Nine Yang Sword God

C21 Holy Water Glyph

C21 Holy Water Glyph

The inside of the collapsed mountain was not pitch black. Not long after he entered the black hole, he saw a faint blue light.    


It was unknown where the light came from, but when it was thrown onto the Life Spirit Spring, it reflected blue lines like fish scales.    


It was still very hot outside, but after entering the cave, Chen Changyu felt a little cold, and couldn't help but rub his arm that was covered in goosebumps.    


"That shouldn't be the case. Although the interior of the cave is cold, it shouldn't be so cold in this kind of weather."    


Chen Chang Zai smacked his lips. He was acutely aware that the coldness here was different from the usual coldness. It was as if a cold air had seeped into his bones.    


Chen Chang Ku looked around and found that the cave was not big, there was only a Spring of Life that would never dry up for some unknown reason, a square table forged out of some unknown material, and a pile of ordinary and worn-out cushions.    


"These cushions should have been left behind by Chen Taiji when he was meditating here. Who knows how many of them have been broken in the past ten years. Fortunately, this is the place of cultivation. If an ordinary person were to be trapped here for ten years, even if they did not commit suicide, they would have already become either crazy or stupid by the time they come out. "    


While she was speaking, Chen Changsheng walked over to the square table and took a closer look.    


Before he came here, Chen Taiji had told Chen Changsheng about all the things that were happening here.    


When Chen Taiji had discovered this ancient ruins, the clothing he wore was very simple. There was a painting of a white-clothed old man hanging on the wall, and beneath the painting was a square table. On the table was a copy of the 'Transmutation Unity Qi Technique', three bottles of pills, and a stalk of spirit-immortal grass.    


Chen Taiji had learned the "Transmutation Unity Qi Technique" and had broken through to the Heavenly Path Stage with the help of his spiritual herbs and three bottles of pills. With the spring water from the Life Continuing Spring as his diet, he had endured until the day he broke the blue light prison. Because he had learned from the old man and obtained his benefits, Chen Taiji kept the old man's portrait, preparing to use the memorial tablet at home to serve as his master.    


"What is this material?"    


Chen Chang He knocked on the table, and found that the sound was very dull, not like stone, not like iron, and definitely not like wood.    


Chen Chang Ku took out a sword from his Heaven and Earth Pouch and slashed at the square table.    




With a crisp sound, Chen Chang He's sword snapped.    


Chen Chang He's eyes immediately opened wide in shock. One must know that his sword was made especially for him by the Old Master Chen, it was made of rare black iron, but when this rare black iron sword touched the table, it was like tofu hitting a rock, not able to withstand a single blow.    


Suddenly, Chen Chang He's eyes opened wide, and said: "Could this be a high quality material for weaponry? Iron Condensation is a top grade weapon material unique to the Antarctic region. It seems like when this white-robed old man was alive, he wasn't just an ordinary cultivator! "    


Without a second word, Chen Chang Ku took out all the loose items from his Heaven and Earth Pouch and used most of the space to fit the square table.    


Although this square table was not big, one could still condense a high grade divine sword made from its essence!    


Chen Tai Ji did not know what was good for him, but Chen Chang He knew what was good for him.    


After putting away the square table, Chen Changyu moved the sword on his waist to the side and squatted down by the spring.    


"There is only one Spring of Life. Although it has the miraculous effect of replacing the nutrients in the diet, it should not be inexhaustible." Ten years had passed, and even if this pool of water hadn't dried up, it shouldn't have been so full. Chen Taiji told me that no matter how much he drinks from this spring, at first, there will be as many as there are at the end … There must be a secret in this. "    


Chen Chang He cupped some of the water around his mouth and drank it up, then said, "It is indeed the Life Spirit Spring, but what is the reason for this spring to never run out?"    


Chen Chang He dived into the water, wanting to get to the bottom of the water.    


However, the shocking thing was that when he jumped into the water, he was actually unable to dive deeper because the water level was very low. When Chen Chang Ku stood there, the water level only reached his waist.    


"That shouldn't be …"    


"Since the water is so shallow, it must be connected to a spring branch …"    


"There is no aura of any formation at all. Clearly, no independent barrier has been created by an almighty elder here …"    


"This is truly strange …"    


Chen Chang Zai landed and used his Spirit Qi to dry off the water on his body. He laid on the ground and started to think about the secrets in the water.    


It was just that no matter how Chen Changsheng thought about it, he could not think of a single reason. Although he was experienced and knowledgeable, he had thought of all the possibilities that he could think of.    


After who knows how long had passed, Chen Chang He sighed and said, "Oh well, looks like I have no fate with this secret, since that's the case, let's not waste any more time."    


Chen Chang He was a relaxed person, and just as he was about to leave, he suddenly caught a glimpse of light from the corner of his eye.    




Chen Chang Ku suddenly laid down again, and his gaze landed on the blue light pattern reflected by the spring water, his pupils slowly contracting.    


"This light pattern …" "There seems to be traces to follow …"    


Chen Chang Ku squinted his eyes and used both hands to point at the air. Suddenly, a thought flashed in his mind and he stood up with a "Teng" sound and exclaimed: "Isn't the location and pattern of the light patterns the Spiritual Qi circulation used to condense the Spirit Engraving Runes? "This spring water is actually related to spirit inscription symbols, could it be …"    


Chen Chang You's eyes suddenly surged with joy: "Could it be …" "The secret of this spring is the Sacred Water Inscription Symbol!"    


In this world, spirit inscription symbols were a necessity for every cultivator, and they were all higher grade spirit inscription symbols. However, no matter if it was a normal spirit inscription symbol or a spirit inscription symbol, they were all spirit inscription symbols.    


The Saint inscription symbol was above all spirit inscription symbols. There was no division of levels, and its might could shake the heavens and split the seas; it was insufferably arrogant!    


Even in his previous life, the master of the Arctic Heaven Region only had one holy gold inscription!    


Legend has it that the sacred runes were formed from the weapons of Empyrean Gods who had created this world. There were only nine of them in total, and they had nine different attributes: metal, wood, water, fire, earth, life, annihilation, time, and space.    


No matter who obtained an inscription symbol, their strength would be turned upside down!    


Chen Changgui would never have thought that after he had reincarnated, he would run into a Holy Water Inscription!    


This was such a great fortune!    


"It seems like the heavens are on my side!"    


Chen Chang Ku was ecstatic, he immediately raised his hands and used his left hand to channel Spirit Qi to draw out the spring water, and then used his right hand to form a spirit inscription symbol.    


At that moment, Chen Changyu did not use his spirit stones or Heavenly Stones, but used this spring water as a material to condense spirit inscription symbols.    


Chen Chang Ku recklessly guessed that this spring water was the result of the Sacred Water Inscription. Otherwise, how could it be so inexhaustible?    


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