Hero Son-in-law

C106 Paint Snake Foot

C106 Paint Snake Foot

After leaving the city, Yang Jiekai walked around an intersection and drove the car towards a remote and rugged path.    


The road had been abandoned for a long time, and was filled with weeds and bumpy terrain. Yang Jiekai purposely drove very fast, and the small POLO's car jolted as if it was hit by a car.    


Furthermore, the surroundings were desolate and filled with bushes and small trees. Yang Jiekai had been secretly observing Xiao Ziyi on the side all along the way, wanting to see her reaction.    


However, he was quickly disappointed.    


This woman didn't show the slightest bit of panic. On the contrary, she was surprisingly quiet. She even took out a book from her bag and started flipping through it.    


When he looked at the title, the words "Will to Power" nearly blinded Yang Jiekai's eyes.    


When he was in the mercenary world, he had a big friend abroad who was especially fond of this book. No matter where he went, he would carry it with him.    


Yang Jiekai was also curious to see what exactly was written in it that could make people so fascinated, but after he forced himself to turn over a few pages, his head started to swell.    


The political friend laughed and said something profound: Those who can read this book must have a will as firm as a rock.    


After saying that, he reminded Yang Jiekai in a warning tone: If I meet a woman who loves to read 'Will of Power', no matter how tempting that woman is, I must remember one word: distance!    


For such a woman is far more intelligent, mentally, and willpower than anyone could have predicted, and you can never dream of guessing what is going on in her head.    


Maybe in one second he would be in Nong and Nong, but in the next he would be in a deep abyss. After stomping down a few times, he would drop a few huge stones. He would be doomed forever!    


"If that's all you've got, you're going to let me down."    


Xiao Ziyi was flipping through the book seriously, but she seemed to be able to read the thoughts of the guy beside her. "When I was six years old, I completed my first parachute jump. When I was nine years old, I lived alone in the primeval forest for three days and three nights," she said.    


"You might not believe it if I told you, but in those three days and nights, my food was a huge python as thick as my neck. I killed that huge python with my own hands."    


Yang Jiekai shivered, "Believe me, I will believe anything you say. It's just that I'm very curious. A python as thick as your neck, even a tiger would have taken a detour. How did you kill it?"    


Xiao Ziyi closed the book, turned her head, and stared at Yang Jiekai with that kind of gaze that made Yang Jiekai crazy. "Because I'm smarter than a tiger, and a tiger only has fangs, and I know how to use my brain. I've always thought that a brain is better than a fist.    


After that, Xiao Ziyi vividly recounted how she had killed the python that was thicker than her neck.    


Yang Jiekai tried his best to find some flaws in it, but during the whole process, he actually found every single one of them to be airtight!    


"You participated in special warrior training?"    


Yang Jiekai was extremely confused. Xiao Ziyi's method of killing the big python was a classic method in special warrior training, including how to use the natural weakness of the python to induce it, how to let it exhaust its strength, and how to make a move on its weakest spot.    


This knowledge was not something that an ordinary person could grasp, and even if he could grasp theoretical knowledge, it would still not be practical.    


However, from Xiao Ziyi's description just now, Yang Jiekai was 100% sure that she was telling the truth, because if she hadn't personally experienced the scene, there were some details that she wouldn't have known no matter what.    


The only explanation was that Xiao Ziyi had undergone special training, but he had been in contact with her for a while now, so he couldn't tell that she had any skills.    




Xiao Ziyi smiled and said, "This was all taught to me by my brother."    


"Who's your brother?" Yang Jiechi asked.    


"A terrifyingly talented special forces soldier!"    


The corners of Xiao Ziyi's mouth curled up in a proud smile when she mentioned her brother.    


"Where does he serve? Is this the legendary Shadow Squad? "    


Yang Jiekai asked. He had heard that there was a special organization in China that never showed itself in front of the public. No one even knew of their existence.    


But it was this special type of organization that was the backbone of protecting the safety of China. This was the true strength of this country, and this kind of army was called the Shadow Squad by the mercenary world.    


Because they were just like shadows, forever hidden in the dark, mysterious and unknown.    


"Sorry, I can't tell you, this is a state secret."    


Xiao Ziyi laughed, "Moreover, even if I wanted to tell you, I don't know. My parents are just two ordinary businessmen, and although the old man had been in politics for a few days, he has already left. This kind of top secret is not something that ordinary people like me know."    


Yang Jiekai shrugged and stopped pursuing the matter. He had a better impression of this monster in his heart. He even had the urge to split her head open to see if the chip was installed.    


When the car stopped at the foot of a remote mountain, Yang Jiekai pointed to the top of the mountain and laughed, "Nanjiang indeed doesn't have any famous mountains. The highest one is only this mountain, and it doesn't even have a name.    


Xiao Ziyi used her hand to set up the awning. She raised her head to look at the top of the mountain and said, "It looks good, but I saw a road on the map. Why don't you just drive the car up?"    


"It's so boring to go directly from the road. The scenery is beautiful when we walk on the small road!"    


Yang Jiekai laughed, "Furthermore, the mountain road is so steep, I can't even drive this crappy car of mine."    


Xiao Ziyi turned her head and gave a faint smile. "Have you heard the story of drawing snakes to make up for one's mistakes?"    


Yang Jiekai was stunned, "This primary school student should know as well."    


Xiao Ziyi laughed. "But not everyone can truly read this story. For example, you."    


"Me?" Yang Jiekai was confused.    


Xiao Ziyi walked to the front of the car and patted the hood with her hand. "I'll be able to see a better view from the road. Actually, this reason is enough to convince me to go on the road."    


"But you have to add a reason why the road is too steep for your car to go up. What else would that be?"    


Yang Jiekai scratched his head awkwardly and chuckled, "That's the truth."    




Xiao Ziyi shook her head and said, "A car that's worth at least 200 million won't even be able to go up this slope?"    


"How do you know?"    


Yang Jiekai was stunned, then a hint of vigilance flashed across his eyes.    


"Very simple."    


Xiao Ziyi laughed. "Although this car is perfectly modified and has two control systems, as long as you don't switch to another system, you won't be able to see any flaws in it."    


"But no matter how perfect the dual control system is, it can't change the fact that it's a modified car. Some details can't be completely double-controlled."    


"For example, in the city, the moment that old lady rushed over, she suddenly came to a stop. The car's body was very stable and the grip on the wheels far surpassed those of normal cars. I knew that this was a dual control system car."    


"And then, just now, you deliberately drove the car onto a rough road. The car was bumpy, but that was all it looked like."    


"Auto-balancing performance of the vehicle, as well as correction, earthquake retarding function, is rapidly corrected when the bumpy point reaches a critical point.    


"I don't know what the parts are, but the value of this system should be at least 100 million."    


"The reason why I guessed it was 200 million is because a car that only used 100 million by the system, the rest of the parts should also be at the top. By rough estimation, the total value should be at least 200 million, I'm not wrong."    


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