choices. Do you want to eliminate everyone now, or do you want to cooperate with us?"    


"Can we still live?"    


Wang Zhen was stunned and asked in shock.    


"At least seven days ago, you will be able to live. After the second day, I will let you go. Whether you can live till the end depends on yourself."    


Wang Xiao shrugged and said with a calm expression.    


Hearing Wang Xiao's words, not only Wang Zhen, but also Fatty and the other students of the Electricity Class 1 all had happy expressions on their faces.    


"Cooperate, we choose to cooperate. Do you have any conditions?"    


Wang Zhen asked Wang Xiao without even thinking.    


Although he wanted to live, he knew very well that there must be some ulterior motives behind Wang Xiao's decision to keep them alive.    


If he wanted them to be cannon fodder, he felt that it would be better to eliminate them now.    


"The conditions are actually very simple. We want to share your electric net technology." Wang Xiao's expression was indifferent as he added, "Of course, what we can provide is a pleasant environment. A camp full of beautiful women, no need to worry about logistics, and a group of powerful teammates. "    


"This condition sounds..." After hearing Wang Xiao's words, Wang Zhen was actually somewhat moved in his heart.    


But he knew very well that in this negotiation, there was naturally a need to move forward, and try to make as much profit as possible for himself.    


He was prepared to ask Wang Xiao for more benefits, but at this time, the fat man and the others behind him had already betrayed him.    


"Agreed, we agree!"    


"That's right, as long as we can live in that camp filled with beautiful women, we can do whatever we want!"    


"That's right, even if Class Rep Wang Zhen is eliminated, we will not hesitate!"    


... "" Hearing the words of Fatty and the others, Wang Zhen's mouth twitched and a black line appeared on his face.    


This group of unreliable people!    


Only now did Wang Zhen realize that he had neglected the most important thing, which was that the other party had a condition that they could not refuse at all.    




A camp filled with beautiful women!    


Not to mention that their semester was almost over, they were still single.    


Let's just say that their Motor, Electricity, and Electricity Class 1 was actually a monk class.    


Not to mention dating, there wasn't even a single girl in the class. After being single for so long, even the auntie at the dining hall had delicate features.    


Wang Zhen had once seen Fatty hugging a bag of duck tongues and kissing him madly when he was in the dormitory.    


Half a year without falling in love, even the sow would compete with Diao Chan.    


Now that they heard that there was a camp filled with beautiful women in front of them, could the students of Electricity and Electricity Class 1 still remain calm?    


Even if they were to eliminate Wang Zhen and offer sacrifices to the heavens now, they would not hesitate at all!    


"You are the class monitor of their class, right? What do you say about my condition?"    


Wang Xiao turned to look at Wang Zhen and said in a flat tone, as if he was asking Wang Zhen for his opinion.    


Wang Zhen suddenly felt countless pairs of sharp eyes staring at him. He sighed helplessly and said, "Do I have any other choice?"    


If Zhen doesn't agree, then it will lose the people's sentiment!    


This was the most genuine thought in Wang Zhen's heart at this moment.    


"This will be the wisest choice you have made!" Wang Xiao nodded and said with a smile.    




Immediately, all the boys from Motor and Electricity Class 1 cheered crazily. After being single for so many years, they finally had a chance.    


"Young Master Wang, this jungle seems to be a little special..."    


At this moment, Yang Hongyuan came to Wang Xiao's side and pointed at the dense jungle in front of him and said.    


Wang Xiao heard this and could not help but turn his head to look. When he saw this, he was also stunned.    


This dense forest was indeed as Yang Hongyuan had said. It was very special. The trees were arranged in an orderly manner. It did not seem like they were naturally grown. Instead, it looked like they were specially planted here.    


Looking at the thickness of the trees, it seemed to be at least twenty years old.    


But who would plant such a dense forest in this mountain range on the outskirts of Western City? What was the purpose of such a dense forest?    


"Young Master Wang, look! There are words engraved on these two trees!"    


At this moment, a sharp-eyed boy suddenly opened his mouth and shouted at Wang Xiao.    


When everyone heard this, their faces revealed curiosity and gathered over.    


Wang Xiao also came to the front of the two big trees. These two big trees were very different from the surrounding trees. It was as if they had been there for a hundred years. Standing there was like a natural gate.    


And these two big trees were like the couplets on both sides of the gate.    


"What characters are carved on it? Why can't I understand it?"    


Wang Zhen was the first to speak and asked with a puzzled expression.    


"This seems to be a character written in the Small Script. It is an ancient language. Which one of you can understand it?" Yang Hongyuan pushed up his glasses and looked at it a few times before saying.    


"If it is the Great Script, I can still understand some of it. But the Small Script, I don't understand either!"    


Jiang Shuyun who was standing at the side also shook her head and said.    


Wang Xiao, on the other hand, was stunned when he saw the couplets on both sides, as if he had seen something unbelievable.    


"Wang Xiao, did you understand the content of the couplets?"    


Jiang Shuyun noticed Wang Xiao's unusual behavior and could not help but ask.    


Wang Xiao's thoughts were interrupted by Jiang Shuyun, and he also woke up. When he saw that everyone's eyes were on him, he grinned. He said, "No, how could I understand the words on it? Are you kidding me? "    


"Really?" Jiang Shuyun looked doubtful. She felt that Wang Xiao had found out something.    


"Of course!" Wang Xiao nodded seriously and then said to everyone, "This dense forest does not look simple. We better not enter rashly. We will go to the camp!"    


The men of Business Department Class Three trusted Wang Xiao very much. They naturally listened to what Wang Xiao said.    


As for the men from the Electricity Department, they only wanted to see what kind of camp was filled with beautiful women. They did not have the mood to care about this strange forest.    


They immediately set off for Creek Camp. Along the way, they did not forget to take the generators and electric nets that were thrown in the grass back.    


When the Business Department Class Three girls saw Wang Xiao bring another group of boys back, they could not help but be stunned, but they did not say anything.    


The boys of Electricity Class 1 were very enthusiastic. When they came to the camp and saw the beautiful girls in the camp, they all swallowed their saliva, and then went over to help them do work.    


At first, the girls were not very used to the enthusiasm of the boys in Electricity Class 1, but later on, they slowly discovered the advantages of the boys in Electricity Class 1.    


They all knew how to make electrical appliances. They easily made many simple electrical appliances, lights, and a bamboo washing machine, saving them a lot of energy.    


When it was dinner time, the campsite was already bustling with noise and excitement. The lights were flashing and music filled the air. The boys sang while the girls sat by the side, holding their chins and watching with a smile.    


They did not look like they were out for outdoor survival training at all. Instead, they looked like a group of young people who were out on a camping trip.    


Everyone played for a long time. After they were tired of playing, they finally turned off the lights and rested.    


It turned out that the reason why they were new to the electrical class one was that Wang Xiao finally didn't need to keep vigil and went to sleep early.    




The bright moon shone high in the sky. In the pitch black camp, a slight movement came from a remote tent.    


Immediately after, a black shadow scuttled out of the tent and sneakily walked out of the camp.    


After the black shadow left the camp, a few black shadows also followed.    


After Wang Xiao walked far away from the camp, he slowed down his pace. He took a deep breath and whispered, "It's been a long time since I went into stealth like this. I'm really a little nervous!"    


However, as soon as he finished speaking, a few mocking voices came from behind him. "Wang Xiao, it's so late. Where are you going?"    


Wang Xiao's body trembled when he heard this familiar voice. The corner of his mouth twitched and he helplessly turned his head around.    


He saw a few figures chasing from behind, grinning at him.    


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