Hero Son-in-law

C109 Childhood Shadow

C109 Childhood Shadow

Although it was not a famous mountain, it still had its own unique scenery. Standing on a protruding rock at the side, Xiao Ziyi was just able to see the entire Nanjiang from this angle.    


"You're a rather insecure person, aren't you?"    


Xiao Ziyi turned her head and saw Yang Jiekai squatting on the ground with his back against a tree as thick as two people. He was distracted with a blade of grass in his mouth, so she couldn't help but tease him.    


"Hmm? "What do you mean?"    


Yang Jiekai asked with interest. He found that he really liked communicating with this woman, although he was confident sometimes, but this woman's brain circuits were really different from normal people's. Talking with her would always give him a different experience.    


"Psychologically speaking, the people who think about their backs at all times are the manifestation of a deep sense of insecurity."    


After Xiao Ziyi finished speaking, she added with a smile, "The sense of security has nothing to do with whether you're strong or not. Some of the memories you've had as a child can never be erased."    


Yang Jiekai was stunned, then he sighed, "I'm really curious, is there anything in this world that you don't know? Don't you have memory banks installed in your head? How do you know everything?"    


Xiao Ziyi's words stabbed into Yang Jiekai's heart. No matter how powerful he was now, some of the memories he got from childhood would never be erased.    


If one were to ask him whether or not there was hell in this world, he would definitely say there was, that Night Owl Group's mercenary training camp was hell on earth.    


Those who entered the training camp were all orphans from all over the world. They were born at the full moon, so they were strictly selected.    


The selection process was particularly brutal. The babies were gathered together and thrown into a dark room that was air-conditioned and occasionally hot. For three days and three nights, they didn't feed any food or water, and the loudspeakers in the room would emit shrill noises at regular intervals.    


Three days later, only a tiny fraction of the babies survived.    


However, this was only the beginning. From the moment they could remember, other children of the same age were being spoiled in the palm of their hands. Every day, they would have to deal with all kinds of nutritious toys.    


But the children of the training camp, don't force yourself to run naked by the sea in winter. The ones supervising them are a group of men wearing demonic masks.    


Twenty-four hours was a time to be on high alert, even in sleep, and snakes and colorful lizards crawled into bed.    


They were forced to learn firearms, combat, special driving, computer technology, and all sorts of other specialized knowledge.    


Only those twelve years old who survived on the battlefield and participated in the first test, were qualified to receive a trainee warrior medal.    


In such an environment for growing up, every student was injected with an unforgettable fear and vigilance.    


However, it was these two traits that had been infused into their bones, allowing them to narrowly escape death time and time again.    


However, Yang Jiekai was too lazy to explain too much to Xiao Ziyi. A person who grew up in a normal society would never have that kind of special insight and instinct.    


"Rustle, rustle ~ ~ ~"    


At this time, a nearby bush suddenly began to shake violently, accompanied by a sudden gust of mountain wind.    


Yang Jiekai rushed forward and dragged Xiao Ziyi behind him. He stared at the front warily and said in a deep voice, "No matter what happens later, stay where you are!"    


"Is it a wild boar?"    


Xiao Ziyi, who had toured countless famous mountains and mountains, was naturally familiar with the forest. She could immediately tell what it was from the sound of it. She then lowered her voice and said, "It seems quite big."    


"Not just that!"    


Yang Jiekai had a grim expression. His arms naturally hung down while one of his feet took a small step forward. It made every inch of his nerves and every cell in his body enter a state of vigilance.    


"Rustle, rustle ~ ~ ~"    


The sound of the bushes was getting louder and louder.    


"You know so much, how big is the biggest wild boar you've ever seen?" Yang Jiekai asked in a deep voice.    


Xiao Ziyi pondered for a moment. "When I followed them out to hunt, I saw one that weighed more than 200 pounds. At that time, it was almost fatal, but I heard my brother say that wild boars can grow up to 500 pounds at most. Not to mention a crossbow, even smaller bullets can't penetrate through."    


Yang Jiekai nodded, "That's because when adult boars itch, they use their bodies to rub against a type of pine tree, sticking the pine resin on it. After a long time, the pine resin will form a thick layer of armor, and ordinary firearms will not be able to pass through."    


"Five hundred jin of wild boar is already very rare. How did your brother and the others deal with that wild boar?"    


Xiao Ziyi said, "My brother said they were lucky, they all had weapons on them and were killed with large caliber anti-sniper rifles. He also said that if they didn't have that large caliber anti-sniper rifle that day, their team might have been annihilated."    


"Looks like your brother is a real human. What he said is the truth. A 500 pound wild boar's combat power is very close to that of a mini dinosaur."    


Xiao Ziyi said worriedly, "How big do you think this wild boar is now? Will it exceed three hundred kilograms? "    


Yang Jiekai sneered, "You're pretty lucky today. Judging from your aura and movements, the one we're about to face will at least weigh 700 kg!"    




Xiao Ziyi, who had always been a calm and composed person, instantly paled when she heard this number. "Do you have a weapon with you?"    


Yang Jiekai shook his head and smiled, "What do you think?"    


Xiao Ziyi was completely silent. Only now did she realize that what she said just now was pure nonsense.    


"Are you afraid of death?" Yang Jiekai asked.    


Xiao Ziyi let out a light breath. "It's a lie to say I'm not afraid, but since we've already met, there's no use thinking too much. Do you want to see me crying in fear?" I want to, too, but I'm not in the habit. "    


Yang Jiekai was stunned, "You are such a good woman. If I can survive in a while, you will be my little lover."    


"You're still taking advantage of me at a time like this …" Fine, I promise you! " Xiao Ziyi gritted her teeth.    


"Huuu ~ ~ ~"    


At this moment, a strong gale suddenly blew past. Accompanied by an ear-splitting howl, a wild boar that was as big as an elephant pounced over.    


The sharp fangs protruding from the two sides of his nose were more than two feet long. His two eyes were like two red-hot iron beads, exuding a bloody and wild ominous glint. They sprayed out a thick and heavy breath, and one could feel a substantial pressure within a radius of a few hundred meters.    


"Oh my god, this thing must have gained some sort of intelligence. At least eight hundred jin. I don't have much confidence in fighting him alone. I need your help."    


Yang Jiekai stared at the big animal vigilantly and said.    


A wild boar of this weight, that was definitely at the level of a wild boar king. Its strength was enough to tear an adult tiger apart in an instant, plus the layer of thick armor that had accumulated for who knows how many years, and the two fangs that were two feet long on both sides of its nose, it could simply be called a physical tank!    


No matter how awesome Yang Jiekai was, he was, after all, still a person. Facing such a huge monster, even he felt scared.    


"What do you need me to do?"    


Xiao Ziyi was indeed an extraordinary woman, yet she was still able to maintain her calm even at this time. Not a trace of panic could be detected in her tone.    


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