Campus Beauty, Scamp Master

C275 Solve the Virus in Seconds!

C275 Solve the Virus in Seconds!

When Wang Xiao walked in from outside the office, Ouyang Yan was already sitting in front of a computer with his arms crossed in front of his chest. He looked relaxed and relaxed.    


"Yo, you're back? I thought you ran away because of fear."    


After seeing Wang Xiao, the corner of Ouyang Yan's mouth raised into a sneer, and he teased Wang Xiao.    


"What a joke. I haven't shown you my computer skills yet. How could I run away?"    


Wang Xiao said to Ouyang Yan with a sneer on his face.    


Hearing Wang Xiao's words, Ouyang Yan looked disapproving, as if he didn't care about Wang Xiao at all. He sneered and said, "Teacher Ding Mengqi just told me that you do not know computer skills at all. How could you win against me?"    


Wang Xiao heard this and could not help but be stunned. He looked at Ding Mengqi and saw that Ding Mengqi's cheeks were red and she looked at him awkwardly.    


"Wang Xiao, listen to me..." Ding Mengqi was young. She opened her mouth and wanted to explain to Wang Xiao.    


But Wang Xiao waved his hand and interrupted Ding Mengqi's words, "Sister Mengqi, don't say anymore. I understand you."    


He knew that Ding Mengqi must have asked Ouyang Yan not to bet with him while he was in the bathroom.    


However, she did not expect Ouyang Yan to say it directly.    


Ding Mengqi felt sweet in her heart when she saw Wang Xiao's trusting look. Then, she looked at Ouyang Yan indifferently.    


She had thought that Ouyang Yan was a gentleman, but she did not expect him to be so mean.    


"Teacher Ouyang Yan, I have obtained my exclusive decoding program. We can start the competition now!"    


When Ouyang Yan heard this, he was first stunned, then also smiled like a gentleman. "Then let's start. Which computer do you choose?"    


"Wang Xiao, you can use mine!"    


Before Wang Xiao could say anything, Ding Mengqi, who was beside him, spoke first and said to Wang Xiao.    


She thought in her heart, At worst, she could wait. Wang Xiao did not crack the virus on her computer, so she said that her computer system was different from others.    


In any case, she would try her best to get rid of the virus for Wang Xiao!    


If Wang Xiao knew Ding Mengqi's childish thoughts, he would definitely laugh. Only a computer noob would come up with such an excuse.    


"Then thank you, Sister Mengqi!"    


Obviously, Wang Xiao did not know what Ding Mengqi was thinking. However, when he heard Ding Mengqi take the initiative to crack his laptop, he was delighted.    


Even the heavens are helping me!    


He originally wanted to get a laptop from Ding Mengqi. Otherwise, how could he hack in and peek at Ding Mengqi's private photos?    


He did not expect that Ding Mengqi actually took the initiative to request.    


As he spoke, he sat in front of Ding Mengqi's desk. He opened it. Ding Mengqi's extremely feminine pink computer was also covered with pink stickers. It was just like how the girls in middle school had pasted the stickers on their textbooks.    


"Sister Mengqi, I didn't think that you would be interested in girls!"    


Wang Xiao could not help but look at Ding Mengqi strangely. He did not expect Ding Mengqi, who was usually cold and aloof, to have such a girl side.    


Ding Mengqi noticed Wang Xiao's strange gaze and blushed. She could not help but lower her head.    


Damn it, how did I forget this...    


This little bastard noticed the sticker on my notebook.    


Does he think I'm childish...    


"What are you looking at? Hurry up and crack the virus on my laptop, or else I'll teach you a lesson."    


Ding Mengqi's face was flushed red, and she snorted at Wang Xiao in anger.    


She clenched her fist tightly, and stared at Wang Xiao with her beautiful eyes. It was as if if if Wang Xiao could not crack the virus on her computer, the consequences would be very serious!    


"Yes, Sister Mengqi!" Wang Xiao gave a military salute in a serious manner, as if he would complete the mission.    


When Ouyang Yan saw this scene, his expression was a little ugly, but he endured it and did not flare up.    


Wait a moment, after he finished showing off his skills on the computer, he would properly mock him!    


"Cut the crap, let's begin!" Ouyang Yan's expression was cold as he said to Wang Xiao.    


He sat in front of a computer and inserted the USB into the mainframe USB. Then he started typing on the keyboard with both hands.    


At first glance, it was a computer expert!    


On the contrary, Wang Xiao leisurely took out his phone and took out a data cable. He slowly inserted it into Ding Mengqi's pink laptop.    


Then, he slowly opened the file that Gui Wang sent over, and then clicked open...    


Ding Mengqi saw Wang Xiao's leisurely manner and was even more convinced that Wang Xiao did not know computer skills. He was just pretending to be fat, so she could not help but grit her teeth.    


This idiot, even at this time, he still pretended to be so alike!    


Wait a minute, after Teacher Ouyang Yan cracked the computer virus, he would lose face.    


No, I have to help Wang Xiao!    


Thinking of this, Ding Mengqi's eyes couldn't help but sweep across the office table. When she fixed her eyes, she saw her cup...    


Water... Yes, water!    


As long as the computer broke, he would say that Wang Xiao got the water, and he would take the opportunity to take Wang Xiao out of the office with the excuse that Wang Xiao had compensated him with the computer.    


Wang Xiao did not know that Ding Mengqi actually thought of a stupid way to pour water on the computer in order to help him!    


"I think I should press this button to start the computer, then start the computer..." Wang Xiao slowly opened the Gui Wang virus sent by Gui Wang and slowly started it.    


Although he was not a computer noob, he was definitely not an expert. In terms of hand speed, he naturally could not compare to Ouyang Yan.    


When some of the female teachers who were paying attention to Wang Xiao saw this scene, they all shook their heads in disappointment.    


On the other hand, the female teachers on Ouyang Yan's side were all screaming.    


"Wow, Teacher Ouyang Yan's hands are so fast. I can't understand the programming at all!"    


"As expected of Teacher Ouyang Yan, he's really amazing!"    


"Looks like Teacher Ouyang Yan is going to win for sure!"    


Hearing the praises from the surrounding people, Ouyang Yan's lips curled up into a pleased smile.    


He had already used his exclusive decoding program to create a firewall. If he was given another half an hour, he would definitely be able to crack the virus on the computer.    


He looked at Wang Xiao and saw that he was still slowly pressing the button on his phone. He could not help but sneer, "Wang Xiao, can you really do it or not? Haven't you opened the Exclusive Cracking Program yet? I'll be able to do it soon. "    


He couldn't wait any longer! Ding Mengqi saw this and gritted her teeth. Although she could not bear to part with her laptop, there was no other way.    


She stretched out her snow-white hand and quietly picked up the cup of water on the desk. She was ready to secretly wet the laptop.    


But at this moment, Wang Xiao's voice suddenly sounded.    




He pressed the confirmation button on his phone. In an instant, Ding Mengqi saw that her laptop was no longer blue, but had returned to normal.    


"Computer virus, cracked, cracked?"    


Ding Mengqi's beautiful eyes slightly widened as she exclaimed.    


The moment her words came out, all the female teachers in the office were in an uproar.    


"How is this possible?"    


"That's right. Teacher Ouyang Yan has been knocking for so long, but he has only completed half of it. How could he crack it so easily?"    


"Is he lying?"    


The female teachers were all suspicious, but when they came over and saw Ding Mengqi's laptop, they were stunned!    


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