Campus Beauty, Scamp Master

C2582 Stainless Dao Body

C2582 Stainless Dao Body

... "7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12."    


When she took a closer look, although she could tell the number of rooms in Wang Xiao's Niwan Divine Palace, she still couldn't help counting. Because he was afraid that he was wrong, but at this time, he counted twelve Niwan Palace rooms. This also meant that she wasn't wrong. Wang Xiao indeed had twelve Niwan Palace rooms.    


"Twelve Niwan Palace Rooms..."    


The number one ruthless person, who had always been calm and collected, could no longer remain calm at this moment.    


Twelve Niwan Palace Rooms. Even he had never seen such a scene before. This was simply a miracle. If he had not seen it with his own eyes... She would never believe it no matter what. She would never believe that this world actually existed. Twelve Niwan Divine Palaces, such a terrifying existence.    


At this moment, even Li Qinglian couldn't help but stand up and look at Wang Xiao in disbelief.    


Even Li Qinglian couldn't understand such an existence. She couldn't understand why twelve Niwan Divine Palace existed in this world.    


Ten Niwan Divine Palace could be considered as an existence that had a rapid breakthrough. As for the one from the Dark Devil Race... Because the ten Niwan Palaces were almost killed by the heavenly punishment, each tribulation was as powerful as the destruction of the world. However, that Dark Demon clan member still managed to break through and become an extremely terrifying Demon Emperor. His name caused all the Great Sage experts from the three large continents to be suppressed. No one could be compared to him.    


At this moment, Wang Xiao possessed twelve Niwan Divine Palace rooms. Compared to the one from the Dark Devil Tribe, he had two more Niwan Divine Palace rooms. However, this extra room did not have the meaning of quantity. Instead, it had the meaning of quality.    


Ten Niwan Divine Palace had an additional palace room compared to the Nine Niwan Divine Palace. However, it did not mean that there was an additional meaning. Instead, it was the change in quality. Ten Niwan Divine Palace was an existence that could crush all nine Niwan Divine Palace. The experts of the Nine Niwan Palace and below the experts of the Nine Niwan Palace, it was impossible for one person to be a match for the experts of the Ten Niwan Palace.    


The Twelve Niwan Palace were even more terrifying. The number one ruthless person simply could not imagine what kind of terrifying existence Wang Xiao would grow to in the future.    


At this moment, she also understood why the attitude of Saint Pu Luo towards Wang Xiao had changed so much. A large part of the reason was that Wang Xiao's twelve Niwan Palace rooms must have seen Wang Xiao's twelve Niwan Palace rooms.    


As a cultivator of the older generation in the Vast Heaven Continent, Saint Pu Luo probably knew more about the concept of these 12 Niwan Palace Rooms than she did.    


This would absolutely be the ultimate expert of the future Ancient Tai Huang Continent, no one else. This was the only one.    


And at this time, the Thunder Law in the sky descended. Black Thunder Arc poured down like rain. It was extremely terrifying, as if it wanted to move the entire Heavenly Frost Sect to the ground.    


Nine Niwan Divine Palaces was already the limit of a cultivator. Wang Xiao, on the other hand, had twelve Niwan Divine Palaces. He had broken through to the extreme and was an existence that the heaven and earth could not tolerate.    


In the eyes of the heaven and earth, Wang Xiao was a taboo existence. A scheme should not exist in this world.    


As for the above, it was because of this terrifying black Thunder Arc.    


This lightning punishment only appeared when she broke through to the Primordial Chaos Golden Immortal realm.    


The number one ruthless person was shocked by Wang Xiao's Niwan Snake Palace. He was unable to react in time at the first moment.    


It was also a little too late. At this moment, the expression of the most ruthless man suddenly changed. She had personally experienced the power of this Thunder Arc. It was absolutely extraordinary. It was truly terrifying. Even the current him was facing such a powerful lightning punishment. However, he didn't dare to be careless.    


However, right at this moment, before First Guard could block the lightning technique, Wang Xiao suddenly opened his eyes. He opened his big hand and grabbed the lightning technique. Countless lightning force poured into Wang Xiao's body.    


When First Vicious Man saw this scene, he stopped attacking. He knew that this lightning technique was useful to Wang Xiao.    


Therefore, First Vicious Man stopped attacking and looked at Wang Xiao.    


She also felt that this Wang Xiao was really bold. Lightning punishment was absolutely a taboo to cultivators. Wang Xiao was not afraid at all. He even took the initiative to draw this lightning technique into his body.    


If it was anyone else, the fiercest person would definitely say that the person was courting death. However, the person who did this was Wang Xiao. He would not think that Wang Xiao was courting death.    


She knew that there must be a reason why Wang Xiao would do this. He must have had his own thoughts.    


In fact, that was indeed the case. Wang Xiao was planning to cultivate a Chaotic Body. After Li Qinglian's reminder, Wang Xiao suddenly understood the secret of the Devil God Body Refining Book.    


Perhaps the final transformation of the Book of Fiendgod Body Refinement was to cultivate the body of a Fiendgod.    


Fiendgods were also very mysterious existences in the Ancient Desolate Land, and they were also rumored to be very powerful. It was said that no body technique in this world could produce a body of a Fiendgod. The most powerful body technique in this world was this body of a Fiendgod.    


At this moment, Wang Xiao wanted to use this Lightning Punishment to cultivate the third Primal Chaos Body, the Stainless Dao Body. It was rumored that this was the most sacred body technique in the world. Once it was successfully cultivated... It would become incomparably pure and indestructible. There was no fear of gods or devils.    


* Sssii! * One lightning technique after another landed on Wang Xiao's body. Wang Xiao did not have the slightest resistance, allowing the lightning technique to ravage his body.    


In the sky, the lightning punishment did not seem to need money. It rushed into Wang Xiao's body like a waterfall, as if it wanted to kill him here.    


This kind of lightning technique could not only kill Wang Xiao here, it could even move the entire Heavenly Frost Sect to the ground.    


This lightning punishment was something that even the most ruthless person at his peak would not be able to block.    


After all, this lightning lake was not scary. However, when countless Thunder Arc gathered together and formed a waterfall-like terrifying existence, it was extremely terrifying.    


Even so, Wang Xiao had absorbed all of the lightning energy into his body. At this moment, his body was being baptized by the lightning energy, causing him to erupt with a dazzling white light that was as bright as the sun.    


Wang Xiao's body also underwent a slight change. It was as if there was an extra force swimming around his body, and a chaotic Qi slowly emerged.    


"Chaotic Body, he has condensed another Chaotic Body?"    


The most ruthless man couldn't help but exclaim when he sensed this Qi. Wang Xiao already had two Chaotic Bodies. If he could form one now, wouldn't that mean that he had three Chaotic Bodies?    


Such an existence was unbelievable.    


Of course, when he thought about it, Wang Xiao was a monstrous genius who had twelve Niwan Divine Palace rooms. The appearance of three Chaotic Body on other people's bodies was very surprising, but when it appeared on Wang Xiao's body... It didn't seem strange at all. In fact, there were even some parts of it that made him feel safe.    


The content came from [Miegu Reading].    


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