Nine Yang Sword God

C136 Dao Heart Poison Curse

C136 Dao Heart Poison Curse

"Phew. "    


"Condense. "    




"Whoosh. "    


"Condense. "    




"Whoosh. "    


"Condense. "    




“. . . ”    


Chen Chang continued to repeat these procedures in the Institute of Elders. First, he moved the twenty-five heavenly stones and twenty-five spirit stones. Then, he condensed them into spirit inscription symbols. Then, he inserted all the second grade spirit inscription symbols into his spiritual sea.    


Chen Changxian had a total of three spiritual seas, and he could inlay ninety spirit inscription symbols. He had already embedded fifty-eight spirit inscription symbols in his spiritual sea, and there were still thirty-two empty slots left for him to inlay them.    


Chen Changxian continuously consumed spirit stones and heavenly stones in the Institute of Elders. He continuously condensed second grade spirit inscription symbols of all attributes, and his spiritual sea also became more and more overflowing.    


Before long, Chen Changxian let out a long sigh. His hands, which were forming seals, finally landed on his knees.    


At this point, Chen Changxian had already used up eight hundred low-grade spirit stones and eight hundred heavenly stones. His three spirit seas had finally gathered ninety second grade spirit inscription symbols of all attributes.    


"With these 90 Tier 2 spirit inscription symbols, if I meet a cultivator of Gu Yue Honghui or Li Qingsong's level, I don't need the Nine Suns Water Scripture at all, nor do I need six full moon scimitars. I can directly use the Thunder Rumbling Thunder and Thunder Snake Formation to defeat him!"    


Chen Chang was full of joy and confidence.    


Looking at the many spirit stones and heavenly stones on the ground, Chen Chang waved his hand and put all of them into a heaven and earth pouch. He placed the heaven and earth pouch on the table and then walked out of the room.    


When Chen Changxian walked out of the house, the Third Elder was not in the courtyard. It was unknown where he went to relieve his boredom.    


Chen Changxian frowned and thought, Why did Liu Yunhe suddenly appear so solemn? Could it be that my performance was too much of a genius to scare him?    


"Fine, looks like it's better to keep a low profile in the future. . . "    


Chen Chang shook his head insincerely, then left the Institute of Elders and walked towards the Tiger Courtyard.    


. . .    


When Chen Changxian returned to the Tiger Courtyard, all the disciples who passed by greeted him. Obviously, the current Chen Changxian could be considered a famous person in the Hidden Dragon Gate outer sect.    


When they arrived at the dormitory, Hutao and the others naturally gathered around and talked about the battle in the square of the four courtyards.    


Chen Changxian originally wanted to have a good chat with these roommates, but when he glanced at them from the corner of his eye, he saw the little beggar sitting on his bed.    


This was not the first time Chen Changxian had met this little beggar.    


The first time Chen Changxian saw him was in Hong Xing City's restaurant. The second time was in the southern region's maritime competition. At that time, the little beggar was able to snatch the demon core away from the crowd and escape. Even Chen Changxian was impressed. After that, they would meet again in the finals.    


The little beggar had been hiding his strength all this time, and by the time he erupted his strength, he had already entered the top ten. Even so, Chen Changxian still did not witness his true strength, because he chose to admit defeat in the battle with Han Yiyi.    


His goal in participating in the finals, could it be that he only wanted to enter the top ten?    


Did he not have the desire to be stronger?    


Chen Changxian had always been very interested in the little beggar. He did not expect that before he went to look for the little beggar, the little beggar had already found him in advance.    


"Little beggar?"    


Chen Changxian insincerely called the little beggar "little beggar. " It was not that he was rude, but the name that the little beggar provided when he participated in the finals was "little beggar. "    


The little beggar, dressed in a myriad of clothes and looking extremely slovenly, smiled hypocritically at Chen Chang. "Brother Chen, he said with a smile. Brother Chen, I haven't seen you for a few days. I didn't expect you to become famous in the outer sect. "    


Chen Chang waved his hand hypocritically and said with a bitter smile, "This kind of reputation. . . I'd rather not. "    


The little beggar chuckled and did not say any more nonsense. Instead, he said directly: "Actually, I came here to find Brother Chen because I have a secret that I want to tell you. "    


Chen Chang raised his eyebrows. He did not expect the little beggar to come and find him not only because he wanted to reminisce about old times, but also because of something important.    


Chen Chang saw that the little beggar did not continue speaking and knew that this secret could indeed be called a 'secret'. He immediately said: "You and I will go out and chat as we walk. "    


"Alright. "    


The little beggar smiled happily and jumped off Chen Chang's insincere bed. He followed Chen Chang Xian out of the bedchamber.    


. . .    


Chen Chang Xian walked side by side with the little beggar in the big outer sect. First, you bragged that I came to support you. Then, after some small talk, they started to talk about the main topic.    


The little beggar said: "I'm a child without a father and a mother. I've been a beggar since I was young, so I'm very familiar with all kinds of clothes and fleas, so I naturally can't be bothered to change my identity. Later, I found a ruin in the city where I was born and inherited the legacy of the old leader of our Beggar Gang. "    


Although the little beggar spoke very briefly, Chen Changxian also understood that the reason why the little beggar was willing to reveal his identity to others was because he had been a little beggar for his entire life.    


And the inheritance that could allow a little beggar to enter the top ten of the Hidden Dragon Gate finals was definitely not an ordinary inheritance. That old leader of the Beggar Gang must be an extraordinary person!    


The little beggar said, "I have a cultivation inheritance. Fortunately, my cultivation talent is not bad. So along the way of cultivation, I also successfully entered the top ten of the Hidden Dragon Gate. But there's one thing I'm not afraid to tell you, I don't care about the legacy of the Hidden Dragon Gate outer sect. Even though I'm used to being free and unrestrained, I'm too lazy to enter the inner sect of the Hidden Dragon Gate because of the constraints of the Law Enforcement Hall. Therefore, I will never enter the inner sect. "    


Chen Chang was stunned and said, "The inner sect is where the essence of the Hidden Dragon Gate lies. If you don't enter the inner sect, why would you come to the Hidden Dragon Gate?"    


The little beggar looked around and then said in Chen Chang's ear: "The reason why I came to the Hidden Dragon Gate outer sect is because of a secret. "    


Chen Chang raised his eyebrows.    


When Fang Cai found him, the little beggar told him that there was a secret that he wanted to tell him. What exactly was this secret?    


Chen Chang asked curiously, "What secret?"    


The little beggar said cautiously: "I can tell you this secret, but you must first set up the Poison Curse of the Dao Heart and swear that you will never fall out with me when it comes to secrets. "    


Chen Chang narrowed his eyes and said with great interest: "I don't even know what the secret is. Why did I set up the Heart Poison Curse?"    


The Heart Poison Curse was the most basic poison curse in the cultivation world, and it was also a poison curse that was directly bound to the Heart.    


If any cultivator had established the Poison Curse of the Heart Dao and returned, their Heart Dao would be completely destroyed. Mental demons would frequently arise, and the path of cultivation would come to a halt.    


For a cultivator, it was the most painful thing to be able to cultivate but unable to advance any further for the rest of his life.    


The little beggar gritted his teeth and thought for a bit, then said: "Fine, fine. There is no friendship between us, there is really no need for you to believe me. . . I might as well take a gamble and trust you for the time being. . . First, I will tell you the secret, then you will decide whether or not to cast the Dao Heart Poison Curse. Anyway, I won't say the last entrance. Even if you hear this secret, it's useless. "    


. . .    


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