Campus Beauty, Scamp Master

C326 Do You like to Drink Is That so

C326 Do You like to Drink Is That so

Xiao Yihai and Xiao Meier went to a pub and took out their phones. They called the number and said coldly to the person on the other side, "Hurry to the Western City black market and bring twenty brothers for me. Don't ask so much, I'm useful! "    


After saying that, Xiao Yihai angrily hung up the phone. His face was very gloomy and ugly.    


"Cousin, are you going to call people to cause trouble for those people?"    


Seeing this, Xiao Meier couldn't help but ask happily.    


She had been pampered since she was young. Anything she wanted, others would give it to her.    


Just now, she wanted to buy those three stalks of medicinal herbs, but it was snatched away by someone. It was false for her to say that she was not angry.    


"That's right, with Xiao Zhan and the others taking action, I will make those people kneel in front of me and beg for mercy!"    


Xiao Yihai nodded his head with a gloomy expression and said.    


Xiao Meier also nodded her head in agreement. In the end, she couldn't help but say: "But uncle doesn't seem to like you using the clan's resources to bully others..."    


"So, this matter needs you to keep it a secret. Only the two of us know about this matter. If you don't say it and I don't say it, then no one will know."    


Xiao Yihai looked at Xiao Meier with a serious expression and said in a deep voice.    


Xiao Meier hesitated for a few seconds when she heard this.    


"Cousin, don't you want to cause trouble for those people? They just stole what you wanted!"    


Seeing the hesitation on Xiao Meier's face, Xiao Yihai became anxious, but his face remained calm as he asked her in a deep voice.    


"Yes!" Indeed, Xiao Meier's face sank when she heard this. She gritted her teeth and nodded, "Cousin, I promise you!"    


A joy surfaced on Xiao Yihai's face when he saw Xiao Meier agree. After which, his eyes became somewhat cold.    


With his cousin protecting him, even if the matter was known by his father, he could also say that it was only because his cousin was bullied that he used the family's resources to cause trouble for those people!    




After obtaining the four medicinal herbs, Wang Xiao's luck seemed to have run out. He and the three girls walked around the black market for more than half an hour, but they did not find a single rare medicinal herb.    


Even if there were, it would still be bought by someone who made the first move.    


This made Wang Xiao very discouraged. The three girls had been wandering around the medicinal herb stall for so long, and they were a little tired. They all shouted to stop and eat.    


Wang Xiao saw the stubborn expressions of the three girls and knew that he had no choice but to not go. He could only nod and say, "Alright, then let's go. I'm hungry too."    


Although he had already eaten a lot of snacks with Liang Xiling and Xiang Yutong when he came just now, those things were not enough to fill his stomach. Furthermore, after visiting the black market for so long, Wang Xiao's stomach had already started to grumble.    


"Great. When I came just now, I found a small tavern in an alley of the black market. It looks very exquisite. Why don't we go and eat something together?"    


Song Lianjun also opened her mouth and asked everyone when she saw this.    


Liang Xiling and Xiang Yutong were people who were eager to hunt for treasures. The moment they heard that there was an exquisite small tavern in the alley, they nodded and said, "Go. Of course we will go and take a look!"    


"Since all of you have said go, what else can I say!" Seeing that the three girls had made up their minds, Wang Xiao helplessly spread his hands and said.    


Under Song Lianjun's lead, the four girls passed through a long and narrow alley. Sure enough, at the end of the alley, there was an exquisite tavern.    


There was a red cloth hanging at the entrance of the pub, with the word "red" printed on it. Looking inside through the door, this pub was not very big. It was about 200 square meters and there were six or seven tables inside. Then there were the wine jars all over the floor.    


"Yo, I didn't think that there would be a few young guests coming to my pub today!"    


After Wang Xiao and the other three walked in, a middle-aged uncle wearing a Tang suit walked out from the back hall and smiled at the four of them.    


This middle-aged man in a Tang suit should be the owner of the pub and was very talkative.    


"Uncle, as the saying goes, the fragrance of wine is not afraid of the alley's depth. We came here smelling the fragrance of wine. Do you have any good wine here?"    


Wang Xiao also smiled and asked the middle-aged man.    


The middle-aged man in the Tang suit seemed to be very pleased with Wang Xiao's words. The corner of his mouth also raised into a smile. He said, "Little brother, it seems that you are also a person of good wine. Alright, tonight I will give you a few plates of good wine and dishes. I'll accompany you guys to have a good drink! "    


After saying that, he turned around and walked into the back hall, as if he was going to stir-fry vegetables.    


In a short while, he carried a few dishes and walked out of the back hall.    


The beef with sauce, the fried peanuts with oil, the baked silkworm beans with salt, and a few unknown side dishes. Although they weren't considered sumptuous, they were still filled with a variety of colors and flavors, making one's appetite greatly increase.    


"Little brother, you brought so many female companions here today. Under such circumstances, how can you not drink a bottle of daughter's red?!"    


At this time, the middle-aged man in the Tang suit brought another bottle of wine and a few large bowls, saying with a smile, Little brother, you brought so many female companions here today. Under such circumstances, how can you not drink a bottle of daughter's red wine?    


Wang Xiao fixed his eyes and saw the word "red" stuck on the wine bottle. It should be the daughter red that the middle-aged man spoke of.    


The middle-aged man poured out five bowls of wine. He took one for himself and gave the other four to Wang Xiao and the others.    


"Boss, your bowl is too big, isn't it? I'm afraid they won't be able to drink it." When Wang Xiao saw the big bowl in front of him, the corner of his mouth twitched. This bowl was even bigger than a palm. It was very shocking.    


"Who said we can't drink it?" When the three girls heard this, they immediately became unhappy and said in unison.    


Liang Xiling took out a bowl and drank it in big gulps. She was very valiant and valiant. In a short while, she drank half a bowl. She had never drunk wine before and now she couldn't help but want to taste the taste of the daughter's red.    


Xiang Yutong and Song Lianjun were not as bold as Liang Xiling. They were only in this antique tavern and a trace of heroism rose in their hearts. They could not help but raise the bowl and also drank a big mouthful.    


"This wine is very good to drink!" After the three girls drank the wine, their pretty faces immediately revealed a trace of liking as they said.    


Wang Xiao, who was standing at the side, shook his head helplessly, because he saw that after the three girls took a sip of their daughter's red wine... Both of their cheeks flushed red, as if the name of their daughter's red wine was really the same. One sip was enough to make the girl's face turn red...    


"Little brother, it seems like these three female companions of yours are all temperamental people!"    


When the middle-aged man saw this scene, he also laughed at Wang Xiao and said.    


"Boss, you must be joking..." When Wang Xiao heard this, he shook his head helplessly. He saw that the three girls seemed to like the taste of his daughter Hong. While eating the dishes on the table and drinking wine, he felt a headache.    


These three girls also have a hobby of drinking?    


Before he could finish his headache, at this moment, a wave of noisy noises came from outside the tavern. Immediately following that, a group of people rushed in from outside the tavern. These people all held handguns in their hands, and all of them were fierce and fierce.    


Wang Xiao heard the noise and turned his head to look. He saw that the person in the lead was Xiao Yihai!    


When Xiao Yihai saw Wang Xiao, his face immediately revealed a trace of joy. He said in a somewhat cold voice, "Kid, you are indeed here. Tonight, you will not be able to escape your fate!"    


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