Campus Beauty, Scamp Master

C504 Despicable Wang Zhen

C504 Despicable Wang Zhen

"We wiped out three classes in the morning, and we gained a lot!"    


Yang Hongyuan said excitedly, his body full of bullets.    


The surrounding boys nodded in agreement, and all of them had smiles on their faces.    


The class that was able to live until the fifth day could be said to be quite strong. They had a lot of ammunition and food in reserve.    


However, they didn't expect that they would be defeated by Yang Hongyuan and the other Business Department Class Three students.    


"Wait a moment!"    


At this moment, Wang Xiao, who was walking at the front, suddenly shouted at the crowd with a gloomy expression.    


When the crowd saw Wang Xiao stop them, they all obediently stopped in their tracks.    


"Young Master Wang, what's wrong?"    


Yang Hongyuan moved closer to Wang Xiao and asked.    


"There's danger ahead. Throw the pheasant we just caught over there to take a look."    


Wang Xiao said to Yang Hongyuan with a calm expression.    


His intuition told him that the road ahead was not simple.    


When Yang Hongyuan heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then he said with some reluctance, "Young Master Wang, this pheasant was caught by us with great difficulty. Are you sure?"    


These few days, everyone had food to eat, including canned beef and so on.    


However, they all drank fish soup, and their mouths were almost as light as birds. It was not easy for them to catch a pheasant and prepare to go back to cook chicken soup. They just threw it out like this. If it ran away, Yang Hongyuan would even want to die.    


"It was not easy for us to catch a pheasant. Why don't I go up and take a look?"    


Even Jiang Shuyun who was standing at the side couldn't help but open her mouth and say to Wang Xiao.    


Actually, she also wanted to drink chicken soup...    


"Do as I say. The pheasant will not leave."    


Wang Xiao's face slightly sank as he said.    


Seeing that Wang Xiao was about to get angry, Yang Hongyuan hurriedly threw the pheasant out of his hand.    


When the pheasant fell onto the mountain path in front of them, everyone was shocked and their bodies trembled.    


When the pheasant stepped on the mountain road, its claws seemed to have something attached to it. With a pull, several metal wires appeared and pulled the pheasant into two. Its legs wrapped around each other and finally tied it to the ground.    


"Those, seem to be electrical wires? Is there electricity on them?"    


Jiang Shuyun was the first to exclaim when she saw this scene.    


"But this is a desolate mountain range. How can there be electricity?"    


Yang Hongyuan also widened his eyes and said in puzzlement.    


Everyone also had a surprised look. Finally, it was a male student who said, "It's from the Motor and Electricity Department. They are students from the Electricity Department. Their favorite thing is to make some electrical appliances. As long as they bring the materials, it's not a problem to make a miniature generator, an electric net, and so on! "    




After hearing the boy's words, the crowd was once again in an uproar.    


"F * ck, if it wasn't for Young Master Wang asking Grenade-Throwing Senior Chicken to scout the way, we would have been electrocuted silly by the electric net. Forced?"    


"What a sinister plan. If it wasn't for Young Master Wang, we might have lost it."    


" As expected of Young Master Wang. He's even more vigilant than us! "    


"This electrical engineering student is a bit sinister!"    


They did not expect that during this outdoor survival training, not only did the Business Department Class Three cheat, the students from other classes also cheat.    


"Not good, quickly find cover!"    


At this moment, Yang Hongyuan seemed to have thought of something, and his reaction was extremely fast as he shouted at the crowd.    


As soon as his voice fell, many heads appeared in the grass beside them. Numerous pitch-black muzzles were pointed at them.    


"F * ck, since you guys have seen through my electric net, then I won't be polite with you guys anymore. Shoot!"    


Wang Zhen, who was standing in the grass, had an ugly expression on his face as he cursed.    


He waved his hand, and those students from the Motor and Electricity Department pulled the triggers one after another. The powder bullets shot towards Wang Xiao and the others.    


This sudden turn of events caused everyone to be unable to react in time. For a moment, they fled in panic.    


Fortunately, with Yang Hongyuan's command and the shameless bulletproof vest they wore, they quickly found cover, so there were no injuries.    


"It really is those bunch of jokers from the Motor and Electricity Department. Brothers, let's attack them together!"    


After Yang Hongyuan hid in his position, he shouted at the students.    


"Alright!" When the students heard him, they all agreed in unison and shouted excitedly.    


In an instant, in the forest, powder bullets flew everywhere and smoke filled the air...    


Jiang Shuyun and the rest did not attack Wang Zhen and the rest who were in the electrical profession together with Yang Hongyuan. Instead, they brought a group of female soldiers and hid in another direction.    


"Boss Wang Zhen, the enemy's firepower is so fierce. I'm afraid we don't have enough bullets!"    


In the grass, the electrical students pulled the triggers and fired wildly. Fatty came to Wang Zhen's side and could not help but say.    


"How is that possible? We've knocked out so many classes. There should be a lot of bullets!"    


Wang Zhen heard this and could not help but be a little surprised. He said in a deep voice.    


"Boss Wang Zhen, the other side seems to have more bullets than us. If this continues, we might run out of ammunition and food!"    


The fat man had a bitter smile on his face as he said to Wang Zhen.    


Wang Zhen heard this and was silent for a few seconds. Then he asked, "How many more bullets do we have?"    


"It should only be enough for us to last two rounds!"    


Fatty thought for a moment and said to Wang Zhen.    


"Alright, after one more round, leave a magazine of bullets and we will retreat!"    


Wang Zhen said to the fatty without any hesitation.    


Fatty nodded and went to instruct the other students.    


In a short while, the round of bullets was finished.    


"Everyone retreat!"    


Seeing this, Wang Zhen waved his hand and commanded all the students in the Motor and Electricity Department.    


When everyone heard this, they retreated while fighting.    


"Young Master Wang, if they want to run, should we chase them?"    


On the other side, after Yang Hongyuan saw the movement in the grass, he asked Wang Xiao.    


Wang Xiao did not hesitate at all. He grinned and said, "Of course we should chase them. Their skills are very useful to us!"    


"Yes, Young Master Wang!" When Yang Hongyuan heard this, his eyes were burning. He waved his hand and shouted at the students, "All troops attack!"    


In an instant, a fierce chase broke out in the forest.    


The students of Electricity Class One fought as they retreated. Many of them were in a sorry state, and many of them were almost eliminated.    


The last bullet in their magazine was almost used up.    


"Boss Wang Zhen, I don't have any more bullets. What should we do?"    


At this moment, Fatty suddenly shouted at Wang Zhen in shock.    


The other students also started to shout that there were no bullets left.    


"Hold on a little longer. There's a dense forest ahead. As long as we hide inside, they won't be able to catch up to us."    


Wang Zhen gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice to the crowd.    


When he set up an ambush in the vicinity, he deliberately observed the surrounding terrain. He didn't think that it would work now.    


Hearing Wang Zhen's words, the students did not hesitate at all. They frantically ran into the forest in front of them.    


"Boss Wang Zhen, the dense forest is in front of us!" A student saw the trees that were not willing to be more dense and said happily.    


Wang Zhen, Fatty, and the others all had happy expressions on their faces. As long as they hid inside, they would be able to keep their lives.    


However, just as they were about to rush into the dense forest, beautiful figures walked out from the periphery of the dense forest.    


When they fixed their eyes on it, it was Jiang Shuyun and the others.    


"Stand there, or we will shoot!"    


Jiang Shuyun's voice was cold as she coldly snorted.    


All the girls also raised their M16 and pointed at Wang Zhen, who was running towards them.    


Wang Zhen and the others naturally recognized Jiang Shuyun and the others. When they saw this scene, all of their faces revealed a deathly grey color and they could not help but stop in their tracks.    


"This time, we are really finished!"    


The fatty's face revealed a bitter expression as he said.    


He could already imagine what would happen next.    


He was surrounded by these girls, and then they collectively let out a "Plop Plop Plop."    


"I didn't think that I, Wang Zhen, would lose to a few girls after so many years of awe."    


Wang Zhen also had a bitter smile on his face and said helplessly.    


At this time, Wang Xiao and the others also caught up. When they saw Wang Zhen and the others were stopped by Jiang Shuyun and the girls from the business English class, their eyes lit up.    


"Men are not inferior to men. They actually stopped the students from the Electricity Class One."    


"Looks like the girls from the Shang Ying Class One are going to make a great contribution this time!"    


Even Yang Hongyuan moved closer to Jiang Shuyun and gave her a thumbs up. "Goddess Jiang Shuyun, you are really amazing!"    


Jiang Shuyun did not even look at Yang Hongyuan and kept silent.    


Seeing Jiang Shuyun's attitude, Yang Hongyuan felt a little awkward. He touched his nose and knew that he was asking for trouble, so he stepped aside.    


At this time, Wang Xiao also walked in front of Wang Zhen and said with a smile, "The students of your electrical class one are pretty good. You actually know how to make an electric net."    


Wang Zhen heard this and snorted coldly. He said, "Now that I have fallen into your hands, you can kill me or cut me up. Don't talk nonsense. Do it!"    


He straightened his back and looked like he was about to die in anger.    


When Wang Xiao heard this, the M16 in his hand directly pressed against his head and asked, "What did you say just now? Say it again?"    


"No, no, no, Big Brother. I was wrong. Put the gun down. If you have something to discuss, we can discuss it. We can discuss it!" Wang Zhen's expression instantly became flattering, and he hurriedly begged for forgiveness from Wang Xiao.    


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