Hero Son-in-law

C131 Swear to the Lamp

C131 Swear to the Lamp

Yang Jiekai had once coaxed an imperial concubine from a certain country in Southeast Asia to bed. He was quite good at dealing with women. In just a few sentences, he had amused Su Nan, who had already made up her mind to have a good fight with Yang Jiekai.    


"Wow, my wife is so pretty when she smiles. Stay here and don't move. I want to take a photo of Zhang Ziling. She's so beautiful!"    


Yang Jiekai made an exaggerated expression as he took out his phone to take a picture.    


"Screw you! Get out of my way! Did you just go out and wipe your mouth?"    


Su Nan unhappily sat down on the sofa with her long, white legs crossed. She intentionally pulled her face along. "Don't try this on me. I'm still angry, so you have to apologize."    


"Fine, I'll apologize to my wife. My wife, I was wrong. I won't make my wife angry again. I swear on the lamp!"    


Yang Jiekai swore solemnly. That serious look on his face made Su Nan, who was intentionally wearing a serious face, to burst out laughing.    


"Alright, as long as you know your mistake. If you dare make any more mistakes, I'll deal with you!"    


Su Nan glared at him and shifted her body to the side. "Sit down. Don't just stand there. You make me look so fierce."    


"Jiekai, I thought about it just now. I feel that I did not do the right thing today. I only thought about the work and not your feelings. I apologize to you for that."    


Su Nan whispered. She wasn't a bothersome woman. After a big quarrel with Yang Jiekai today, she had been reflecting on it at home.    


"Mmm, actually, I was really a bit angry with you today. I can let you do anything you want, but not in terms of relationships."    


Yang Jiekai turned his head, looked at Su Nan and said seriously, "I want to ask you a favor, regardless of whether I'm petty or not, I still don't want to see you get too close to other men. My heart is in chaos and I feel terrible about it."    


"I'll let you handle anything else, but can't you just let me handle this once? "You don't even know how bad I felt when I saw you being like Lin Zhiping today. I almost couldn't hold back and beat up that grandson of mine."    


Looking at the sincere and pleading expression of the man in front of her, Su Nan suddenly felt extremely guilty, "Alright, don't be sad, I promise you, this will be the last time, alright? I will definitely keep my distance from him in the future. "    


"However, there are some things that you have to change. You can't be so impulsive every time you encounter a situation. You just want to use violence to resolve it, isn't it better to use another method to communicate?"    


Yang Jiekai nodded, "Yes, I will pay attention in the future."    


Although he said that, Yang Jiekai did not fully agree with Su Nan's words. She was only half right. There were many things in this world that could not be solved through violence, but the score points.    


There was always a small group of people who were born to be despicable. They would never read a good Book of Virtue even if they wanted to. Those hooligans today, if they didn't resort to violence, they wouldn't be able to solve any problems.    


There must be a problem here as to why Lin Zhiping was able to solve the problem so quickly.    


However, Yang Jiekai didn't want to argue with Su Nan now. Although Su Nan was talented and capable, she was still too naive in some aspects. She always thought too highly of the world.    


The night passed without incident.    


The next morning, Yang Jiekai sent a message to Zhou Abao, asking him to investigate the situation of those hooligans on the project and then went straight to the National Arts Street.    


It was called the National Arts Street because it was full of shops selling all kinds of martial arts equipment. Sabres, spears, axes, clubs, nine-section whips, as long as one could find a name, they would be able to find it here.    


Yunque and Begonia were sword spirits that were even rarer than phoenix feathers and qilin horns. They had to pick out two suitable swords for them.    


However, Yang Jikai was disappointed after walking around for a long time. The goods here were all made of ordinary iron, and some of them were forged with modern high technology. However, they were still far from Yang Jiekai's standards.    


"Hey, you've been wandering around here for half an hour. Are you going to buy or not? If you're not selling, then hurry up and leave. Don't affect my business!"    


A young man in charge of the shop said impatiently. He had no intention of responding to Yang Jiekai ever since he came in.    


This shop was the biggest one on the National Arts Street. Moreover, it only sold swords, and its reputation was very well-known. Naturally, the price of this shop was very high. Seeing the stall on the other party's body, they must have come here to join in on the fun.    


"What, you can't just casually look around?"    


Yang Jiekai casually put a sword back on the sword stand and replied plainly.    


"Yo, you're still so full of yourself, aren't you!?"    


The shop manager mocked, "Do you know how much our cheapest sword is sold for? Even if you don't eat or drink, you don't have enough money to save for a year. "    


Yang Jiekai was stunned for a moment and then laughed. Although he wasn't sure how much his industry could earn in a year, but he roughly estimated that the annual net profit was at least 80 billion yuan. What sword could be worth that much money?    


However, he was too lazy to bother with such a small fry. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly saw a voluptuous beauty with a round buttocks and hot pants walk in.    


"Is the sword I set up ready? It's been almost a week, you guys sure are efficient! "    


Chewing gum in her mouth, the hot pants beauty took off a pair of GUCCI sunglasses from the bridge of her nose. Her expression was arrogant and her tone was filled with impatience.    


"Yes, Miss Qi. I've prepared it for you since long ago!"    


Seeing this woman, the shop manager's attitude immediately took a 180 degree turn, bending down and bowing down, hurriedly taking out a sword case from under the counter. With a charming smile, he said, "The sword that Miss Qi wants, of course we value it. It's all made with the best materials and carefully forged by the best craftsmen."    


As he said that, he opened the sword box and handed over a long sword with a dragon pattern engraved on the scabbard with both hands.    


The hot pants beauty took the sword and casually pulled at the hilt. Immediately, a silver light appeared, and from the appearance, it was indeed a good sword. She said lightly, "Have my requirements been met?"    


This Wandering Dragon Sword uses three hundred years old iron from the mountains, while the quenching process uses the manual of the Northern Sect. The entire process was crafted by our best craftsmen by hand, and the result was achieved after at least seven thousand beats. Look at the quality, luster, tsk tsk, I've never seen such a good sword in all these years of selling swords.    


"Enough, why are you blabbering so much!"    


The beauty in hot pants sheathed her sword and took out a gold card. "Clip card."    




The shop manager quickly took the POS machine and said, "Cost, cost a total of 5167,000." However, since it's something Miss Qi wants, I'll take it for you. Since it's at a cost of five hundred and sixty thousand yuan, I didn't earn a single cent for it. Miss Qi, please lose your password. "    


Just as the hot pants beauty was about to type in the password, a calm voice suddenly came from beside her, "Even if you want to cheat me, you shouldn't do such a thing."    


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