Almighty System

C477 The Two of Them Fell Asleep

C477 The Two of Them Fell Asleep

"Big Brother Cheng wants it! Luckily, this kid didn't fail the mission, and has already taken down all the regions outside the Chaos Realm!"    


He looked at the other personal guards of the Prodigy, as well as the eight personal guards. They were actually all disguised by Du Dapeng's doppelgangers. At this moment... Du Dapeng's true self had finally arrived. At the same time, he had brought along an army of 200 million men. Despite the fact that his Qi and blood were floating in the air, he still threw himself into the battle.    


"The king is personally leading the army! He is invincible!"    


Du Dapeng's arrival immediately caused the Prodigy, who had yet to recover from his serious injuries, to become excited. Along the way with him, Du Dapeng. * Howl * The starry sky outside the Chaos Realm, return to the Reborn Country. Everyone, work harder! We will completely destroy the divided powers!"    


All the soldiers were stunned. It was too sudden. It had only been a month, and the king said that he was going into seclusion to reorganize the army, but it turned out that he was going to seize other territories?    


He really had a good plan in mind?    


No wonder the other two countries were going to fight with their old men to the death?    


So their backyard was occupied?    


"Ahahahaha... This is the spirit of a happy person..."    


"Witnessing such a miracle while I'm still alive, I really have no regrets dying..."    


"Mighty king! Mighty Demon God!"    


At this time, the remaining 100 million soldiers of the Devil Clan were laughing without restraint. There was no longer such good news, and they had directly taken down the starry sky outside the Chaos Realm?    


They had actually done it?    


This was a miracle that had never happened before!    


He had actually witnessed it?    


Putting aside the new encouragement given by the soldiers of Devil Clan, the people of Yin Yang Cult... There was nothing they could do about it. Shi San and San San had been impersonated by Shen Wanderer. Shen Wanderer was not a merciful person. At this critical moment... He simply let the people of the Yin Yang Cult be his scapegoat.    


As a result, the number of casualties among the people of Yin Yang Cult and the number of people who could still fight was less than a hundred million. To the people of Yin Yang Cult, this was simply unimaginable. They were only afraid of the 'despotic power' that killed three or four of them."    


They were angry but didn't dare to say anything.    


Currently, there were only a billion people left in the alliance of the two countries. This was also the result of the beast trap battle. The devil army of Reborn Country was the beast trap battle. The people of the Yin Yang Cult could no longer see any hope. Therefore, all of them had the mentality of fighting with their lives on the line to earn one.    


The arrival of 200 million soldiers finally gave the Yin Yang Cult and devil army a shot of stimulant. Everyone's attacks became even crazier. It was obvious without even thinking. The main force. Since they were here, it was impossible for there to only be 200 million people! Obviously, Du Dapeng still had more tricks up his sleeve.    


In fact, Du Dapeng didn't have any amazing tricks up his sleeve. It was just 200 million people assisting the devil army, while the remaining 300 million and the new 100 million went to bite Kutuo and Wang Daoyi's tails. It directly created the situation of the alliance of two countries being attacked from both sides.    


The great battle raged like wildfire, and human lives were cheap compared to grass. Du Dapeng's clone... He died again and again. There was nothing he could do about it. He finally realized that whenever his clone died, most of the soldiers also had clones. Why would he keep them if he did not put his life on the line?    


In fact, apart from the one hundred million recruits that were urgently recruited, there were no clones. The rest of the soldiers had clones, which was also because of the existence of one clone. This was because after the clone died, it could be regenerated very quickly.    


This was the only advantage of the Reborn Country. Although they had fewer people, each of them dared to fight with their lives on the line. Because they knew that they wouldn't die. In fact, since the start of the war, the true casualties of the soldiers of the Devil Clan could be ignored. It was just that their clones had died. All he needed to do was to cultivate again.    


Kutuo and the others deserved to be unlucky. They had met Du Dapeng, who was such a careless person. As long as they submitted to him, they wouldn't be able to give him anything other than their wives and forbidden secret techniques. This bastard wanted to share everything with others. He wanted to use the Three Great Techniques, a secret skill that could save his life. It was actually a common skill in the Reborn Country.    


Of course, ordinary soldiers could only cultivate the Three Great Techniques. As for the other secret techniques and high grade cultivation techniques, they had to join the Reborn Pavilion to cultivate them. In fact, in the entire Reborn Country, including the Dao Gate, many people had joined the Reborn Pavilion.    


Human beings are so realistic. I believe in the other great Gods. If I can't obtain many benefits, I might as well directly believe in Du Dapeng. In any case, I can also obtain many powerful cultivation techniques. After all, cultivation techniques like the Martial Ancestor Sutra and the Myriad Spirit Heavenly Arts Thunder. It's hard to come by!    


After sweeping through the starry sky outside the Chaos Realm, Du Dapeng was able to quickly gather 100 million new recruits. It was not without reason that he promised all the participants that he would reward them for their contributions, including the Myriad Spirit Heavenly Arts and the Martial Ancestor Sutra. Of course, this was very tempting.    


As long as one participated in the war and made a certain amount of contribution points, even if one didn't join the Reborn Pavilion, such a cheap thing. Du Dapeng was the only one who could let it go. In fact, many rogue cultivators couldn't wait to join the Reborn Pavilion.    


The war was still going on. The soldiers were willing to sacrifice their lives to fight the alliance of the two countries. The main reason was that the alliance of the two countries was facing enemies from both sides. As for the people of the Reborn Country... They were all fighting with indomitable will, and most of them had clones. None of them were afraid of death.    


Therefore, a strange phenomenon occurred on the battlefield. Under the lead of Du Dapeng and the others, the soldiers of Reborn Country... Most of them died on the same path, because they were clones. After they died, they formed a new clone and continued to fight. The original body was completely hiding behind.    


This was destined to be an unfair battle. The alliance of the two countries had a total of one billion troops. The Reborn Country could only hold on for 600 million soldiers, but it was still able to hold on until now. The reason why they looked so brave and brave was actually because of the Three Great Techniques. With a clone, it wouldn't matter even if it died.    


This was also the usual fighting style of Prodigy and the others. It was the true form of the soldiers. Most of them were guarding the Prodigy. Occasionally, those who broke through the defensive line would be killed by Divine Envoy. The opponent's Divine Envoy was also very cautious, as if he wanted to fight until the very end. Only then would they be willing to attack.    


Du Dapeng didn't care. It would be best if they could fight at their peak. If he couldn't do it, it would be inevitable for him to commit more murders. He had thought about this very clearly. Therefore... Ever since Du Dapeng had brought reinforcements, they had been roaring furiously, "Surrender and not kill!"    




In fact, many of the soldiers of the two alliances had been afraid since the war began. They could see clearly that the enemy was hiding behind them. They would only use their clones to fight with their lives on the line. It doesn't seem like it's worth it?    


He might as well just surrender.    


Surrendering on the battlefield might seem embarrassing, but there was nothing he could do about it. Many people felt that if they didn't surrender, they would die. It was better to stay alive than to die. As long as they didn't surrender by themselves, everyone would lose face. How many people would care about this in the face of life and death?    


The war was still going on. The two sides were still fighting. They forgot about time, forgot about the pain, and fought until they went crazy. More than 300 million people had surrendered. They threw away their weapons, and with their arms over their heads, they headed straight for Du Dapeng or the Prodigy.    


This also gave the enemy an opportunity. Those with ulterior motives pretended to surrender. Those who tried to get close to the commander of the enemy were killed by those who came to surrender. War was so cruel that those who surrendered would do anything to survive.    


In the first moment, they were comrades. They fought bravely together, but in the next moment, I want to bring your head to the commander of Reborn Country to show your loyalty. All those who surrender will be no exception. Their cultivation bases were sealed, and then they were taken into Inner World by Du Dapeng.    


This was also an expedient measure. Surrendering in such a big battle was not shameful at all. On the contrary, in many people's opinion, surrendering would enrich a very sad country. That was called abandoning the darkness to join the light. People were that realistic. Compared to Kutuo and Wang Daoyi, Du Dapeng, this king, was undoubtedly much more competent.    


The great battle was still going on, and Du Dapeng had become numb to it. His clone had died countless times, and if not for the fact that the blade had flown back on its own accord, Du Dapeng's few thousand Black Golds sabers were long gone. The rest of the soldiers... Most of their faces had turned red from killing.    




Finally, an earth-shattering explosion shook everyone. Lie Lie's clone had been exposed. He had already killed a few Boundless Late Period warriors. It was worth it to have only one clone killed. He was planning to cultivate another clone, but was stopped by Du Dapeng.    


There was nothing he could do. Lie Lie was too old. After losing one clone, it was actually very difficult for him to condense it again. If another one died, his old life would be almost gone. How could Du Dapeng let him take the risk?    


He was directly taken into Inner World and sealed.    




Another rumble was heard, as if Lie's clone had self-destructed. Yang Tianling's clone's self-destruction had overshadowed all other sounds. At this moment, the sky was shaking and the earth was shaking. At this moment, the void was annihilated. Yang Tianling's true body was finally sealed by Du Dapeng.    


He had killed all the clones of the two elders, and had them enter a deep slumber with their hot blood. This was the best choice. When the gods descended, when Du Dapeng entered God Realm, when they broke out of the seal... They still had hot blood and passion, and could still become strong in the God Realm.    


There were no last words, no tears. The true bodies of the two old men were sealed in the ice coffin made from the Ice Soul Source just like that. In fact, the true bodies of the two old men who were still fighting were still laughing heartily. What a pleasant evening!    


What a hopeful ending.    


Only a small number of people knew that their end this time was... It was just another beginning of his year, and one day... Du Dapeng would enter the God Realm. At that time, it was also the time when the two of them left the martial world. Therefore, they didn't have any regrets.    


The great battle was still going on. The baptism of blood and fire... Perhaps it would make one stronger, perhaps make one lose their minds. At least, the soldiers of Reborn Country wouldn't lose their minds. They firmly believed that they wouldn't die. Because they had a reliable commander.    


Lie and Yang Tianling's last clone finally gathered together. They had been besieged by a dozen Boundless Late Period mighty figures, and were now surrounded by danger. From head to toe, they had been drenched in blood. Not only did they have their own blood, but they also had their enemies.    


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