Campus Beauty, Scamp Master

C921 How Can I the Old Man of Huaxia Allow Me to Bully Him

C921 How Can I the Old Man of Huaxia Allow Me to Bully Him

In front of the couple's food street in Losan Rocky, a raggedy White-haired Old Man was leaning against a lamp post. His expression was calm. In front of him, there was a stall made of cloth. On the stall, there were scattered items, like candy. Grass-made grasshoppers, rattle drums, and so on were all traditional items with China's characteristics.    


In front of him, a white-skinned boy was arrogantly cursing at him, telling the old man to leave as soon as possible.    


Behind this white-skinned boy, there were many companions of the same age standing by the side, laughing and watching.    


When the surrounding pedestrians saw this group of people bullying the old man, none of them stood out to speak for White-haired Old Man. Instead, they stood aside and watched the show.    


"Old man, I'm talking to you. Did you hear that?!"    


When the white-skinned boy saw the elder of Huaxia in front of him, it was as if he didn't hear him at all. His heart was instantly filled with anger as he shouted at him.    


As he spoke, he stretched out his leg even more excessively and swept towards the stall.    




In an instant, all of the small objects on the stall were swept into a mess by him. It was a complete mess.    


When the companions behind the white-skinned boy saw this scene, they could not help but laugh loudly. Just like this, he bullied an old man in front of a large crowd. Not only were they not ashamed at all, they even looked happy.    


White-haired Old Man finally raised his head slowly when he saw that the items on the stall had been swept into chaos. A cold glint flashed across his somewhat aged eyes, but it was quickly withdrawn by him. That pair of ancient eyes stared straight at the white-skinned boy and sighed, "Young man, I have no enmity with you. Why are you being so overbearing?"    


"Hehe, anyway, I just don't like you." The white-skinned boy sneered and said to White-haired Old Man, "A dead old man like you who is wearing tattered clothes, don't stand in my way. Hurry up and go back to your Huaxia!"    


After saying that, the white-skinned boy laughed arrogantly.    


"Big Brother Wang Xiao, they bullied an old man like this. This is too bad!"    


Not far away, Tong Waner saw this scene and her delicate face was filled with anger. She turned her head and pulled Wang Xiao's arm, gritting her teeth.    


"Since Waner thinks that they are bad people, then they are bad people. I will help you teach them a lesson."    


Hearing Tong Waner's words, Wang Xiao could not help but smile and agree to her.    


At this time, after hearing the white skinned boy's arrogant and domineering words, White-haired Old Man couldn't help but say in a deep voice, "Young man, what does wearing my clothes have to do with you? My coming and going. It is also up to me to decide. What right do you have to decide my leaving and staying?"    


Seeing that White-haired Old Man actually dared to refute his words, the white skinned boy felt that his face was a bit unsightly. He coldly said to White-haired Old Man: "Based on what? Hmph, just based on my fist!"    


As he spoke, he lifted his right foot and once again stepped on the scattered items on the stall.    


This time, he was prepared to break all the items on the stall and teach White-haired Old Man a lesson.    


However, just as his right leg was about to step on the scattered items, a foot extended from the other side. The back of the foot was facing upwards, blocking the foot of the white-skinned boy.    


A somewhat lazy voice was also transmitted from the side.    


"Young man, isn't bullying my Huaxia old man a little too much?"    


The white-skinned boy did not expect that someone would dare to stop him. His face sank as he turned his head. When he saw that the person blocking his leg was a young Huaxia young man, his eyes immediately shot out a cold light.    


"Huaxia boy, don't meddle in other people's business. Otherwise, I won't let you eat it. Take it and leave!"    


Immediately, the white-skinned boy said to Wang Xiao in a cold voice, and his tone was filled with a threatening tone.    


When the surrounding pedestrians saw this scene, they couldn't help but stop in their tracks and watch the show.    


In Losan Rocky, although everyone was equal, if something really happened, the white-skinned man would be treated better than the others.    


"This young man from Huaxia, he doesn't even know how to behave in the Losan Rocky, but he still dares to stand out. Isn't he just asking for a beating?"    


"These young people are used to mingling in this food street. They like to bully some foreign tourists. No one can control them."    


"Sigh, looks like this young man from Huaxia will have to suffer a beating today!"    


The surrounding onlookers were all talking at the same time. Their voices were filled with sympathy and pity for Wang Xiao.    


"You want me to bear the consequences? Hehe, your words are really arrogant, but the people who spoke to me last time have already been beaten to the point of kneeling and begging for mercy."    


Hearing the white-skinned boy's words, Wang Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said disdainfully to the white-skinned boy, "I think you should be the next person who will be beaten to the point of kneeling and begging for mercy!"    


"You!" The boy's face was full of anger. He thought that in the Losan Rocky Couple Food Street, he was already considered the one who was very arrogant, but he didn't expect Wang Xiao to be even more arrogant than him. How could he possibly accept this?    


His face darkened. He clenched his right fist and swung it at Wang Xiao's face. He cursed loudly, "Go to hell!"    


Although the white-skinned boy's fist was vigorous, it did not have any inner energy fluctuation. It seemed to be full of energy, but it did not have any lethality to Wang Xiao.    


Seeing this, Wang Xiao twisted his body and easily dodged the punch of the white-skinned boy.    


"Are you just going to watch this soft and powerless fist hit people? Can't you give me some strength like a woman?"    


After dodging this punch, Wang Xiao opened his mouth and mocked the white-skinned boy.    


"You..." The white-skinned boy was so angry that his face turned red. He waved his fist crazily and threw it at Wang Xiao.    


However, Wang Xiao easily dodged it.    


Wang Xiao's movement technique was very strange. It twisted like a ghost.    


The white-skinned boy clearly felt that his fist was about to hit Wang Xiao, but in the next second, he would always miss.    


"Can you be faster? Didn't you eat?"    


"Faster, you can't even hit a person, and you still want me to bear the consequences!"    


" Are you blind? I'm standing right here, and you can't even hit me?"    


Wang Xiao continuously dodged the white-skinned boy's fists. As he mocked him, his words fell like rain into the white-skinned boy's ears.    


Even the white-skinned boy's companions laughed loudly when they saw Wang Xiao teasing him like a monkey.    


"Hester Fox, can you do it or not? You can't even beat a person, and you still say you want to be our boss!"    


"It's so embarrassing, I can't watch anymore."    


"Hester Fox, this Huaxia kid is right. You are a woman!"    


Hearing his companions' teasing, the white-skinned boy called Chest.Fox's face turned ferocious. He stopped and took out a black, cold object from his pocket.    


It was a black handgun!    


Wang Xiao raised his eyebrows when he saw this. Only now did he remember that it was legal for commoners to carry guns in Losan Rocky!    


At this moment, he suddenly felt that it was better to stay in the country. At least his life was guaranteed.    


These foreign youngsters, if they were impulsive, might very well pull out their guns and risk their lives.    


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