Eternal Martial Soul

C144 Businessmen for profit! On top of the green mountain, there was a bone spur?

C144 Businessmen for profit! On top of the green mountain, there was a bone spur?

On top of the green mountain, there was a bone spur?    


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Black clouds pressed down on the city, and fierce magical battles took place!    


At this time, in the Ten Thousand Beast Sect's territory, within one hundred and fifty cities, all sorts of conspirators were moving. Some of them were poking around for information, while others were trying to bribe the city lord and officials.    


Ten Thousand Return City, in the residence of a major financial official. A few red-robed men were trying to persuade the official in front of them to promise them all sorts of benefits. The official raised his head to look at the battle in the distance. With a dark expression, he coldly rejected, "Say no more, I will not sell my family name for honor!"    


"macrosoman, you must think this through! Ten Thousand Beast Sect does have two array formations, but so what? When the Spirit Demon Race came out, there were still warriors in all four directions, and they were all ready to make a move. In fact, the enemies of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect would not let go of this opportunity to strike while they were down all these years! The tide is up, and you still want to stand guard? Could it be that you think the Ten Thousand Beast Sect is able to defeat the demons?    


Our Great Circle Empire is thirsty for good, macrosoman, please consider … " The red robed man advised.    


"There's no need for that. We haven't seen the Japanese officials today. Don't come back." The macrosoman scolded.    


"Hmph, you don't know what's good for you. There will be a time when you beg us for help." The red-robed man left in anger.    


"Milord, another person is asking to see you." As soon as the man in red left, the butler hurried over.    


"These jackals?" "And who is it that has come to recruit me?" The macrosoman said with his eyes wide open.    


"That's not it, Master is not doing it this time, it's Lu Chamber of Commerce." The butler immediately opened his mouth and saw the doubt in the macrosoman's eyes, he reminded him: "It's our Thousand Return City. Not long ago, a merchant guild had entered, and the first store had even spent a huge sum of money to ask our master to cut the decorations. This time, the one who has come is Lu Chamber of Commerce, the branch president of Ten Thousand Return City ~ ~ "    


"Oh? In the moment of death, the merchants have come to find me. " macrosoman's expression changed.    


He had been a government official for many years, and his experience with financial affairs had given him a good impression that these businessmen had come out at this time either because they were spies from other powers or because they were here for him.    


"Lord, the President said that he has something important to discuss with you. It's related to the Myriad Return City and the safety of the citizens of the city!" The steward thought for a moment, then spoke again, "Sir, are you ~?"    


"Alright, bring them in!" The macrosoman was silent. After thinking about it, he nodded.    


"Yes, my lord!" As soon as the butler heard this, he immediately left and brought a person over.    


"May I ask what business you have with me?" macrosoman sat on the seat of honor and asked.    


"Master, the people outside are panicking right now. A large number of soldiers are anxiously preparing for battle, not only to suppress the rebellion, but also to guard against berserk demon beasts. Stopping the city would consume a lot of funds, right? This is only the beginning, it won't be long before the Great Circle Empire, Li Huo Zong, and dozens of other powers near the Ten Thousand Beast Sect will send their troops! At that time, once the war begins, there will be a series of wars. The army would be in dire need of food and supplies, am I right? " the president asked.    


"What do you mean by saying this?" macrosoman's face turned gloomy.    


"It's nothing, our Lu Chamber of Commerce is willing to assist Master in this difficult period. To be honest, our Chamber of Commerce does not only have properties in the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, we also have some in the surroundings. I have already sent out the order, within a few days, we will have the army, food, and all kinds of necessities for living. That branch guild leader said solemnly.    


"What request do you have, I don't believe it." macrosoman was moved.    


"Hahaha, that's fine, as long as macrosoman speaks to the City Lord, complete the procedures, sign the 'contract', and recognize our Lu Chamber of Commerce's position in Myriad Return City! In the future, our Chamber of Commerce will need the care of the City Lord and the Lord! The macrosoman controlled the finances of a city. He should understand that when a few companies rose in power, they would need the support of the officials. Many empires and empires had their own imperial merchants! As for Ten Thousand Beast Sect, there hasn't been anyone similar to the 'imperial merchant' for the past few years.    


"What you say is not impossible! In this crisis, as long as you put in money and effort, I believe that the City Lord will naturally not treat you unfairly. " macrosoman immediately said.    


"Alright, I'll have to trouble sire to introduce us!" The Chamber of Commerce's leader suddenly stood up and revealed a smile.    


"Let's go, follow me to pay our respects to the mayor!" The macrosoman nodded and did not hesitate. As far as he was concerned, as long as this Lu Chamber of Commerce was not an enemy kingdom or sect, then everything would be fine.    


When that time comes, the food supplies and supplies would all be strictly checked, and there would be no mistakes. If the Ten Thousand Beast Sect can make it through, then what about giving them the identity of an official? Having a Chamber of Commerce, as the leader of the city's main force, was beneficial to economic development.    


And if the Ten Thousand Beast Sect were to lose, where would the city lords and officials go? Especially when he thought about how the war had started and how there was a deficit in the finances of the city when it came to the war, he felt a headache. Now that there was a Lu Chamber of Commerce coming to his doorstep, how could he allow himself to rob them?    


How could macrosoman reject such a good thing? His tone was very polite.    


At the same time, the other merchant groups in the city received the news and began to laugh coldly: "Lu Chamber of Commerce, this is a treasure that has been used to suppress Ten Thousand Beast Sect. Heh, it's simply laughable, this is a waste of money, if the merchants do not seek profits, I will compensate you with your death!"    


"At this time, before we can hide from the officials of the city, they've actually come knocking on our door! Since ancient times, how could there be such a merchant? The government didn't come looking for you, but you took the initiative to donate money, food, and things! I think that the officials in the city and those high ranking officials must have promised them a lot of benefits. But, if Ten Thousand Beast Sect is unable to protect him, the City Lord can throw away his black cloth hat. The merchants sneered.    


A situation like this wasn't an exception. In the instant the battle began, in a short period of time, all one hundred and fifty cities were filled with people from the Lu Chamber of Commerce s.    


In the process, there were also a large number of low level officials in various cities that accepted bribes from the Lu Chamber of Commerce. There were also a small number of middle level officials, and although the upper echelons knew about it, they also turned a blind eye.    


"Boss, all the cities have come to report it. It hasn't even been half a day and we have already spent it …" The Ten Thousand Beasts City, a merchant guild station, and a group of Lu Chamber of Commerce s and higher-ups were listening to the report.    


"Hiss!" Isn't this spending money way too fast? " Everyone's faces changed, and their hearts trembled when they heard this.    


You can only see the capital that you invested, but you can't see the future gains, even if the Ten Thousand Beast Sect is destroyed, in the large cities, we will reap the rewards with the people's hopes, and at that time, the other powers will attack the city, occupy it, pacify the citizens, and dispatch the officials, they will still need our help! Lv Buwei laughed.    


"Businessmen, profit for profit!" The benefits we have given, the materials we have donated, we have given more protection to the citizens of the cities. In the future, even if the Ten Thousand Beast Sect's officials fall, the people will look up to us, and there is no other merchant guild that can outdo us ~ ~ ~! " Lv Buwei squinted, as if he was holding onto a pearl of thought: "We paid a lot because we benefited even more this time! I can't bear to see a child fall for a wolf. "    


"Guild leader, we understand!" When the people of Lu Chamber of Commerce heard this, their eyes lit up.    


"Understood, then let's do it. This is the best time." Lv Buwei said in a heavy voice.    


The Lu Chamber of Commerce began to operate at a high speed, continuously collecting information, constantly bribing officials, and constantly rallying the hearts of the people. It was extremely active towards the upcoming war.    


"Hahaha, good, very good. Lu Chamber of Commerce is very good." The various city lords laughed loudly.    


The officials also cooperated, and in the city they started to praise and publicize the achievements of the Lu Chamber of Commerce, in times of crisis, all the other merchants hid far away, only the Lu Chamber of Commerce thought for the citizens, for the city. In an instant, there were countless praises from the people.    


"Lu Chamber of Commerce, the one hundred and fifty cities of Ten Thousand Beast Sect, are completely rooted to their roots. It's just a matter of time now. Is it important? " Lv Buwei planned.    


In the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, battles raged as demons roared. Under the impact of the beasts, the heads of the warriors who were killed fell to the ground and were eaten as if they were blood.    


Inside the Heavenly Dipper Sword and Earth Fiend Formation, all the elders and inner disciples' eyes were red as they fought with all their might.    


However, the power of the demonic beasts was great. They would continuously escape the net, break out of the great formation, enter the sect's interior, start a massacre, and wreak havoc everywhere! If they didn't commit all sorts of crimes, blood would flow like rivers from their sects.    


"Ha ha-ha, kill! Ten Thousand Beast Sect, these hypocritical fellows, what kind of comrades are they? In actuality, isn't it time for us Spirit Demon Race to become their slaves and fight for their lives? "Go, this bunch of people dare to enslave the demons, tear them apart ~ ~ ~" Another demon from the Emperor Peak Realm broke into the sect. With a loud shout, the group of demons started moving.    


"Fight! Protect the sect!" The remaining elders from all parts of the sect were all shouting out in anger.    


At Great Green Mountain's side, blood flowed like a river. The master warriors of the two families, sulcus nose, and the others cried out in grief as they used their own methods to pounce towards those Goblin Beasts.    


"Rumble." The two sides fought fiercely. It was an unimaginable tragedy, and blood flowed like a river.    


Booms filled the air, and miserable shrieks rang out. The beast let out a ferocious roar that mixed together to cause the entire world to be stained with the color of blood.    


"Father!" At the top of Great Green Mountain, Lei Yufeng was in despair as he kneeled on the ground and roared at the sky.    


Su Huai's face was gloomy, he did not care about Lei Yufeng's howls, and freely vented his anger. He went up the mountain, quickly searching, and after a while, he finally found a bone spike beneath the ruins! Su Huai's eyes shone with a strange light: "This is a part of the demon beast's body, what kind of demon is it? However, the body is no longer intact. Can pills be used? "    


"Boom!" While speaking, Su Huai held onto the bone spur in his hand, which seemed to emit an electric current, Su Huai's entire body went numb, but it did not affect him much. He rubbed it, and carefully observed what kind of beast's body it was, to distinguish it.    


However, he wasn't able to think of what to do next. He pulled out the pill bottle, and a gleam of anticipation appeared in his eyes.    


"Father!" Lei Yufeng was still crying, and did not care about the surrounding blood red world.    


"If it's feasible, this is the only thing that Lei Zizai left for you." Su Huai sighed, revealing a complicated look, although these bone spikes were precious, he did not want to keep them for himself.    


"Haha, that's Lei Zizai's mountain. Perhaps, there's some treasure that Lei Zizai is collecting, that's right, that's his son, his name is Lei Yufeng, Lei Zizai's treasure, it's definitely on him! "The old me is dead, and everything is ours. Go ~ ~ ~ ~" Suddenly, right at that moment, a Monarch Peak Realm demon took the chance and jumped out from a crack in the array, pouncing towards Great Green Mountain.    


"Who dares to say anything about my father?" Lei Yufeng suddenly raised his head, his scarlet eyes filled with brutality.    


"The beasts of the Monarch Peak Realm, humph!" Su Huai squinted, with determination in his eyes. With a pinch of his hand, the pill bottle shattered, and a medicinal pill transformed into specks of light that fused into the bone spike.    


"Boom!" This strange bone spike instantly became dazzling, causing countless lightning bolts to explode out.    


"Hahaha, Su Huai, Lei Yufeng, I'm here. This time, there's no Lei Ri's protection. Suddenly, another mocking laugh came out, Hua Zixi had appeared.    


"Your Highness, let's wait a little longer. The losses of the demon race and Ten Thousand Beast Sect are getting bigger and bigger. When the time is critical, we will activate the hidden spies and work together to break this' Heaven Dipper Earth Fiend Formation '. This is a great contribution." In the outside world, Bei Hailongtaizi's group was currently watching from the sidelines, and a trusted aide was laughing loudly behind them.    


"Hm!" "This aura has appeared!" Thunder Palm Seal! " The Dragon King's eyes suddenly flashed as if he had sensed something. With a command, he rushed into the grand formation.    


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